Question for those on the left

Where does the government get its money?

From taxpayers. What's your point? It comes from ALL taxpayers - not just far right loons. Red states are the welfare queens.

Wrong, only about 60% comes from tax collections, the rest comes from borrowing (increasing the national debt) and printing more money (actually or electronically).

Please post a chart showing the actual dollars of welfare money sent to each state---not a per capita chart that distorts reality. You will find that Cal and NY get more welfare money that any other states.
Maybe this will help:


The ironic part of this welfare smear campaign is that in “reality”, the face of welfare isn’t anything like what the Republican spin machine wants us to believe. In reality (that magical place where statistics live), if welfare has a face, it is very white, rural and corporate. A vast majority of all ‘welfare’ goes to these three groups.

Which states receive the lion’s share of welfare? Again, it is not what the Republicans would like you to think. In fact, if you map the states that receive the most welfare on the map, it look remarkably similar to the 2008 presidential electoral map. The Red States receive far more welfare than they pay into the system. Who flips the bill? Blue states.

MORE: Mitt Romney's Desperate Attempt to Spread the Welfare Lie
Where does the government get its money?

From taxpayers. What's your point? It comes from ALL taxpayers - not just far right loons. Red states are the welfare queens.

Wrong, only about 60% comes from tax collections, the rest comes from borrowing (increasing the national debt) and printing more money (actually or electronically).

Please post a chart showing the actual dollars of welfare money sent to each state---not a per capita chart that distorts reality. You will find that Cal and NY get more welfare money that any other states.

Dude, real dollars and per capita are the only correct measures

You really think that $1mil split between a million people is the same as one person with $1,000,000?

But, if you just gotta go that way, NY and CA are a couple of the largest producers. As a consequence, they also supply the largest in taxes.
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Where does the government get its money?

From taxpayers. What's your point? It comes from ALL taxpayers - not just far right loons. Red states are the welfare queens.

Wrong, only about 60% comes from tax collections, the rest comes from borrowing (increasing the national debt) and printing more money (actually or electronically).

Please post a chart showing the actual dollars of welfare money sent to each state---not a per capita chart that distorts reality. You will find that Cal and NY get more welfare money that any other states.

Wrong, it ALL comes from taxpayers - because taxpayers have to repay all borrowed money.
Government is there for a good reason.
1. To regulate and promote fairness.
2. To promote a safety net for our poor and old. Look at the 1920-1930's to see how it would be like without it.
3. Promote the advancement of the nation.
4. This can either be through educating the population or investing in it.
5. To maintain infastructure.

Old saint pig isn't going to do it.
translation = Regent cannot back up his claim and is trying to change the subject. Care to try again or will you now run from the thread?

It's not a claim, it's history, American history, and if you cannot do your own research I would be amiss to do it for you. But, maybe, just this once, where do you need the help with the history or the economics?

A valid claim can be proven-------still waiting

Why don't you just look it up? The answer always instigates a whole new debate.
Where does the government get its money?

From taxpayers. What's your point? It comes from ALL taxpayers - not just far right loons. Red states are the welfare queens.

Wrong, only about 60% comes from tax collections, the rest comes from borrowing (increasing the national debt) and printing more money (actually or electronically).

Please post a chart showing the actual dollars of welfare money sent to each state---not a per capita chart that distorts reality. You will find that Cal and NY get more welfare money that any other states.

The reason I asked what you mean by "prints" money is because I have this suspition that you have no idea about how the economy, money supply, and function. As a consequence, you have erroneous unstated assumptions and resulting conclusions that have absolutely no bearing on reality.

Let' try this question; What part of the governmen "prints" this money, electronic or otherwise, where does it go?
From taxpayers. What's your point? It comes from ALL taxpayers - not just far right loons. Red states are the welfare queens.

Wrong, only about 60% comes from tax collections, the rest comes from borrowing (increasing the national debt) and printing more money (actually or electronically).

Please post a chart showing the actual dollars of welfare money sent to each state---not a per capita chart that distorts reality. You will find that Cal and NY get more welfare money that any other states.

Wrong, it ALL comes from taxpayers - because taxpayers have to repay all borrowed money.

Uh, who says taxpayers have to repay it, what taxpayers, awhen has this happenned, went does it ever have to happen, and what do you believe will be the negative result if it does?
From taxpayers. What's your point? It comes from ALL taxpayers - not just far right loons. Red states are the welfare queens.

Wrong, only about 60% comes from tax collections, the rest comes from borrowing (increasing the national debt) and printing more money (actually or electronically).

Please post a chart showing the actual dollars of welfare money sent to each state---not a per capita chart that distorts reality. You will find that Cal and NY get more welfare money that any other states.

The reason I asked what you mean by "prints" money is because I have this suspition that you have no idea about how the economy, money supply, and function. As a consequence, you have erroneous unstated assumptions and resulting conclusions that have absolutely no bearing on reality.

Let' try this question; What part of the governmen "prints" this money, electronic or otherwise, where does it go?

A clerk takes the bundles of 100s across the street, and spends it on Obamaphones.

Do you enjoy clean air and water?
Do you enjoy the highways and free ways
Do you enjoy seeing America being number one in science?
Do you like being warned of a hurricane or tornadoes.
If you do. I'd charge my tone...Mr.Fishy!

