Racism at Fox News

Well what do you know, the liberal left will even call babies Uncle Tom.

MSNBC Panel?s Odd Reaction to Picture of Romney?s Black Adopted Grandson | Video | TheBlaze.com

“I think this picture is great,” Obeidallah added. “It really sums up the diversity of the Republican party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person.”


How long will blacks put up with being put down?

What I find odd is the way all the boys are dressed the same and so are the girls. Sort of like little Mormon uniforms.
I see, here is an example of race baiting, now I know what it means:

Dirty Tricks, South Carolina and John McCain | The Nation

From the link:

"Eight years ago this month, John McCain took the New Hampshire primary and was favored to win in South Carolina. Had he succeeded, he would likely have thwarted the presidential aspirations of George W. Bush and become the Republican nominee. But Bush strategist Karl Rove came to the rescue with a vicious smear tactic.

"Rove invented a uniquely injurious fiction for his operatives to circulate via a phony poll. Voters were asked, "Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain...if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?" This was no random slur. McCain was at the time campaigning with his dark-skinned daughter, Bridget, adopted from Bangladesh."

So, I guess we can presume the State of South Carolina has a majority of racists, since painting with such a broad brush represent the 'truth' on this thread.

You can ASSUME that, but then it may be that they won't vote for someone who commits adultery.

Care to talk about the entire Obama campaign against Romney being nothing but an exercise in character assissination?
Marc Lamont Hill: “Some would say maybe that it’s an exploitative picture that they’re exploiting the kid by hauling out this black person …” He also said so to speak, that because of the black kid being involved in the picture, well it makes the picture somewhat of a spectacle...WOW!

Mark I think is a pure racist against white people, and an apologist for everything else that attacks white people. Just listen to him go.
Wouldn't it be interesting if we did a search on comments made about the character of Trayvon Martin by those who are all hysterical about a comment by MHP?

What point would you make with that search?

It's pretty obvious. You've posted a bunch of facts without any evidence of their truth. We would find others just like you who make judgments based on hearsay. He may have smoked weed, but what evidence is their that he was "on drugs" the day he was murdered? Weed stays in the system for days after smoking/ingestion and the high is long gone.

The germane facts are: Martin was stalked by GZ; Martin was unarmed and GZ was armed with a handgun; Martin was 17 years old; GZ 28 years old. Martin was murdered by GZ.

Part of the hateful talk about Trayvon Martin was reaction to media efforts to portray him as a cherubic child. He was a troubled young man who was indeed on drugs at the time that Zimmerman called 911 and said he saw someone who looked like he was on drugs doing things which concerned him. Pretending Martin was a small person who was overpowered by a hulking 28-year-old man and the media trying to paint Zimmerman as a racist caused backlash.

GZ may or may not be a racist, but his actions suggest he profiled the victim; and he appears to be a coward who finds courage in possessing a gun.

It is possible that some of the loss of life in this country since that tragedy is attributable to the hyperbole on both sides. Anger was generated for an agenda and for ratings.

Wow. It's all about the media. The media caused more deaths? What probative evidence do you have to make your allegation less than absurd.
Wouldn't it be interesting if we did a search on comments made about the character of Trayvon Martin by those who are all hysterical about a comment by MHP?

What point would you make with that search?

It's pretty obvious. You've posted a bunch of facts without any evidence of their truth. We would find others just like you who make judgments based on hearsay. He may have smoked weed, but what evidence is their that he was "on drugs" the day he was murdered? Weed stays in the system for days after smoking/ingestion and the high is long gone.

The germane facts are: Martin was stalked by GZ; Martin was unarmed and GZ was armed with a handgun; Martin was 17 years old; GZ 28 years old. Martin was murdered by GZ.

Part of the hateful talk about Trayvon Martin was reaction to media efforts to portray him as a cherubic child. He was a troubled young man who was indeed on drugs at the time that Zimmerman called 911 and said he saw someone who looked like he was on drugs doing things which concerned him. Pretending Martin was a small person who was overpowered by a hulking 28-year-old man and the media trying to paint Zimmerman as a racist caused backlash.

GZ may or may not be a racist, but his actions suggest he profiled the victim; and he appears to be a coward who finds courage in possessing a gun.

It is possible that some of the loss of life in this country since that tragedy is attributable to the hyperbole on both sides. Anger was generated for an agenda and for ratings.

Wow. It's all about the media. The media caused more deaths? What probative evidence do you have to make your allegation less than absurd.

I'll ask again. What does the Martin-Zimmerman tragedy have to do with this topic?
Thread title: Racism at Fox News

So ... Melissa Harris-Perry and MSNBC panel are a Fox Noise show now?

Nobody tells me anything.

Of course they do. Lots of people tell you lots of things and you obey. You will continue to obey for the rest of your life and there is nothing you can do about it. You will do as you're told whether you like it or not. Don't forget it.

:cuckoo: ^^ Wacko.
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I think both sides need to lighten up! This video does illustrate the double standard of what is considered racist; however, I did not find the humor to be mean spirited. Everyone seems to be hypersentive to race now days.....
Isn't this where conservatives en masse come to the defense of these MSNBC'ers, the way they did Phil Robertson,

if only to prove that they have consistent principles?

lol, dream on.
The radical left managed to joke about Palin's Down's Syndrome baby and now they attack the former GOP presidential candidate for adopting a Black baby. The bigotry on the left is remarkable and the liberal media's compliance in the hate speech is disgusting.
Thread title: Racism at Fox News

So ... Melissa Harris-Perry and MSNBC panel are a Fox Noise show now?

Nobody tells me anything.

Of course they do. Lots of people tell you lots of things and you obey. You will continue to obey for the rest of your life and there is nothing you can do about it. You will do as you're told whether you like it or not. Don't forget it.

:cuckoo: ^^ Wacko.

You'll obey and you'll like it.
nobody said uncle tom.....
Anyways dont care, grow some thicker skin pussies.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa too funny. My gosh do you know the definition of Uncle Tom? After all the term was invented by the liberal left.(I made that up)
"Video has been removed by the user"

Shocker! :lol:

I guess I deserve that for using MSNBC as a source.

Fortunately, this is the internet.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czMoPk9trqg]Melissa Harris Perry's MSNBC Panel Mocks Mitt Romney's Black Grandson - YouTube[/ame]
that was a sickening display from these people
But don't forget, their kind, liberals/progressives cares more about PEOPLE
that Station should be SHUNNED

O please stop with your sanctimonious bullshit. What they said was wrong but there is racists post on this board every day and not a peep out of you.

I haven't got the time, or energy, to follow all of them around the board.
The radical left managed to joke about Palin's Down's Syndrome baby and now they attack the former GOP presidential candidate for adopting a Black baby. The bigotry on the left is remarkable and the liberal media's compliance in the hate speech is disgusting.

You are aware that only the people who said these things, or voices support for what was said, own them, right?
that was a sickening display from these people
But don't forget, their kind, liberals/progressives cares more about PEOPLE
that Station should be SHUNNED

Another thoughtless echo from the resident deranged parrot.

As for the rest of the echo chamber, above, consider the definition of racism:

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Only in your heart do you know if you are a racist. And only by the words or actions can another tell if a person is a racist.

From the FBI:

Hate Crime—Overview

Investigating hate crime is the number one priority of our Civil Rights Program. Why? Not only because hate crime has a devastating impact on families and communities, but also because groups that preach hatred and intolerance plant the seeds of terrorism here in our country.

Defining a Hate Crime

A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, Congress has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.” Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.

If you look at the video and tell me that is not bigotry and/or racism you are the one with the problem.
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