Trump got 8% of the black vote in 2020. Has 22% support now, according to the NYTs.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Blacks are fleeing the Democrats in droves. If any Republican pulls in 22% of the black vote there is no way a Democrat can win.

Nice to see people finally calling the Democrat party out on their decades of lies to the black community.

Blacks are fleeing the Democrats in droves. If any Republican pulls in 22% of the black vote there is no way a Democrat can win.

Nice to see people finally calling the Democrat party out on their decades of lies to the black community.

Not really. The media needs a close race to keep selling advertising.. tRump isn't even really close.
Blacks are fleeing the Democrats in droves. If any Republican pulls in 22% of the black vote there is no way a Democrat can win.

Nice to see people finally calling the Democrat party out on their decades of lies to the black community.

I liked the comments of those who said they liked the Republican 'message of independence.' That's where all Americans should be. The role of government is to promote the general welfare, not provide it. Yes there is a role for government to help those who are truly helpless, but black people as a group are no more helpless than any other group. Promoting the general welfare to the Founders meant getting the government out of our faces as much as possible and don't throw up any unnecessary roadblocks for ALL citizens to have all the choices, options, liberty, and opportunity they need to prosper if they choose to do that.

That means securing the border, sending every non-citizen home who does not legally qualify to be here, imposing as few rules and regulations than are absolutely necessary and protecting the citizens from predators inside and outside the country who want what Americans have and utilize dishonest or unethical means to get it.
Uh huh, sure.
yep, sure. Here ya go, vermin.

Multiple polls in recent weeks have shown Trump performing historically well among Black and Hispanic voters in head-to-head matchups with President Biden, helping put him neck-and-neck with Biden in a way he rarely was during their 2020 matchup.

Across five high-quality polls that have broken out non-White voters in the past month, Trump is averaging 20 percent of Black voters and 42 percent of Hispanic voters

yep, sure. Here ya go, vermin.

Multiple polls in recent weeks have shown Trump performing historically well among Black and Hispanic voters in head-to-head matchups with President Biden, helping put him neck-and-neck with Biden in a way he rarely was during their 2020 matchup.

Across five high-quality polls that have broken out non-White voters in the past month, Trump is averaging 20 percent of Black voters and 42 percent of Hispanic voters

YOu must be the only idiot on this board that thinks hitlerisms are a good comeback.
African Americans are 13% of the US population. Only about 1/3rd of them vote. 20% of that is almost negligible.
Whites have been given handouts at least 8 times in the history of this country. So shut up about Democratic bribes. There won't be 22 percent black suppoort for trump. You guys keep talking about us figuring out the racism of the democratic party. The head of the DNC is black. The RNC fired a black Chairman after he led them to a record victory because he told Russ Limbaugh to STFU. It's republicans who are banning books by blacks or discussions about race unless whites can be heroes. Blacks are in all kinds of leadership positions in the Democratic Party. We see the racism and it's Republican.
Another white expert on being black.
How do you figure? My post is on Black American voting stats. I grew up in the military. I've had more black friends than you have. That's not exactly the: I have this one black friend, kind of thing that whites like me love to say.

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