Questions that shoud be, but won't be, asked at tonight's Dem debate

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Are you concerned by all the white privilege on the stage tonight?

How much free stuff are you willing to give away?

How many jobs have you created that didn't involve government intervention?

You've taken the oath of office and have comfortable majorities in both houses of Congress. What do you ban first?

Do you believe Bill Cosby's accusers are telling the truth? What about Bill Clinton's? http://

How many armed guards do you retain for protection?

Do businesses create jobs?

Hillary, will you commit to dropping out of the race if the FBI recommends indictment?

Hillary, why did it take you so long to adopt Dick Cheney's view of gay marriage?

Should Dylan Roof face the death penalty?

At what gestational age does a healthy mom aborting a healthy fetus become wrong?

Senator Sanders: you denounce big money in politics, yet you accept millions from unions. How is union money different?

Do you believe a person has the right to seek healthcare without the government being involved?

Is government powerful enough to create a problem so big that even government can't solve it?

Do you believe in a woman's right to choose her kid's charter school?

Should it be legal for a black baker to refuse to bake a Confederate-Flag emblazoned cake?

Does the current Democratic field look like America? Would the entrance of Joe Biden into the race help or hinder that?

Should a genetically male HS student who identifies as female be allowed to use the girls bathroom and locker room?

What’s a bigger threat to America: terrorism or climate change?

What common sense gun laws would you pass today that you did not deem as common sense when you had majorities in 2009?

What qualifies as an "infringement" on the right to keep and bear arms?
As bad as the Rs are, the Ds are 10 times worse but they don't know it, thinks to the propaganda they ingest every day.
Socialism? Seriously? What the fuck are you morons "thinking"?
They have been pushing socialism for a long time now. Only now they feel they can do it openly thanks to the brainwashing many Americans have accepted in the government schools.
Well, ask those questions of Trump, and you get the "perfect answers":

Trump would respond:

"I am rich, I am beautiful, I went to the best school in the world and I am going to build a wall."
I think the GOP folks here are more interested in this debate than most who are eventually going to vote for HIllary or Bernie.

Very telling....

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