Questions About Trump's Competence Grow Louder


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
'In the span of seventy-two hours, President Donald Trump has fumed and fired a health chief with a penchant for taxpayer-funded private jets, bragged about a recovery process in Puerto Rico that bears little resemblance to reality on the ground, lashed the mayor of the island's capital city for questioning the federal response, and viewed a golf tournament from the "commissioner's suite" at a country club that costs $500,000 to join.

The whiplash weekend just past the eight-month mark of Trump's presidency reflects an administration still dictated by the personal whims of the President, who aides and friends describe as continually agitated by a series of unfulfilled campaign promises and convinced the counsel from his hired hands has steered him woefully off course.

As Trump settled into another weekend at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club, the questions about his competence as leader grew louder. Widespread suffering on Puerto Rico has been unmatched by the rhetoric coming from the White House, where the recovery effort is described in far rosier terms.

Questions about Trump's leadership are not new, but the unmet needs of Puerto Rico — the majority of the island is without power, while drinking water and fuel remain scarce — have placed his shirking of presidential norms into sharper relief than ever.'

Trump's whiplash weekend heightens questions about leadership - CNNPolitics

For a majority of Americans, of course, there is no question that Trump is in fact incompetent, and unfit to be president.
So you would rather Trump NOT ensure tax dollars are spent wisely by keeping the wasteful spender?

'Damned if you do, damned if you don't'. Nothing Trump can do will please snowflakes.

'Un-met Needs in Puerto Rico'? Yeah, file that BS Under The Heading of 'Fake News', alongside the staged flood water rescue by CNN.

The San Juan Mayor pleaded for someone to save them, while she stood in front of a warehouse filled with rescue supplies.

A little more digging revealed the b**** was a huge Hillary supporter in 2016, now engaged in Trump bashing, another staged fake news story.

Figures. Trump Bashing San Juan Mayor Was Big Hillary Clinton Supporter in 2016

False Accusations
Zero Evidence
False Reports
False Claims
And all constantly unraveling in front of the American people

... I guess losing 1000 elections, including the embarrassing 2016 presidential election, was not enough for Democrats. It seems they are increasing their efforts to double that number of losses.
'In the span of seventy-two hours, President Donald Trump has fumed and fired a health chief with a penchant for taxpayer-funded private jets, bragged about a recovery process in Puerto Rico that bears little resemblance to reality on the ground, lashed the mayor of the island's capital city for questioning the federal response, and viewed a golf tournament from the "commissioner's suite" at a country club that costs $500,000 to join.

The whiplash weekend just past the eight-month mark of Trump's presidency reflects an administration still dictated by the personal whims of the President, who aides and friends describe as continually agitated by a series of unfulfilled campaign promises and convinced the counsel from his hired hands has steered him woefully off course.

As Trump settled into another weekend at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club, the questions about his competence as leader grew louder. Widespread suffering on Puerto Rico has been unmatched by the rhetoric coming from the White House, where the recovery effort is described in far rosier terms.

Questions about Trump's leadership are not new, but the unmet needs of Puerto Rico — the majority of the island is without power, while drinking water and fuel remain scarce — have placed his shirking of presidential norms into sharper relief than ever.'

Trump's whiplash weekend heightens questions about leadership - CNNPolitics

For a majority of Americans, of course, there is no question that Trump is in fact incompetent, and unfit to be president.

When idiots raise questions, the answers are usually as idiotic as the questions.
You know what I find funny?

That for the past 8 years, conservatives/Republicans questioned the competence of Obama.

And now liberals/Democrats for almost 10 months now are doing the same to Trump.

Can't any of you find a better argument?
"Questions About Trump's Competence Grow Louder ... "

Louder than what ... As far as I can tell the same people have been bitching just as loud as always since before he got elected ... :dunno:

Meanwhile you have Nancy Pelosi looking like an escapee from a dementia patient crack user Rehab Clinic... Talk about needing a psych test and a competency evaluation...

