Quran Burning church mortgage called loses insurance


Jul 14, 2009
No permit issued

(Gainesville, FL) -- City officials in Gainesville, Florida have denied a burning permit to a local church that wants to burn copies of the Koran on the anniversary of 9-11.
The Dove World Outreach Center announced the planned Koran burning last month on Facebook and urged other religious groups to join in, quote, "in remembrance of the fallen victims of 9/11 and to stand against the evil of Islam." Gainesville officials say book burnings like the one planned by the Dove World Outreach Center are prohibited under the city's burning ordinance.
Interim Fire Chief Gene Prince warned Wednesday that the church would face a fine if it went ahead with the burning of the Korans on 9-11.
That doesn't appear to be deterring Senior Dove World Pastor Terry Jones.
The pastor, who has written a book called "Islam is of the Devil," sent out an e-mail saying the church would "still burn Korans" despite the possible consequences.
The Koran burning has been condemned by a number of Muslim and Christian groups.

FL Church Denied Permit For Koran Burning - MyStateLine.com

RBC Bank calls in mortgage - BUT WE WILL STILL BURN KORANS
Cottons All-Lines cancels insurance - BUT WE WILL STILL BURN KORANS
We will proceed with the Koran Burning Event, Saturday 9/11, 6-9pm, as planned.

RBC Bank called in our mortgage with a limited time to pay it off. Now Cottons All-lines Insurance has also cancelled our commercial insurance on our property putting our mortgage in immediate default. We need to raise the $140,000 to pay off the RBC loan immediately.

We need your help! Please send as generous a donation as possible.

Make checks payable to Dove World Outreach Center,
or use our Paypal donation link on the main page of our website here..

Thank you for your prayers and support.
Call or send us an email at iwith your thoughts and questions. Stay in touch!

Dr. Terry Jones - Senior Pastor

Gainesville officials say book burnings like the one planned by the Dove World Outreach Center are prohibited under the city's burning ordinance.

Irony: One religion complaining that another religion is going to come and change our laws by breaking our current laws. :eusa_think:
And they are still going to do it? You'd think they would think twice at this point.
Would we expect any different reaction?

About 100 Indonesian Islamists demonstrated outside the US embassy in Jakarta on Friday and threatened "jihad" or holy war if a US Christian group goes through with threats to publicly burn the Koran.

The Dove World Outreach Center's planned Koran burning on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks would unleash uncontrollable rage from Muslims around the world, a spokesman for the protesters warned.

"No one will be able to control this reaction," said Roni Ruslan of the Hizbut Tahrir, an international radical organisation that advocates the introduction of sharia or Islamic law.

"We urge the US government and Christian leaders to stop the crazy plan from this small sect. It's an insult to Islam and to 1.5 billion Muslims around the world," he added.

Protesters shouted "God is greater" while holding banners that read "Destroy burners of the Koran" and "Answer the Koran burning with Jihad".

Indonesia is the world's largest Muslim-majority country.

Hardline Indonesia Muslims protest planned Koran burning - *Latest news around the world and developments close to home - MSN Philippines News

Would we expect any different reaction?

About 100 Indonesian Islamists demonstrated outside the US embassy in Jakarta on Friday and threatened "jihad" or holy war if a US Christian group goes through with threats to publicly burn the Koran.

The Dove World Outreach Center's planned Koran burning on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks would unleash uncontrollable rage from Muslims around the world, a spokesman for the protesters warned.

"No one will be able to control this reaction," said Roni Ruslan of the Hizbut Tahrir, an international radical organisation that advocates the introduction of sharia or Islamic law.

"We urge the US government and Christian leaders to stop the crazy plan from this small sect. It's an insult to Islam and to 1.5 billion Muslims around the world," he added.

Protesters shouted "God is greater" while holding banners that read "Destroy burners of the Koran" and "Answer the Koran burning with Jihad".

Indonesia is the world's largest Muslim-majority country.

Hardline Indonesia Muslims protest planned Koran burning - *Latest news around the world and developments close to home - MSN Philippines News

I wondered what ever happened to the tablecloths at Denny's.

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