Rangle Win Proves Democrats Don't Care About Corruption


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
We see this time and time again. A Democrat candidate embroiled in a corruption scandal gets reelected while a GOP candidate gets shown the door. What does this tell you about their respective bases?

I think it proves that most Democrats don't care if their candidate is flawed, they just want to win. This is bad for this country. At least 30 percent of this country doesn't care if their leaders are lying, crooked, and abusive jerks. They just want their party in charge. Who cares what they do once they get there.

Charlie Rangle once again won the primary proving that the average Democrat voter doesn't care if he's dishonest. Compare that to the number of establishment GOP candidates that have lost primaries. It just shows that not only aren't GOP voters concerned with just winning, but they want better government....not just the same old thing.

What does this mean for the coming general election? Well....it means alot of fresh faces and new ideas will be running this November but strangely all of them will be on the right, not the left.
The fact that only one person has even looked at this thread tells me something.

Rangle is now old news. They just don't care. As long as he keeps giving them goodies they don't care if he rips the rest of us off big-time.
With Rangle winning, the saying, PARTY OVER COUNTRY is now a proven fact for lefties, Democrats-Progressives-Commies.

wake up folks, this is what you get when you vote for the Democrat PARTY.
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Hell, corruption is the least of it.

Look at all the Dem heroes, Soros working with the Nazis, LBJ Calling his own SCOTUS pick a ******, FDR firebombing civilian centers, stealing our gold, experiments with syphilis, Grand Kleagle Byrd, Dingell talking like Mao "Controlling the people"

Progressives need to be wiped out like small pox so that the only place Progressivism exists would be a single DNA strand down in the Level 4 BioContainment facility at CDC
We see this time and time again. A Democrat candidate embroiled in a corruption scandal gets reelected while a GOP candidate gets shown the door. What does this tell you about their respective bases?

I think it proves that most Democrats don't care if their candidate is flawed, they just want to win. This is bad for this country. At least 30 percent of this country doesn't care if their leaders are lying, crooked, and abusive jerks. They just want their party in charge. Who cares what they do once they get there.

Charlie Rangle once again won the primary proving that the average Democrat voter doesn't care if he's dishonest. Compare that to the number of establishment GOP candidates that have lost primaries. It just shows that not only aren't GOP voters concerned with just winning, but they want better government....not just the same old thing.

What does this mean for the coming general election? Well....it means alot of fresh faces and new ideas will be running this November but strangely all of them will be on the right, not the left.

This is a very sad commentary on the state of our political situation. It's a true embarrasment in al honesty. This man should be in jail, not still in office.
Yes, It demonstrates that the people still have some sort of perverted allegiance to those who's credibility and honesty are in question or outright crooks.

BTW, BOTH sides can claim this gutter-side honor. We as a people have done the same thing with regard to criminals, con men and thieves throughout history. Rangle should have been tossed out on his miserable ass, unfortunately most of us seem to love these sleeze bags and love the abuse they perpetrate upon us and the system.

You ALL get what you deserve :clap2:
:lol: I love to watch the hypocrites at play.
You must be thinking of David Vitter. :lol:

And Marco Rubio. What have they found out about him? :D

humm good question,lets see.....if they cannot get something personal, they'll just slime his nationality/race/creed etc...

lets see like- hes not really 'Hispanic' you know.

You see; hes, hes Cuban!!!! And since cubans vote overwhelmingly for the rep. party which makes them highly suspect, are not , well you know...Real Hispanics or latinos.

so like any black con. being an uncle Tom, Marco Rub is,lets see how does "Tio' Blanco" sound?

lord knows the dems need to lock up the Hispanic vote before the black vote wakes up, they'll need those cannon fodder voters to keep pace.
You must be thinking of David Vitter. :lol:

And Marco Rubio. What have they found out about him? :D

humm good question,lets see.....if they cannot get something personal, they'll just slime his nationality/race/creed etc...

lets see like- hes not really 'Hispanic' you know.

You see; hes, hes Cuban!!!! And since cubans vote overwhelmingly for the rep. party which makes them highly suspect, are not , well you know...Real Hispanics or latinos.

so like any black con. being an uncle Tom, Marco Rub is,lets see how does "Tio' Blanco" sound?

lord knows the dems need to lock up the Hispanic vote before the black vote wakes up, they'll need those cannon fodder voters to keep pace.
Interesting that you brought up his ethnic heritage when that wasn't remotely the topic of Luissa's reply.

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