Rangel's Tragic End


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
I find the delay in Water's Ethics Trial to be quite interesting - suspect one driver is that the Dems don't want to end their current majority on a note of censoring two prominent members of the Black Caucus.
Maxine's trial will be delayed until next year.
As much as I loathe Rangel's ethics and record in the House, I do feel sorry for him. An octogenarian war vet sobbing on the floor of the House as he is censured is tragic in the classic sense. He self-inflicted this pain. It's shameful that nobody close to him was able to convince him to resign and end his career with a few shreds of remaining dignity.

Charlie Rangel's tragic last act: On the road to censure, he's cheapening his legacy

He broke the rules, got caught, and received a slap on the wrist from his buddies. He'll be easily re-elected in 2012 because nobody outside the beltway cares about some politician being censured. As for his tears, I thought it was great theater, but nothing more.
Rangel got everything he deserved and he deserved more. Water's, I hope gets the same fate, if not worse. Being black doesn't have anything to do with being a criminal. They are criminals because they feel they are better than anybody else and the rules don't apply to them. Toss in their aragance and huge egos and you have your typical politician. They are not ashamed of what they did. They are ashamed of getting caught.
I find it very distasteful.

He should be in jail for committing fraud, which is what a private citizen would face. Given the House Rules, however, he seems to be shielded from a real penalty. If that's the case, then the best thing would be for him to disappear.
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Maxine's trial will be delayed until next year.

If it's held at all.

The House ethics committee announced Friday it has delayed indefinitely Waters trial because the panel had discovered new evidence in the case.

It is unclear from the committee's statement whether the trial will move forward and what evidence was discovered.

According to a joint statement from Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), who chairs the ethics committee, and ranking member Jo Bonner (R-Ala.), the case is being referred back to the subcommittee investigating the matter. Waters's trial was set to begin on Nov. 29.

"The committee voted to recommit the matter regarding Representative Maxine Waters to the investigative subcommittee due to materials discovered that may have had an effect on the investigative subcommittee's transmittal to the committee," they wrote. "As a result, the adjudicatory subcommittee no longer has jurisdiction over this matter and the adjudicatory hearing previously scheduled for November 29, 2010 will not be held."

The Committee next year will be led by the GOP. This is a blame shifting maneuver by the Dems. They don't want to further alienate one of their major interest groups.
The Holder DOJ will touch neither of them, fo shizzle.
I find the delay in Water's Ethics Trial to be quite interesting - suspect one driver is that the Dems don't want to end their current majority on a note of censoring two prominent members of the Black Caucus.

I'm shocked they even censured Rangel. They must have really had no choice.
I find the delay in Water's Ethics Trial to be quite interesting - suspect one driver is that the Dems don't want to end their current majority on a note of censoring two prominent members of the Black Caucus.

I'm shocked they even censured Rangel. They must have really had no choice.

They had to do something with all the hype on this leading up to the elections [which I am willing to bet was a ploy by the Democrats to garner favour to further string us along to get votes]...and since they lost the House and a few Senate seats?

Think of how it would be percieved if they let it go? The people are angry enough at Congress.
He should have been fined. How many Joe the Plummers would have gotten a slap on the wrist for doing what Rangel did?

Now they can take care of that nasty bitch slut, Maxine Waters.
Poor Charlie. Guess he'll just have to retire to his villa in the Dominican Republic, eat a ton of Caribbean lobster tail, drink gallons of Pina Colada's while Haitians on the other end of the island eat dirt and die in the thousands from preventable disease.
What a total sad ending.

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