R. Stone Sentencing - Any Democrat with Integrity?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Aside from the overblown rhetoric, can somebody explain what, exactly Roger Stone did, and how it affected Life As We Know It?

Bottom line: First offense, non-violent "crime"? NINE YEARS???

Where is THE Democrat who is willing to say that the initial sentencing recommendation was OUTRAGEOUS?

There is no doubt in my mind that these DoJ prosecutors - Never Trumper's to be sure - intended to get such an outrageous sentence for Roger Stone that the President would be FORCED to pardon him, and then have to deal with all the Democrat and Media bullshit that would follow such an act.

"I Double-Dare You to pardon that bastard!"

Aside from the overblown rhetoric, can somebody explain what, exactly Roger Stone did, and how it affected Life As We Know It?

Bottom line: First offense, non-violent "crime"? NINE YEARS???

Where is THE Democrat who is willing to say that the initial sentencing recommendation was OUTRAGEOUS?

There is no doubt in my mind that these DoJ prosecutors - Never Trumper's to be sure - intended to get such an outrageous sentence for Roger Stone that the President would be FORCED to pardon him, and then have to deal with all the Democrat and Media bullshit that would follow such an act.

"I Double-Dare You to pardon that bastard!"
Well he was convicted in a court of law on 7 criminal counts. If you don't know what they are then why don't you look them up?

Aside from the overblown rhetoric, can somebody explain what, exactly Roger Stone did, and how it affected Life As We Know It?

Bottom line: First offense, non-violent "crime"? NINE YEARS???

Where is THE Democrat who is willing to say that the initial sentencing recommendation was OUTRAGEOUS?

There is no doubt in my mind that these DoJ prosecutors - Never Trumper's to be sure - intended to get such an outrageous sentence for Roger Stone that the President would be FORCED to pardon him, and then have to deal with all the Democrat and Media bullshit that would follow such an act.

"I Double-Dare You to pardon that bastard!"
I was looking at his indictments today. Pretty much all started with ‘he made false or misleading statements’. Yeah, excessive.

Aside from the overblown rhetoric, can somebody explain what, exactly Roger Stone did, and how it affected Life As We Know It?

Bottom line: First offense, non-violent "crime"? NINE YEARS???

Where is THE Democrat who is willing to say that the initial sentencing recommendation was OUTRAGEOUS?

There is no doubt in my mind that these DoJ prosecutors - Never Trumper's to be sure - intended to get such an outrageous sentence for Roger Stone that the President would be FORCED to pardon him, and then have to deal with all the Democrat and Media bullshit that would follow such an act.

"I Double-Dare You to pardon that bastard!"
Well he was convicted in a court of law on 7 criminal counts. If you don't know what they are then why don't you look them up?
All process crimes that he was set up for by the FBI...

Aside from the overblown rhetoric, can somebody explain what, exactly Roger Stone did, and how it affected Life As We Know It?

Bottom line: First offense, non-violent "crime"? NINE YEARS???

Where is THE Democrat who is willing to say that the initial sentencing recommendation was OUTRAGEOUS?

There is no doubt in my mind that these DoJ prosecutors - Never Trumper's to be sure - intended to get such an outrageous sentence for Roger Stone that the President would be FORCED to pardon him, and then have to deal with all the Democrat and Media bullshit that would follow such an act.

"I Double-Dare You to pardon that bastard!"
I was looking at his indictments today. Pretty much all started with ‘he made false or misleading statements’. Yeah, excessive.
What were the statements? Knowing what he lied about is relevant, don't you think? What about the witness intimidation?

And don't you think it odd that Stone would go to such lengths to lie and try and obstruct and influence other witnesses over a hoax investigation into a guy who did nothing wrong? Thats not really adding up... I mean if your friend was being investigated and was innocent would you go in and lie and obstruct?

Aside from the overblown rhetoric, can somebody explain what, exactly Roger Stone did, and how it affected Life As We Know It?

Bottom line: First offense, non-violent "crime"? NINE YEARS???

Where is THE Democrat who is willing to say that the initial sentencing recommendation was OUTRAGEOUS?

There is no doubt in my mind that these DoJ prosecutors - Never Trumper's to be sure - intended to get such an outrageous sentence for Roger Stone that the President would be FORCED to pardon him, and then have to deal with all the Democrat and Media bullshit that would follow such an act.

"I Double-Dare You to pardon that bastard!"
Well he was convicted in a court of law on 7 criminal counts. If you don't know what they are then why don't you look them up?
All process crimes that he was set up for by the FBI...
Set up for? How so? Do you think he was innocent of the crimes he was convicted of?

Aside from the overblown rhetoric, can somebody explain what, exactly Roger Stone did, and how it affected Life As We Know It?

Bottom line: First offense, non-violent "crime"? NINE YEARS???

Where is THE Democrat who is willing to say that the initial sentencing recommendation was OUTRAGEOUS?

