Quiz: Are you scientifically literate?

Quiz results
You answered 47 of 50 questions correctly for a total score of 94%.

Need to brush up on chem, I suppose. Enjoyable quiz, though.


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37 of 50...

1. Carbon = Organic Chemistry
2. Gamma = 3rd angle in a triangle
3. 8 = atomic number of oxygen
4. Blastocyst = single cell after reproduction
5. 1 newton per 200 grams = 5 meters per second squared
6. F = Celsius
7. Mars gravity = Mercury Gravity
8. Titan moon with liquid
9. Mass x Velocity = momentum
10. e = 2.718
11. mu = coefficient of friction
12. scalene = bent triangle
13. Nimbus = precipitating cloud

Not bad for being out of school for 30 years. But to be honest, some were answered by process of elimination and not direct recall.

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37 of 50...

1. Carbon = Organic Chemistry
2. Gamma = 3rd angle in a triangle
3. 8 = atomic number of oxygen
4. Blastocyst = single cell after reproduction
5. 1 newton per 200 grams = 5 meters per second squared
6. F = Celsius
7. Mars gravity = Mercury Gravity
8. Titan moon with liquid
9. Mass x Velocity = momentum
10. e = 2.718
11. mu = coefficient of friction
12. scalene = bent triangle
13. Nimbus = precipitating cloud

Not bad for being out of school for 30 years. But to be honest, some were answered by process of elimination and not direct recall.


I missed:

1. Newton, rate of acceleration also.
2. Austrailopithecus, Africa.(sp.)
3. Pluto Eris moon
5. Protium isotope (sp.)

Some were gimmes, but a good portion required concentration.
Christian Science Monitor Quiz...Are you scientifically literate?

Are you scientifically literate? Take our quiz - CSMonitor.com

My score...

Quiz results

37 Correct
13 Wrong

You answered 37 of 50 questions correctly for a total score of 74%.

I beat you by one. BUT, I hadda do some serious guessing. And a couple I SHOULD have gotten right, i second guessed myself out of.

Quiz results
You answered 38 of 50 questions correctly for a total
score of 76%.
You answered 45 of 50 questions correctly for a total score of 90%.

Fun, but disappointed in myself for a couple of those I got wrong.
Pluto isn't a planet and the test lists it as a planet.

And they were also wrong about what the A in AM stands for: it is clearly amphibian as that is where you find all the rightwingloony lizards.
39 right
11 wrong

Would have been much worse if I hadn't subbed quite a bit in science classes!
You answered 38 of 50 questions correctly for a total score of 76%.

Good fucking grief! Joules? Who the fuck cares?!

A train leave Denver heading east... how many Newtons are acting on it.

Seriously nobody other than an electric engineer has any business getting these right.

Also, I was tempted to give the age of the Earth as 6,000 years, it being a Christian Scientist test
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