

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
As I spend way too much time driving (which I hate), and I tire of the music stations quickly, I usually end up listening to whatever talk radio stations are in range. These are usually sports talk stations, but sometimes those dumbasses are just too much to take, so it's local news/talk or even - I'm ashamed to admit - NPR. There are occasionally interesting topics raised even if they are rarely handled well.

One topic overheard today: An economics professor discussing the idea that many working moms spend more on daycare and associated costs than they make at their jobs, meaning remaining stay-at-home moms is a more viable option than many people realize. There are also many benefits to the family in having a stay-at-home parent raising the children.
On another station there was a physician and researcher who claims that the accepted benefits of breast feeding may not be as significant as previously thought. A number of related topics branched off from this.
On a particularly annoying station, there was a talk radio host pontificating over how he would never let his son play football.
I like the call in ones the most. Listening the the cross section of America amuses me.

I know the screen the callers, but meh? What can you do?
As I spend way too much time driving (which I hate), and I tire of the music stations quickly, I usually end up listening to whatever talk radio stations are in range. These are usually sports talk stations, but sometimes those dumbasses are just too much to take, so it's local news/talk or even - I'm ashamed to admit - NPR. There are occasionally interesting topics raised even if they are rarely handled well.

One topic overheard today: An economics professor discussing the idea that many working moms spend more on daycare and associated costs than they make at their jobs, meaning remaining stay-at-home moms is a more viable option than many people realize. There are also many benefits to the family in having a stay-at-home parent raising the children.
Listen to Michael savage.... It’s all about positive reinforcement with him
As I spend way too much time driving (which I hate), and I tire of the music stations quickly, I usually end up listening to whatever talk radio stations are in range. These are usually sports talk stations, but sometimes those dumbasses are just too much to take, so it's local news/talk or even - I'm ashamed to admit - NPR. There are occasionally interesting topics raised even if they are rarely handled well.

One topic overheard today: An economics professor discussing the idea that many working moms spend more on daycare and associated costs than they make at their jobs, meaning remaining stay-at-home moms is a more viable option than many people realize. There are also many benefits to the family in having a stay-at-home parent raising the children.
Let me make a couple suggestions.

Podcasts for starters. Joe Rogan has a wide variety of guests, from scientists, professors, athletes, comedians, etc. If you arent into Joe, there are tons of great poscasts to listen to.

My second suggestion would be Sirius/XM. If you get the app, you can on demand anything you cant listen to live. Jim and Sam Show is my favorite. Howard stern is great too.
As I spend way too much time driving (which I hate), and I tire of the music stations quickly, I usually end up listening to whatever talk radio stations are in range. These are usually sports talk stations, but sometimes those dumbasses are just too much to take, so it's local news/talk or even - I'm ashamed to admit - NPR. There are occasionally interesting topics raised even if they are rarely handled well.

One topic overheard today: An economics professor discussing the idea that many working moms spend more on daycare and associated costs than they make at their jobs, meaning remaining stay-at-home moms is a more viable option than many people realize. There are also many benefits to the family in having a stay-at-home parent raising the children.
I have been listening to Rush Limbaugh for about 20 years off an on. Driving from Virginia to New Jersey between the hours of 12 noon and 3 PM it's normal to run out of stations but Rush is so popular that a fine tune on the radio brings him back no matter where you are in Va Md. or Pa.
Between I Heart Radio and the fact I have my entire CD collection downloaded into the hard drive of my vehicle a I have no shortage of stuff to listen to for free.
Could bluetooth talk shows, but I like jamming music when I drive.
Used to have Sirius XM, but like broadcast radio, very repetitive.
I've found that listening to rightwing radio while driving helps keep me alert and it sure doesn't hurt when it come to debating low intelligent liberals.
On a particularly annoying station, there was a talk radio host pontificating over how he would never let his son play football.

In that case, my Ol' Man was trying to kill me! He was a Disabled WW-II Vet and a mechanic all his life.

He bought me a motorcycle for my 13th birthday.

In my late teens, he found a '54 XK-120 Jaguar convertible for me to buy. That was a model Jaguar had built specifically to win at Lemans, which they did twice. All aluminum body with wood door frames for lightweight among many other things.

In my mid-twenties, he found a '66 GTO which I kept and rebuilt until I sold it in 2015.
In my youth, MANY years ago in Miami, I would listen to talk radio in the wee hours of the morning. I'll never forget, one of the most hostile, hate-filled, profane laced, topics was...the proposed leash law in Miami. The host was none other than Larry King, in hid youth
I like the call in ones the most. Listening the the cross section of America amuses me.

I know the screen the callers, but meh? What can you do?
Coast to Coast, is hilarious. Pure entertainment for an insomniac...
I haven't listened to commercial radio for at least 5 years.
I either listen to music I have downloaded or an audio book while driving.
I like the call in ones the most. Listening the the cross section of America amuses me.

I know the screen the callers, but meh? What can you do?
Coast to Coast, is hilarious. Pure entertainment for an insomniac...
Coast to Coast does a good thing when talking issues and politics. It gives time to the subject advertised. You can get a half hour or even an hour or more on an issue by its guest. We get it seems 5 minutes on TV stations even if the talk about an issue is going good.
A few callers seemed pretty worked up at the fact that some of the democrat candidates tried (awkwardly) to slip some Spanish into their remarks in the first debate.
A few callers seemed pretty worked up at the fact that some of the democrat candidates tried (awkwardly) to slip some Spanish into their remarks in the first debate.
The late night jokes about it was hilarious.

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