Rance Preebus Get's His RW A$$ Handed To Him By Chris Matthews on Morning Joe


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
I've stopped watching 'Morning Joe' since Current TV came brought Bill Press to the air, but it seems like today it was on fire.

Check it out...

Chris Matthews Explodes At Reince Priebus Over 'Race Card': 'Awful,' 'Embarrassment,' 'Garbage' (VIDEO)

As you can see, Chris totally unleashed on the liar the instant he started his lying RW talking points. Further more he called him out on the spot. It even ended with them insulting each other.

WoW....great TV.

Chris, I'm gonna add your show to my daily DVR schedule....thank you! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
I've stopped watching 'Morning Joe' since Current TV came brought Bill Press to the air, but it seems like today it was on fire.

Check it out...

Chris Matthews Explodes At Reince Priebus Over 'Race Card': 'Awful,' 'Embarrassment,' 'Garbage' (VIDEO)

As you can see, Chris totally unleashed on the liar the instant he started his lying RW talking points. Further more he called him out on the spot. It even ended with them insulting each other.

WoW....great TV.

Chris, I'm gonna add your show to my daily DVR schedule....thank you! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Oh give it up.

Chrissy got tingles down his leg by wetting himself.

He's not a journalist and he doesn't speak the truth.

He spouts partisan bullshit and that's all he did (or tried to do) with Priebus.

The throw away line about nobody asking for a birth certificate was innocuous and the faux outrage over it is pathetic. I'd say "shame on Matthews" but he's such a complete abject toady hack that he no longer is capable of feeling shame.

And why is it a 'false" claim to argue that the incumbent has ended work requirements for welfare? Because all he did was AUTHORIZE the various States to go ahead and do it? Split hairs much, Chrissy?

Chrissy is a drooling lying lib hack pussy. And you lapped that shit up. That's enough to make me feel a bit embarrassed for you, Marc.
What about this instance did you not like Liability?
Ah, the world according to Huffington editorials. Keep it up lefties. Pretend that Chris Matthews is relevant and that Huffington is news. It might make you feel better.
Rancid Penis, I mean uhh, Reince Preibus' mistake was backing into a buzzsaw named Chris Matthews.

Mr Tingley once again embarasses himself, showing he is neither an unbiases journalist, or a gentlemen with self control for that matter.
The Lefty accuses the Conservative a playing a race card...:eusa_whistle:

Irony so thick you can eat it with a fork.
What about this instance did you not like Liability?

I already noted what I disliked about Chrissy's bullshit.

His complaint about the Mitt quip concerning not being asked for a birth certificate was WAY the fuck prissified and pretty dishonest. The only thing wrong with that quip by Mitt was that it was kind of lame.

The Chrissy complaint that the claim that Pres. Obama had done away with the work part of welfare was supposedly "dishonest" was itself dishonest. Again, the President passed the option along to the States, which means that he is doing away with the work part of welfare (or at least has a hand in that clusterfuck bullshit decision).

Accordingly, your wild rapturous applase for chrissy is quite misplaced AS IS your over-the-top praise of Chrissy for lacing into Preibus. He didn't. Chrissy just made more dishonest lib noise. Typical of Chrissy, the partisan hack shill, faux newsman.
I hate that weaselly little fuck. Wait a sec..... what Repub are we talking about again? ;)
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I watched Matthews coverage of the republican congressional landslide two years ago and all I can say is that I hope he was drunk. Otherwise he is just a fool.
Not a single person on that stage agreed with Matthews rude attack and YOu think Priebus got his ass handed to him? and doesn't Willie have socks on?

ya know what? Chris matthews can cry us a fucking river.
What the fuck is a "Morning Joe?"

Someone with your bona fides should know!

PLUS, frankly, the Morning Schmoe logo ought to serve as a clue, too:

Mattews played the race card three times in 30 seconds, how much does Axelrod pay him?


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