Random Truths

Today's 'Random Truth' #2...
Understanding the Judeo-Christian tradition that serves as the basis of Western Civilization.....

There is no such commandment as 'thou shalt not kill.'

It refers to 'murder,' not 'kill.'

Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not murder."

'Kill,' of course, means to put to death for any reason.
'Murder' the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
Too nuanced?

If the corrupted version, 'kill,' were correct, then war would not be permitted, nor self-defense, nor a legal penalty...the death penalty.

The death penalty is not only permitted...but is required.
  1. Genesis 9:6 prescribed the death penalty for murder when it said that if a man “shed the blood” of another man, by man must his blood be shed. In fact, it is the only law repeated in all five of the books of the old testament. The death penalty is a value, values are eternal, as opposed to customs or traditions, such as stoning for adultery.

2. Exodus 21:12-14

3. Leviticus 24:17 and 21

4. Numbers 35:16-18 and Numbers 35:31

5. Deuteronomy 19:11-13

To abandon the death penalty is to insult the memory of every victim of murder.

To abandon the death penalty is rational and sane.... a rational person who purports to have some level of intellectual ability would know that the death penalty is applied discriminatorily; is often directed against innocent people and doesn't serve any deterrent purpose.

vengeance is mine sayeth the lord... it doesn't belong to you. it also costs more than sentencing someone to life without parole and creates dangerous circumstances for corrections officers because people on death row have nothing to lose.

not to mention the fact that no other civilized country uses it as a punishment so perhaps it's time to move out of the dark ages.

we don't stone people to death for adultery any more either.
Coming up..... a third Random Truth for today.

First, some facts:

1."Asian-Americans Lead All Others in Household Income
Asian-Americans exceed all U.S. adults when it comes to median household income, $66,000 vs. $49,800.

A century ago, most Asian Americans were low-skilled, low-wage laborers crowded into ethnic enclaves and targets of official discrimination. Today, they are the highest-income, best-educated and fastest-growing racial group in the United States."
Asian-Americans Lead All Others in Household Income

2. "Asian-American high school graduates had the highest college enrollment rate, at 92.2 percent, followed by white graduates (69.2 percent), black graduates (68.7 percent) and Hispanic graduates (59.3 percent)."http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/28/college-enrollment-rate-at-record-high/?_r=0

and this...

3. "The percentage of Americans of Asian descent in the United States is 4.8 percent according to the 2010 Census. At UCLA Asians and Pacific Islanders account for 34.8% of the students. At Stanford they make up 24% of the student body. There is even a charge that the Ivy League schools have an unspoken "reverse quota" on Asian student enrollment, limiting the numbers of Asians and Asian Americans on their campuses so that the numbers are not too skewed. As it stands now, Asian-Americans account for 16.5 percent of Ivy League enrollment, still approximately four times their U.S. numbers. Of course, these schools all deny that they purposely limit Asian enrollment, but statistics seem to indicate otherwise."
Asian-American College Enrollment Creates An Interesting Problem

One might conclude that, to be an Asian-American, and an Ivy League grad, one must be the top of the top...(cough-cough)

OK.....so what is the Random Truth that these stats give the lie to?
One that large numbers of Liberals buy like it was on sale: 'white privilege.'

If there really is 'white privilege,' how is it that Asians earn more than whites and go to college at a higher rate than whites?????

I think you spoke to soon PC, the worst part of the slowing Chinese economy is yet to come and all that money will stop flowing soon. The four Walmart heirs lost $9 Billion in one afternoon on a published report of lower expectations. I think you should have saved your rooster crowing for later in the year, because in a couple months you are going to look pretty stupid for an Ivy Leaguer.

1. "I think you spoke to soon PC,..." should be "I think you spoke too soon PC,..."
Funny in a post dealing with education, huh?

2. "...will stop flowing soon..."
So the proof of your post is the Magic 8-Ball?
You must be a Liberal, huh?

