
Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District

for Drop Your Colors media campaign

(to the tune of CRAZY)

When someone like me breaks the laws
I make excuses, everyone does
But when it's somebody else (ha!)
I call for Justice I don't follow myself!

People in society
Project our image
On all that we see

That makes me "racist"
I put myself first
I see the world through lenses
Framed on my own terms

The cause of racism
Isn't black and white
We can make each other wrong
Or we can make things right

One look at world history
It's full of genocide and bigotry
The Irish and Black slaves who were raped
Still carry hatred and pain to this day

Fear inside is mutual
But still uniquely individual

That makes us biased
Set in our own ways
You can blame it on religion
Creed or race

The cause of bias
Is more than black and white
We can make each other wrong
It doesn't make things right

[Why can't we drop our colors
Express our conscience and our beliefs
Everybody wants free speech
All I ask is that you practice what you preach]

Cuz we're all biased
We fight for our beliefs
You can blame it on religion
Race or creed

The root of racism
Isn't black or white
We can make each other wrong
That doesn't make things right

Call it racist
We put ourselves first
We see the world through lenses
Framed on our own terms

The cause of bias
Is more than black and white
We can make each other wrong
Or we can make things right

Center For The Healing Of Racism | Internalize Oneness

Last edited:
for Drop Your Colors media campaign

(to the tune of CRAZY)

RACIST song (final draft)

When someone like me breaks the laws
I make excuses, everyone does
But when it's somebody else (ha!)
I call for Justice I don't follow myself!

People in society
Project our image
On all that we see

That makes me "racist"
I put myself first
I see the world through lenses
Framed on my own terms

The cause of racism
Isn't black and white
We can make each other wrong
Or we can make things right

One look at world history
It's full of genocide and bigotry
The Irish slaves and Black tribes who were raped
Still carry hatred and pain to this day

Fear inside is mutual
But still uniquely individual

That makes us biased
Set in our own ways
You can blame it on religion
Class or race

The cause of bias
Is more than black and white
We can make each other wrong
It doesn't make things right

[Why can't we drop our colors,
Work together, create world peace
Everybody wants free speech
All I ask is that you practice what you preach]

Admit we're biased
Stuck in our own ways
We can blame it on religion
Class or race

The root of racism
Isn't black or white
We can make each other wrong
That doesn't make things right

We call it racist
Putting ourselves first
We see the world through lenses
Framed on our own terms

The cause of bias
Is more than black and white
We can make each other wrong
Or we can make things right

Center For The Healing Of Racism | Internalize Oneness


When someone like me breaks the laws
I make excuses, everyone does
But when it's somebody else (ha!)
I call for Justice I don't follow myself!

People in society
Project our image
On all that we see

That makes me "racist"
I put myself first
I paint the world through lenses
Framed on my own terms

The cause of racism
Isn't black and white
We can make each other wrong
It doesn't make things right

One look at world history
It's full of genocide and bigotry
The Red, White and Black tribes that were raped
Still carry hatred and pain to this day

Fear inside is mutual
But still uniquely individual

That makes us biased
Stuck in our own ways
We blame it on religion
Class or race

The cause of bias
Is more than black or white
We can make each other wrong
Or we can make things right

[You call me Racist.
Biased - Yeah, aren't we all...
STOP the
Race baiting, group hating,
Name calling, fat shaming,
Finger pointing, mud slinging,
Baby whining, victim blaming,
Cyber bully CRAP!

Why can't we drop our colors,
Seek Justice, believe in Peace
Everybody wants free speech
All I ask is that we practice what we preach]

Because we're biased
Stuck in our own ways
Blame it on religion
Class or race

The cause of racism
Ain't just black or white
We can make each other wrong
That doesn't make things right

We put ourselves first
We see the world through lenses
Framed on our own terms

The cause of bias
Is more than black and white
We can make each other wrong
Or we can make things right

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