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 9/11 - 9/30 -- 40.1 53.9 -13.8
Gallup 9/28 - 9/30 1500 A 38 57 -19
CNN 9/26 - 9/28 1037 A 37 56 -19
Rasmussen Reports 9/26 - 9/28 1500 LV 45 54 -9
FOX News 9/24 - 9/26 1017 RV 42 53 -11
Economist/YouGov 9/24 - 9/26 1254 RV 40 55 -15
Reuters/Ipsos 9/22 - 9/26 3429 A 38 57 -19
Quinnipiac 9/21 - 9/26 1412 RV 36 57 -21
PPP (D) 9/22 - 9/25 865 RV 42 53 -11
CBS News 9/21 - 9/24 1202 A 35 55 -20
ABC News/Wash Post 9/18 - 9/21 RV 42 54 -12
Monmouth 9/15 - 9/19 857 RV 42 48 -6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/14 - 9/18 900 A 43 52 -9
Marist 9/11 - 9/13 1009 RV 41 50 -9
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Looks like the majority of Americans have the treasonous fat senile old orange clown's number.
Snowflakes are questioning the president's Competency Based on a few of his appointees having issues?

Do they not remember President Obama's initial term in office, when the majority of his appointees were revealed as tax evaders and tax cheats, like little Timmy tax cheat Geithner, Obama's Secretary of the Treasury Department?

The 'smoothest transition ever' became a nightmare trying to find a Democrat who actually paid their taxes...
You know what I find funny?

That for the past 8 years, conservatives/Republicans questioned the competence of Obama.

And now liberals/Democrats for almost 10 months now are doing the same to Trump.

Can't any of you find a better argument?

They questioned his citizenship, his college, his religion, the food he was served as a child....ect. Not his competency.
You know what I find funny?

That for the past 8 years, conservatives/Republicans questioned the competence of Obama.

And now liberals/Democrats for almost 10 months now are doing the same to Trump.

Can't any of you find a better argument?

They questioned his citizenship, his college, his religion, the food he was served as a child....ect. Not his competency.
Well we all know the Muslim Kenyan Marxist Socialists wouldn't send an incompetent deep cover mole to infiltrate our gummit! (-:
You know what I find funny?

That for the past 8 years, conservatives/Republicans questioned the competence of Obama.

And now liberals/Democrats for almost 10 months now are doing the same to Trump.

Can't any of you find a better argument?


The Obama questions were generally unjustified... Remember the response to Sandy compared to Maria...

The storm made landfall on Puerto Rico on Wednesday, September 20, as of September 26, 95% of the island was without power, less than half the population had potable water, and 95% of the island had no cell phone service.

Imagine if Obama went on a twitter rant on NFL players and said nothing about a disaster zone of 3.5 million people... He sent 20 tweets about NFL and none about the disaster...

Are we comparing like with like?

Where is Obama's rant during Sandy about Basketball?
Snowflakes are questioning the president's Competency Based on a few of his appointees having issues?

Do they not remember President Obama's initial term in office, when the majority of his appointees were revealed as tax evaders and tax cheats, like little Timmy tax cheat Geithner, Obama's Secretary of the Treasury Department?

The 'smoothest transition ever' became a nightmare trying to find a Democrat who actually paid their taxes...

Seriously all you got is Geithner... Is that the best you got...

Tillerson should be in jail... I am sure as hell if I did what he did I would be in crap....

Flynn looks likely for the orange suit or he better sing like a canary...

Kushner and Ivanka by your own admission should be locked up or was the Hillary rant just made up now...

Price, give us our million bucks back...

The list goes on.... And all you got is Geithner who had a $35,000 payroll tax mistake made by a piece of software, which he paid when found...
Seriously all you got is Geithner... Is that the best you got...
You missed the entire point completely.

Some have said the problems Trump is having with some of the people he has appointed means he's incompetent. Geithner was only one of the MANY employees Obama initially had problems with. I was pointing out that Obama had his share of 'appointment / personnel problems as well.

I am not going to get into the list of people you claim connected to Trump one way or another should be in jail, especially since there is no evidence to support your claims against them. Instead I will simply stick to clarifying the point I was trying to make.
You know what I find funny?

That for the past 8 years, conservatives/Republicans questioned the competence of Obama.

And now liberals/Democrats for almost 10 months now are doing the same to Trump.

Can't any of you find a better argument?

They questioned his citizenship, his college, his religion, the food he was served as a child....ect. Not his competency.
Well we all know the Muslim Kenyan Marxist Socialists wouldn't send an incompetent deep cover mole to infiltrate our gummit! (-:

He was also a gay crackhead too.

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