3. "...in a couple months you are going to look pretty stupid for an Ivy Leaguer."
I guess we'll have to wait until you go to college, eh?

Ooooh you got me. I was typing in a darkened room so as not to awaken my wife.

No you can pick up any edition of the Wall Street Journal to find out yourself.

Actually I graduated magna cum laude from a small but exclusive California college, I doubt that they would have accepted you.

I wounded you deeply, huh?

You're entirely too silly to be taken seriously.
Coming up..... a third Random Truth for today.

First, some facts:

1."Asian-Americans Lead All Others in Household Income
Asian-Americans exceed all U.S. adults when it comes to median household income, $66,000 vs. $49,800.

A century ago, most Asian Americans were low-skilled, low-wage laborers crowded into ethnic enclaves and targets of official discrimination. Today, they are the highest-income, best-educated and fastest-growing racial group in the United States."
Asian-Americans Lead All Others in Household Income

2. "Asian-American high school graduates had the highest college enrollment rate, at 92.2 percent, followed by white graduates (69.2 percent), black graduates (68.7 percent) and Hispanic graduates (59.3 percent)."http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/28/college-enrollment-rate-at-record-high/?_r=0

and this...

3. "The percentage of Americans of Asian descent in the United States is 4.8 percent according to the 2010 Census. At UCLA Asians and Pacific Islanders account for 34.8% of the students. At Stanford they make up 24% of the student body. There is even a charge that the Ivy League schools have an unspoken "reverse quota" on Asian student enrollment, limiting the numbers of Asians and Asian Americans on their campuses so that the numbers are not too skewed. As it stands now, Asian-Americans account for 16.5 percent of Ivy League enrollment, still approximately four times their U.S. numbers. Of course, these schools all deny that they purposely limit Asian enrollment, but statistics seem to indicate otherwise."
Asian-American College Enrollment Creates An Interesting Problem

One might conclude that, to be an Asian-American, and an Ivy League grad, one must be the top of the top...(cough-cough)

OK.....so what is the Random Truth that these stats give the lie to?
One that large numbers of Liberals buy like it was on sale: 'white privilege.'

If there really is 'white privilege,' how is it that Asians earn more than whites and go to college at a higher rate than whites?????

I think you spoke to soon PC, the worst part of the slowing Chinese economy is yet to come and all that money will stop flowing soon. The four Walmart heirs lost $9 Billion in one afternoon on a published report of lower expectations. I think you should have saved your rooster crowing for later in the year, because in a couple months you are going to look pretty stupid for an Ivy Leaguer.

1. "I think you spoke to soon PC,..." should be "I think you spoke too soon PC,..."
Funny in a post dealing with education, huh?

2. "...will stop flowing soon..."
So the proof of your post is the Magic 8-Ball?
You must be a Liberal, huh?

3. "...in a couple months you are going to look pretty stupid for an Ivy Leaguer."
I guess we'll have to wait until you go to college, eh?

Ooooh you got me. I was typing in a darkened room so as not to awaken my wife.

No you can pick up any edition of the Wall Street Journal to find out yourself.

Actually I graduated magna cum laude from a small but exclusive California college, I doubt that they would have accepted you.

I wounded you deeply, huh?

You're entirely too silly to be taken seriously.

Yet you stick to me like a barnacle to an ocean liner....you're the moth to my flame....

Be honest....it sticks in your craw that I make so very many accurate and truthful posts that skewer Liberals and Liberalism.

It damages your psyche that your most strongly held beliefs are wrong.

Like Arnold in 'The Terminator,'....you will be back.
Today's 'Random Truth' #2...
Understanding the Judeo-Christian tradition that serves as the basis of Western Civilization.....

There is no such commandment as 'thou shalt not kill.'

It refers to 'murder,' not 'kill.'

Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not murder."

'Kill,' of course, means to put to death for any reason.
'Murder' the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
Too nuanced?

