Dem Leader in Congress admits mask wearing just for show.

The reason matters to you more than that they are actually wearing a mask?
The sow knows that the mask is just a fashion accessory. The leftist animals all know that it'a juat a fashion accessory. They all wear it for the camera and when the camera turns off, no longer any need to parade their fake piety. When will you morons wake up to the fact that you have been HAD???????????
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I'm not talking about the kleenix you use all the time. I DO find that those whining most about masks also believe it's too much trouble to wash their hands after using public restrooms.
Show us your work, here, champ. How do you know that they don't wash their hands? Give us all the scientific evidence of dirty hands. You must have been keeping a tally, right? I mean you state your findings with such authority, after all. Do you follow people out of public restrooms who have not washed their hands and simply ask them to accurately quantify how much of their time they spend whining about masks? What's the scientific method you use for determining the ratio of mask whining to dirty hands?
Joke of the day: Trump asslickers like you crying about COVID being spread by illegals, then from the other side of their yap pissing & moaning that COVID is a scam & nobody needs a mask or "the jab".

You missed the whole point.

We're bringing up illegals to show just how much you don't give a flying fuck about COVID and everything you are doing is a fucking lie.
Still crying about illegals spreading the virus, Ace? I thought it was a scam, Ace? We don't need "the jab", right Ace?

Now go take a bubble bath with Trmp & ask him if we need "the jab".
You missed the whole point.

We're bringing up illegals to show just how much you don't give a flying fuck about COVID and everything you are doing is a fucking lie.
But I thought the pandemic was a libtard scam? So now we need the "Fauci Ouchie" because of illegals? Can we ask Dotard why he fell for the scam & got "The Jab"?

All your lies, your bullshit & crying in your beer won't change facts, Gomer.
Joke of the day: Trump asslickers like you crying about COVID being spread by illegals, then from the other side of their yap pissing & moaning that COVID is a scam & nobody needs a mask or "the jab".

so you admit illegals are spreading covid!!!!

damn, that's a first. good on you.
Masks only served 2 purposes.

1 is to make people feel "they are safe". They were a physically observable and palatable way to feel safe. They kept people from panicking by giving them something to keep them under control. Kind of like a security blanket, or a teddy bear for a child. They also made leaders look informed and in charge and in control of things.

2 it was a way to tell people what to do. To condition them to obey what authority figures told them to do. "Wear your mask, do as we say and you'll be fine". Scared people are more willing to obey without question.

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