There is no doubt in my mind that these DoJ prosecutors - Never Trumper's to be sure - intended to get such an outrageous sentence for Roger Stone that the President would be FORCED to pardon him, and then have to deal with all the Democrat and Media bullshit that would follow such an act.

"I Double-Dare You to pardon that bastard!"
I was looking at his indictments today. Pretty much all started with ‘he made false or misleading statements’. Yeah, excessive.
What were the statements? Knowing what he lied about is relevant, don't you think? What about the witness intimidation?

And don't you think it odd that Stone would go to such lengths to lie and try and obstruct and influence other witnesses over a hoax investigation into a guy who did nothing wrong? Thats not really adding up... I mean if your friend was being investigated and was innocent would you go in and lie and obstruct?
“or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both.”

also for perjury-
VI. knowing the same to contain any false material declaration,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. 79
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Aside from the overblown rhetoric, can somebody explain what, exactly Roger Stone did, and how it affected Life As We Know It?

Bottom line: First offense, non-violent "crime"? NINE YEARS???

Where is THE Democrat who is willing to say that the initial sentencing recommendation was OUTRAGEOUS?

There is no doubt in my mind that these DoJ prosecutors - Never Trumper's to be sure - intended to get such an outrageous sentence for Roger Stone that the President would be FORCED to pardon him, and then have to deal with all the Democrat and Media bullshit that would follow such an act.

"I Double-Dare You to pardon that bastard!"
I was looking at his indictments today. Pretty much all started with ‘he made false or misleading statements’. Yeah, excessive.
What were the statements? Knowing what he lied about is relevant, don't you think? What about the witness intimidation?

And don't you think it odd that Stone would go to such lengths to lie and try and obstruct and influence other witnesses over a hoax investigation into a guy who did nothing wrong? Thats not really adding up... I mean if your friend was being investigated and was innocent would you go in and lie and obstruct?
“or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both.”
The sentencing may as well be 3 years... But he was convicted of 7 crimes... Lying to congress, intimidating a witness, obstruction of justice... It adds up
Of course he does... Why do you want to see him excusing criminal activity. Because it was his buddy trying to cover for him?
Again, the President can pardon anyone he wants and is not required to provide an explanation for his actions. ... :cool:
I didn't ask you about what the president is allowed to do... You voiced support for him taking that action and I'm asking you why you support excusing criminal activity?
I expect Pres.Trump to pardon Stone after the 2020 election. ... :cool:
Do you believe that Stone committed crimes and was found guilty through our legal process?
I believe Comey Clapper Brennan, several FBI agents and prosecutors have committed the same crime stone is being sentenced for.
So when you left tards treat justice is blind then we will consider not pardoning these patriots

Aside from the overblown rhetoric, can somebody explain what, exactly Roger Stone did, and how it affected Life As We Know It?

Bottom line: First offense, non-violent "crime"? NINE YEARS???

Where is THE Democrat who is willing to say that the initial sentencing recommendation was OUTRAGEOUS?

There is no doubt in my mind that these DoJ prosecutors - Never Trumper's to be sure - intended to get such an outrageous sentence for Roger Stone that the President would be FORCED to pardon him, and then have to deal with all the Democrat and Media bullshit that would follow such an act.

"I Double-Dare You to pardon that bastard!"
Well he was convicted in a court of law on 7 criminal counts. If you don't know what they are then why don't you look them up?
All process crimes that he was set up for by the FBI...
Set up for? How so? Do you think he was innocent of the crimes he was convicted of?
He was convicted of lying to investigators....they can get anyone even you on that charge if they ask you the right questions...they did the same thing to Flynn...the entire Mueller investigation was also an attempt to get people on process crimes...that is the kind of police work liberals have always fought against....
I didn't ask you about what the president is allowed to do... You voiced support for him taking that action and I'm asking you why you support excusing criminal activity?
It doesn't matter what I think or want you think about the situation.

Our beloved Pres.Trump is going to do what he thinks is best.

He is our ruler, and we should support his decisions. ... :cool:
Of course he does... Why do you want to see him excusing criminal activity. Because it was his buddy trying to cover for him?
Again, the President can pardon anyone he wants and is not required to provide an explanation for his actions. ... :cool:
I didn't ask you about what the president is allowed to do... You voiced support for him taking that action and I'm asking you why you support excusing criminal activity?
Has Adam schiff lied?
I expect Pres.Trump to pardon Stone after the 2020 election. ... :cool:
Do you believe that Stone committed crimes and was found guilty through our legal process?
I believe Comey Clapper Brennan, several FBI agents and prosecutors have committed the same crime stone is being sentenced for.
So when you left tards treat justice is blind then we will consider not pardoning these patriots
Barrs DOJ is the agency that indicted Stone... They could have done the exact same thing to Comey or anybody else. They didn't because you aren't comparing apples to apples... You conflate situations without intimate knowledge of the facts. Its a tactic that you're not very good at.

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