If the corrupted version, 'kill,' were correct, then war would not be permitted, nor self-defense, nor a legal penalty...the death penalty.

The death penalty is not only permitted...but is required.
  1. Genesis 9:6 prescribed the death penalty for murder when it said that if a man “shed the blood” of another man, by man must his blood be shed. In fact, it is the only law repeated in all five of the books of the old testament. The death penalty is a value, values are eternal, as opposed to customs or traditions, such as stoning for adultery.

2. Exodus 21:12-14

3. Leviticus 24:17 and 21

4. Numbers 35:16-18 and Numbers 35:31

5. Deuteronomy 19:11-13

To abandon the death penalty is to insult the memory of every victim of murder.

To abandon the death penalty is rational and sane.... a rational person who purports to have some level of intellectual ability would know that the death penalty is applied discriminatorily; is often directed against innocent people and doesn't serve any deterrent purpose.

vengeance is mine sayeth the lord... it doesn't belong to you. it also costs more than sentencing someone to life without parole and creates dangerous circumstances for corrections officers because people on death row have nothing to lose.

not to mention the fact that no other civilized country uses it as a punishment so perhaps it's time to move out of the dark ages.

we don't stone people to death for adultery any more either.

"To abandon the death penalty is rational and sane..."

Only to those who greet the deaths of innocent victims with a shrug.
Now for one that perforates the myth at the very heart of Liberalism.....

Today's Fourth Random Truth ends the idea of the rich not paying 'their fair share,' and, in fact, points out that the richest pay more taxes here than in more Leftwing nations.

4. The rich in America pay a greater percentage of the taxes than in more Leftwing nations....and, arguably....way more than their 'fair share.'


1.England: "... the best-paid 1pc already contribute 27pc of the income tax. (They earn about 12pc of salaries). The best-paid 3,000 contribute, on average, £2.6 million in tax per year. To listen to the hype, you’d be forgiven for thinking the richest pay not a penny in tax. The truth is that the UK income tax system is reliant upon a very small number of highly mobile rich people. I’m not saying they pay too much; I’d like it to be even more. I’m just saying that it’s untrue to insinuate, as Miliband does, that the rich are not paying their fair share.

.... the richest are rich not because they are gaming the system but – by and large – because they’re very talented, took risks and worked their guts out. It includes many immigrants, who made their fortunes abroad but come here to pay tax.

The Harvard Economist Greg Mankiw recently conducted a study recently most of the very wealthy got that way showing that the pay of the 1% was justified by global forces. Or, as he put it, “by making substantial economic contributions, not by gaming the system or taking advantage of some market failure”
George Osborne has squeezed more from the rich than any UK Chancellor, ever - Spectator Blogs

2. America: "An article from theTaxFoundationcontains federal data for 2010, reporting the following:

§ Top 1% earned 18.9% of $$$$, paid 37.4% of taxes. [10% more than the top 1% in England]

§ Top 5% earned 33.8% of $$$$, paid 59.1% of taxes.

§ Bottom 50% earned 11.7% of $$$$, paid 2.4% of taxes."
Myth - The Rich Don't Pay Their Fair Share

3. For a look at the maximum individual tax rates throughout the world, see List of countries by tax rates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Only sweden has a (slightly) higher maximum tax rate.

The only reason for a progressive tax system is envy.
I think you spoke to soon PC, the worst part of the slowing Chinese economy is yet to come and all that money will stop flowing soon. The four Walmart heirs lost $9 Billion in one afternoon on a published report of lower expectations. I think you should have saved your rooster crowing for later in the year, because in a couple months you are going to look pretty stupid for an Ivy Leaguer.

1. "I think you spoke to soon PC,..." should be "I think you spoke too soon PC,..."
Funny in a post dealing with education, huh?

2. "...will stop flowing soon..."
So the proof of your post is the Magic 8-Ball?
You must be a Liberal, huh?

