Another Dem Senator caught ignoring mask mandate.

This bitch flies into the Innovo Kitchen restaurant in NY, blowing past the Mandatory Madk signs, past the Manager telling her she can't come in without a mask - a NY Democrat law that is punishable by fines and even being shut down - and sits down.

The Chef hears about it and puts her on social media to shame her self-important, 'Rules for THEE but NOT for ME' Marxist elitist ass.

The title says 'fed up manager shows how it's done'...

No, it's a good start but a weak response.

How it's done is picking up the phone, calling the cops, reporting her, and telling themto come remover her for breaking the law and endangering both his restaurant and his customers.

You then call reporters to ensure they are there to record the whole thing.

Then you confront the bitch in front of the customers, the cops, and the cameras, telling her she is no longer welcome if she can't obey the NY Law mandating mask wear even if she has been vaccinated ... or is a Democrat.

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