Racists Schumer and Pelosi refuse to defend Maxine


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
See your white democrat politician has no real use for blacks. The only time they even pretend to give a fuck is when it's time to vote. Most of the time the big city democrat Party bosses just cast the vote for them. As soon as a black starts asking, "besides public housing, the shittest schools in the world, jails, unsafe cities and no economic opportunity, what the fuck have these democrats done for us?" they're shunned.

Take the case of Maxine Waters, a prominent black democrat. She dared to speak up and now, since Obama left, democrat leadership shows it's TRUE colors and threw her under the back of the bus.

No wonder the democrat Party is eager to bring in illegals to replace blacks
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Schumer and Pelosi refuse to defend Maxine

They are too busy with Ruth Ginsburg now.


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