3. "...in a couple months you are going to look pretty stupid for an Ivy Leaguer."
I guess we'll have to wait until you go to college, eh?

Ooooh you got me. I was typing in a darkened room so as not to awaken my wife.

No you can pick up any edition of the Wall Street Journal to find out yourself.

Actually I graduated magna cum laude from a small but exclusive California college, I doubt that they would have accepted you.

I wounded you deeply, huh?

You're entirely too silly to be taken seriously.

Yet you stick to me like a barnacle to an ocean liner....you're the moth to my flame....

Be honest....it sticks in your craw that I make so very many accurate and truthful posts that skewer Liberals and Liberalism.

It damages your psyche that your most strongly held beliefs are wrong.

Like Arnold in 'The Terminator,'....you will be back.

When I told you yesterday that you were possibly the worst possible person to be defending conservatism I wasn't kidding. Today, you're still evading answering questions and produce the most trite response. I'm starting to think you must be Japanese for all of the verbal fencing you do.
1. "I think you spoke to soon PC,..." should be "I think you spoke too soon PC,..."
Funny in a post dealing with education, huh?

2. "...will stop flowing soon..."
So the proof of your post is the Magic 8-Ball?
You must be a Liberal, huh?

3. "...in a couple months you are going to look pretty stupid for an Ivy Leaguer."
I guess we'll have to wait until you go to college, eh?

Ooooh you got me. I was typing in a darkened room so as not to awaken my wife.

No you can pick up any edition of the Wall Street Journal to find out yourself.

Actually I graduated magna cum laude from a small but exclusive California college, I doubt that they would have accepted you.

I wounded you deeply, huh?

You're entirely too silly to be taken seriously.

Yet you stick to me like a barnacle to an ocean liner....you're the moth to my flame....

Be honest....it sticks in your craw that I make so very many accurate and truthful posts that skewer Liberals and Liberalism.

It damages your psyche that your most strongly held beliefs are wrong.

Like Arnold in 'The Terminator,'....you will be back.

When I told you yesterday that you were possibly the worst possible person to be defending conservatism I wasn't kidding. Today, you're still evading answering questions and produce the most trite response. I'm starting to think you must be Japanese for all of the verbal fencing you do.

Who predicted you couldn't stay away?

Oh....that was the wise one.....moi.
One might imagine that it would be difficult to come up with 70-80 truths about which Liberals are either wrong, or clueless....
Actually....the difficulty is finding time and space to list all of them!

Here are two Liberal bumper-stickers that cannot be characterized as other than INSANE.
Here are two I heard recently....

5. Liberal Insanity: It is essential for children to know that their parent stands behind them no matter what.

If one's child does something wrong.....the Liberal prescription is to pat 'em on the head and tell assure him that you 'stand behind him'???

Certainly explains much of what is wrong with today's youth.

Here's one that related to Liberal's mistaken desire to do away with the death penalty:

6. Liberal Insanity: Better a hundred guilty go free than one innocent man be executed.

"Recent evidence, however, suggests that the death penalty, when carried out, has an enormous deterrent effect on the number of murders. More precisely, our recent research shows that each execution carried out is correlated with about 74 fewer murders the following year.

....we correlated each year's executions to the following year's murders and found the results to be even more dramatic. The association was significant at the .00003 level, which meant the odds against the random happening are longer than 34,000 to one. Each execution was associated with 74 fewer murders the following year."
Capital Punishment Works
November 2, 2007; Page A13
Capital Punishment Works

Therefore....if society were to follow the demands of the Liberals, releasing 100 murderers would result in the slaughter of 7400 innocent human beings.

Well....Liberals are the very same folks who shrug at the 100 million slaughtered by their cousins, the communists.....so....
Moving from the death penalty to......the death penalty.

There are good reasons to take the life of a guilty individual....but who would make the argument that caprice is a justifiable reason for snuffing out a life?