Don't forget advancements in medicine.
Wrong, only about 60% comes from tax collections, the rest comes from borrowing (increasing the national debt) and printing more money (actually or electronically).

Please post a chart showing the actual dollars of welfare money sent to each state---not a per capita chart that distorts reality. You will find that Cal and NY get more welfare money that any other states.

The reason I asked what you mean by "prints" money is because I have this suspition that you have no idea about how the economy, money supply, and function. As a consequence, you have erroneous unstated assumptions and resulting conclusions that have absolutely no bearing on reality.

Let' try this question; What part of the governmen "prints" this money, electronic or otherwise, where does it go?

A clerk takes the bundles of 100s across the street, and spends it on Obamaphones.


Sarcasm, flippant, or facetious?

I'm thinking... Sarcasm
The reason I asked what you mean by "prints" money is because I have this suspition that you have no idea about how the economy, money supply, and function. As a consequence, you have erroneous unstated assumptions and resulting conclusions that have absolutely no bearing on reality.

Let' try this question; What part of the governmen "prints" this money, electronic or otherwise, where does it go?

A clerk takes the bundles of 100s across the street, and spends it on Obamaphones.


Sarcasm, flippant, or facetious?

I'm thinking... Sarcasm

Sarcasm is the correct answer.
Do you enjoy clean air and water?
Do you enjoy the highways and free ways
Do you enjoy seeing America being number one in science?
Do you like being warned of a hurricane or tornadoes.
If you do. I'd charge my tone...Mr.Fishy!

Don't forget advancements in medicine.

Yep, proven medical advancements sometimes earn grants. Not only that, our government makes sure the corps follow a strict lst of safety standards. Thank god!
Wrong, only about 60% comes from tax collections, the rest comes from borrowing (increasing the national debt) and printing more money (actually or electronically).

Please post a chart showing the actual dollars of welfare money sent to each state---not a per capita chart that distorts reality. You will find that Cal and NY get more welfare money that any other states.

The reason I asked what you mean by "prints" money is because I have this suspition that you have no idea about how the economy, money supply, and function. As a consequence, you have erroneous unstated assumptions and resulting conclusions that have absolutely no bearing on reality.

Let' try this question; What part of the governmen "prints" this money, electronic or otherwise, where does it go?

A clerk takes the bundles of 100s across the street, and spends it on Obamaphones.


Wrong, only about 60% comes from tax collections, the rest comes from borrowing (increasing the national debt) and printing more money (actually or electronically).

Please post a chart showing the actual dollars of welfare money sent to each state---not a per capita chart that distorts reality. You will find that Cal and NY get more welfare money that any other states.

The reason I asked what you mean by "prints" money is because I have this suspition that you have no idea about how the economy, money supply, and function. As a consequence, you have erroneous unstated assumptions and resulting conclusions that have absolutely no bearing on reality.

Let' try this question; What part of the governmen "prints" this money, electronic or otherwise, where does it go?

A clerk takes the bundles of 100s across the street, and spends it on Obamaphones.


Sarcasm, flippant, or facetious?

I'm thinking... Sarcasm

You are actually more on track, I think. It's absolutely necessary to get the real physical details. Money moves from one physical location to another. Accountants track every penny, what they got, who they gave it to. Some monies never comingle. The monies monies the Fed creates, never leaves the banking system. Every penny is due back. The balance sheets always balance. The money in circulationis printed by the likes of Target Ank. Every time someone uses their Target credit card (not the debit on) money is printed by Target. Money is printed by private banks, not the gov't, not the Fed.
blah blah blah...

Here's one for you, John F. Kennedy;

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!"

Yep, clearly Obamacare, welfare, and gov't hand outs are exactly what he had in mind...

blah blah blah...

Here's one for you, John F. Kennedy;

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!"

Yep, clearly Obamacare, welfare, and gov't hand outs are exactly what he had in mind...


Herein lies your problem(s). "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!"...Jack Kennedy was calling for public service, which has been the consistent mantra of the Kennedy family.

America's social safety net is the weakest of all industrial nations.

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers take less vacation time, less public assistance and less paid leave than any other people. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and their work ethic.

What Romney said is a gross insult and reveals a dangerous mindset. He reeks of contempt for middle class working people and the poor.

Who are the 47%?

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
This coming from the Dog and Pony HATE Boooooosh show.. What fucking irony.

No, the fucking irony is when Bush was GROWING government and GROWING the debt there was not a PEEP from you right wing parrots.

Where was all this angst and concern about debt from conservatives when Bush and Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress for almost a decade??? When Bush was starting a 3 trillion dollar war of ideology in Iraq, there was not a fucking PEEP from you right wingers, just cheers and 'bring 'em on'... And where was this less government mantra? You right wingers LOVED BIG government and government intervention into people lives... the Patriot Act, Fatherland Security, torture of human beings, trashing habeas corpus, the Geneva Conventions and the US War Crimes Act.

show us where any conservative has defended that. See, the difference is that our principles are pure, not partisan.

Bush left office with a 73% job approval rating from CONSERVATIVES. You're free to pretend you were in the 27%.

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