Caprice.....that means on a whim....a mood....an impulse or a quirk.
Yet just about every single annihilation of an unborn human being is on just such a basis.

That is the Liberal pro-choice movement. To cover the immorality, Liberals say it saves the life of the mother....or it is due to rape or incest.


Random Truth #7 for today:

7. Almost every single abortion in America is for convenience, caprice, whim....95.7% of them.

“The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman’s education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents’ or partners’ desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents.”

A clear indication that Liberalism is barbaric and immoral.
Moving from the death penalty to......the death penalty.

There are good reasons to take the life of a guilty individual....but who would make the argument that caprice is a justifiable reason for snuffing out a life?

Caprice.....that means on a whim....a mood....an impulse or a quirk.
Yet just about every single annihilation of an unborn human being is on just such a basis.

That is the Liberal pro-choice movement. To cover the immorality, Liberals say it saves the life of the mother....or it is due to rape or incest.


Random Truth #7 for today:

7. Almost every single abortion in America is for convenience, caprice, whim....95.7% of them.

“The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman’s education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents’ or partners’ desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents.”

A clear indication that Liberalism is barbaric and immoral.

There's just no end to you is there? Abortion is a complicated issue, far more complicated than the bumper sticker mentality that Political Clueless can process.

But let me make her case for her. All she has to do is convince the class that to truly consider abortion to be the murder of another human being is to explain to us why conservatives don't have a funeral for miscarriages and demand that a death certificate be issued.
Now for one that perforates the myth at the very heart of Liberalism.....

Today's Fourth Random Truth ends the idea of the rich not paying 'their fair share,' and, in fact, points out that the richest pay more taxes here than in more Leftwing nations.

4. The rich in America pay a greater percentage of the taxes than in more Leftwing nations....and, arguably....way more than their 'fair share.'


1.England: "... the best-paid 1pc already contribute 27pc of the income tax. (They earn about 12pc of salaries). The best-paid 3,000 contribute, on average, £2.6 million in tax per year. To listen to the hype, you’d be forgiven for thinking the richest pay not a penny in tax. The truth is that the UK income tax system is reliant upon a very small number of highly mobile rich people. I’m not saying they pay too much; I’d like it to be even more. I’m just saying that it’s untrue to insinuate, as Miliband does, that the rich are not paying their fair share.

.... the richest are rich not because they are gaming the system but – by and large – because they’re very talented, took risks and worked their guts out. It includes many immigrants, who made their fortunes abroad but come here to pay tax.

The Harvard Economist Greg Mankiw recently conducted a study recently most of the very wealthy got that way showing that the pay of the 1% was justified by global forces. Or, as he put it, “by making substantial economic contributions, not by gaming the system or taking advantage of some market failure”
George Osborne has squeezed more from the rich than any UK Chancellor, ever - Spectator Blogs

2. America: "An article from theTaxFoundationcontains federal data for 2010, reporting the following:

§ Top 1% earned 18.9% of $$$$, paid 37.4% of taxes. [10% more than the top 1% in England]

§ Top 5% earned 33.8% of $$$$, paid 59.1% of taxes.

§ Bottom 50% earned 11.7% of $$$$, paid 2.4% of taxes."
Myth - The Rich Don't Pay Their Fair Share

3. For a look at the maximum individual tax rates throughout the world, see List of countries by tax rates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Only sweden has a (slightly) higher maximum tax rate.

The only reason for a progressive tax system is envy.

When the rich paid a 90% marginal tax rate, the rich still got richer but the economy boomed. The less the rich paid, the richer they got but the worse the economy did.

So let me ask you this: How is it "fair" when the rich take the most from the economy but give less, as a percentage of their profits, than the rest of us back to that economy?
Moving from the death penalty to......the death penalty.

There are good reasons to take the life of a guilty individual....but who would make the argument that caprice is a justifiable reason for snuffing out a life?

Caprice.....that means on a whim....a mood....an impulse or a quirk.
Yet just about every single annihilation of an unborn human being is on just such a basis.

That is the Liberal pro-choice movement. To cover the immorality, Liberals say it saves the life of the mother....or it is due to rape or incest.


Random Truth #7 for today:

7. Almost every single abortion in America is for convenience, caprice, whim....95.7% of them.

“The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman’s education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents’ or partners’ desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents.”

A clear indication that Liberalism is barbaric and immoral.

There's just no end to you is there? Abortion is a complicated issue, far more complicated than the bumper sticker mentality that Political Clueless can process.

But let me make her case for her. All she has to do is convince the class that to truly consider abortion to be the murder of another human being is to explain to us why conservatives don't have a funeral for miscarriages and demand that a death certificate be issued.

1. "There's just no end to you is there?"
Are you wishing that there were 'an end'???
Well, then....what forces you to....I had a professor who used the phrase 'he sticks to me like manure to a wet blanket.'
Now I see what he meant.

2."Abortion is a complicated issue...."
No it isn't.
It is putting 'an end' to a life.
Specifically, the life of a human being.

3. "...convince the class that to truly consider abortion to be the murder of another human being is to explain to us why conservatives don't have a funeral for miscarriages and demand that a death certificate be issued."
Look at that.
I don't have to spend time revealing you to be a fool....you did it yourself.

4. But...please....prove definitively that you are a Liberal:
Is abortion taking of a life?
Is the life taken that of a human being?

5. The import of the post to which you are responding is centered on the reason behind the abortion, and I documented that it is almost always for a whim, a convenience...you know, like having your dinner delivered rather than cooking it yourself.
Now for one that perforates the myth at the very heart of Liberalism.....

Today's Fourth Random Truth ends the idea of the rich not paying 'their fair share,' and, in fact, points out that the richest pay more taxes here than in more Leftwing nations.

4. The rich in America pay a greater percentage of the taxes than in more Leftwing nations....and, arguably....way more than their 'fair share.'


1.England: "... the best-paid 1pc already contribute 27pc of the income tax. (They earn about 12pc of salaries). The best-paid 3,000 contribute, on average, £2.6 million in tax per year. To listen to the hype, you’d be forgiven for thinking the richest pay not a penny in tax. The truth is that the UK income tax system is reliant upon a very small number of highly mobile rich people. I’m not saying they pay too much; I’d like it to be even more. I’m just saying that it’s untrue to insinuate, as Miliband does, that the rich are not paying their fair share.

.... the richest are rich not because they are gaming the system but – by and large – because they’re very talented, took risks and worked their guts out. It includes many immigrants, who made their fortunes abroad but come here to pay tax.

The Harvard Economist Greg Mankiw recently conducted a study recently most of the very wealthy got that way showing that the pay of the 1% was justified by global forces. Or, as he put it, “by making substantial economic contributions, not by gaming the system or taking advantage of some market failure”
George Osborne has squeezed more from the rich than any UK Chancellor, ever - Spectator Blogs

2. America: "An article from theTaxFoundationcontains federal data for 2010, reporting the following:

§ Top 1% earned 18.9% of $$$$, paid 37.4% of taxes. [10% more than the top 1% in England]

§ Top 5% earned 33.8% of $$$$, paid 59.1% of taxes.

§ Bottom 50% earned 11.7% of $$$$, paid 2.4% of taxes."
Myth - The Rich Don't Pay Their Fair Share

3. For a look at the maximum individual tax rates throughout the world, see List of countries by tax rates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Only sweden has a (slightly) higher maximum tax rate.

The only reason for a progressive tax system is envy.

When the rich paid a 90% marginal tax rate, the rich still got richer but the economy boomed. The less the rich paid, the richer they got but the worse the economy did.

So let me ask you this: How is it "fair" when the rich take the most from the economy but give less, as a percentage of their profits, than the rest of us back to that economy?

1. "....but the economy boomed. "
The reason the economy is not booming is not due to the rich in any way.

It is due to the fact that shallow thinkers like yourself elected a man who was not up to the job.

2. "How is it "fair" when the rich take the most from the economy but give less, as a percentage of their profits, than the rest of us back to that economy?"
There is medication for your A.D.D.....this is not the first time today that the question you pose has been dealt with earlier.
Your premise is false.
From post #365: Top 1% earned 18.9% of $$$$, paid 37.4% of taxes.

Try to take notes in the future.
Moving from the death penalty to......the death penalty.

There are good reasons to take the life of a guilty individual....but who would make the argument that caprice is a justifiable reason for snuffing out a life?

Caprice.....that means on a whim....a mood....an impulse or a quirk.
Yet just about every single annihilation of an unborn human being is on just such a basis.

That is the Liberal pro-choice movement. To cover the immorality, Liberals say it saves the life of the mother....or it is due to rape or incest.


Random Truth #7 for today:

7. Almost every single abortion in America is for convenience, caprice, whim....95.7% of them.

“The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman’s education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents’ or partners’ desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents.”

A clear indication that Liberalism is barbaric and immoral.

There's just no end to you is there? Abortion is a complicated issue, far more complicated than the bumper sticker mentality that Political Clueless can process.

But let me make her case for her. All she has to do is convince the class that to truly consider abortion to be the murder of another human being is to explain to us why conservatives don't have a funeral for miscarriages and demand that a death certificate be issued.

1. "There's just no end to you is there?"
Are you wishing that there were 'an end'???
Well, then....what forces you to....I had a professor who used the phrase 'he sticks to me like manure to a wet blanket.'
Now I see what he meant.

2."Abortion is a complicated issue...."
No it isn't.
It is putting 'an end' to a life.
Specifically, the life of a human being.

3. "...convince the class that to truly consider abortion to be the murder of another human being is to explain to us why conservatives don't have a funeral for miscarriages and demand that a death certificate be issued."
Look at that.
I don't have to spend time revealing you to be a fool....you did it yourself.

4. But...please....prove definitively that you are a Liberal:
Is abortion taking of a life?
Is the life taken that of a human being?

5. The import of the post to which you are responding is centered on the reason behind the abortion, and I documented that it is almost always for a whim, a convenience...you know, like having your dinner delivered rather than cooking it yourself.

Ahh hahaha, completely evading the question again and again. You're exposed as a fraud and no conservative. A real conservative would be able to answer without hesitation. Go back to school you phony.
And, in a moment, Random Truth number eight....yet another truth that skewers Liberal doctrine.

First, a reminder.....the term 'the law of the land.'
We find it in Articel VI...."This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."

Random Truth # 8. Nothing in the Constitution supports redistributing wealth.
Moving from the death penalty to......the death penalty.

There are good reasons to take the life of a guilty individual....but who would make the argument that caprice is a justifiable reason for snuffing out a life?

Caprice.....that means on a whim....a mood....an impulse or a quirk.
Yet just about every single annihilation of an unborn human being is on just such a basis.

That is the Liberal pro-choice movement. To cover the immorality, Liberals say it saves the life of the mother....or it is due to rape or incest.


Random Truth #7 for today:

7. Almost every single abortion in America is for convenience, caprice, whim....95.7% of them.

“The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman’s education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents’ or partners’ desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents.”

A clear indication that Liberalism is barbaric and immoral.

There's just no end to you is there? Abortion is a complicated issue, far more complicated than the bumper sticker mentality that Political Clueless can process.

But let me make her case for her. All she has to do is convince the class that to truly consider abortion to be the murder of another human being is to explain to us why conservatives don't have a funeral for miscarriages and demand that a death certificate be issued.

1. "There's just no end to you is there?"
Are you wishing that there were 'an end'???
Well, then....what forces you to....I had a professor who used the phrase 'he sticks to me like manure to a wet blanket.'
Now I see what he meant.

2."Abortion is a complicated issue...."
No it isn't.
It is putting 'an end' to a life.
Specifically, the life of a human being.

3. "...convince the class that to truly consider abortion to be the murder of another human being is to explain to us why conservatives don't have a funeral for miscarriages and demand that a death certificate be issued."
Look at that.
I don't have to spend time revealing you to be a fool....you did it yourself.

4. But...please....prove definitively that you are a Liberal:
Is abortion taking of a life?
Is the life taken that of a human being?

5. The import of the post to which you are responding is centered on the reason behind the abortion, and I documented that it is almost always for a whim, a convenience...you know, like having your dinner delivered rather than cooking it yourself.

Ahh hahaha, completely evading the question again and again. You're exposed as a fraud and no conservative. A real conservative would be able to answer without hesitation. Go back to school you phony.

I asked this:

4. But...please....prove definitively that you are a Liberal:
Is abortion taking of a life?
Is the life taken that of a human being?

Why so afraid to answer?
Ahh hahaha, completely evading the question again and again. You're exposed as a fraud and no conservative. A real conservative would be able to answer without hesitation. Go back to school you phony.
5. Liberal Insanity: It is essential for children to know that their parent stands behind them no matter what.

If one's child does something wrong.....the Liberal prescription is to pat 'em on the head and tell assure him that you 'stand behind him'???
Nope. Liberals spank, and ground, and send them to their rooms as well as watch them go to jail. They just don't pretend they aren't still their children. Even Hitler had a mother, a doting one.
Moving from the death penalty to......the death penalty.

There are good reasons to take the life of a guilty individual....but who would make the argument that caprice is a justifiable reason for snuffing out a life?

Caprice.....that means on a whim....a mood....an impulse or a quirk.
Yet just about every single annihilation of an unborn human being is on just such a basis.

That is the Liberal pro-choice movement. To cover the immorality, Liberals say it saves the life of the mother....or it is due to rape or incest.


Random Truth #7 for today:

7. Almost every single abortion in America is for convenience, caprice, whim....95.7% of them.

“The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman’s education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents’ or partners’ desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents.”

A clear indication that Liberalism is barbaric and immoral.

There's just no end to you is there? Abortion is a complicated issue, far more complicated than the bumper sticker mentality that Political Clueless can process.

But let me make her case for her. All she has to do is convince the class that to truly consider abortion to be the murder of another human being is to explain to us why conservatives don't have a funeral for miscarriages and demand that a death certificate be issued.

1. "There's just no end to you is there?"
Are you wishing that there were 'an end'???
Well, then....what forces you to....I had a professor who used the phrase 'he sticks to me like manure to a wet blanket.'
Now I see what he meant.

2."Abortion is a complicated issue...."
No it isn't.
It is putting 'an end' to a life.
Specifically, the life of a human being.

3. "...convince the class that to truly consider abortion to be the murder of another human being is to explain to us why conservatives don't have a funeral for miscarriages and demand that a death certificate be issued."
Look at that.
I don't have to spend time revealing you to be a fool....you did it yourself.

4. But...please....prove definitively that you are a Liberal:
Is abortion taking of a life?
Is the life taken that of a human being?

5. The import of the post to which you are responding is centered on the reason behind the abortion, and I documented that it is almost always for a whim, a convenience...you know, like having your dinner delivered rather than cooking it yourself.

Ahh hahaha, completely evading the question again and again. You're exposed as a fraud and no conservative. A real conservative would be able to answer without hesitation. Go back to school you phony.

I asked this:

4. But...please....prove definitively that you are a Liberal:
Is abortion taking of a life?
Is the life taken that of a human being?

Why so afraid to answer?
Abortion kills a fetus, not a person. The same, in most cases, as unplugging the brain-dead from life support. The person is already gone and in the case of abortion, never was.

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