Democrats Breaking Things So We Can Fix Them


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

How many times has this been repeated.

The banking system is broken and needs to be reformed.
The economy is broken and needs to be reformed.
Health Care is broken and needs to be reformed.
Energy in the country is broken and needs to be reformed.
Immigration is broken and needs to be reformed.

All I see is Democrats breaking everything and then providing solutions that only make the problem worse. It's a wonder they ever win any elections at all. Nothing they do seems to work. The only thing they seem to be any good at is criticizing what anyone else does and casting blame away from themselves when they screw up.

The key to this is the media. Without liberals in Hollywood and in the press the Democrats wouldn't have an ice-cube's chance in hell of winning office. They need someone to provide cover for their malfeasance 24/7 or risk exposure. What passes for news this days is basically political commentary. Nothing more.

The latest example is the coverage of the border. If you watch CNN they talk about all of the great stuff Obama wants to do. Problem is it's nothing but proposals. Meanwhile all hell is breaking loose and Obama is simply partying his ass off while people by the thousands, citizens and illegals, are suffering.

I don't see the Republicans complaining enough. The most active Republicans are Gov Rick Perry of Texas and Sen John McCain. Everyone else is almost totally silent. Even Harry Reid isn't saying anything. Perhaps he's on vacation, but when will these people ever start doing something about what's going on. We are being invaded by illegals from 3rd world countries and nobody seems to have anything to say about it. Rome is burning and Nero is swilling brew and the Senate is totally out of the picture.

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We saw the $700B fix Republican GWB installed.

No thanks.

Half of which Obama sent in "loans" to foreign banks.

We also saw the 100,000+ dead in Iraq as Bush's "fix" for terrorism...

No thanks again.

I think your numbers are a bit inflated. Problem is most of the dead were either killed by al Qaeda or by insurgent locals. Saddam released everyone from the prisons and opened up the armories and gave them the weapons they needed to attack our troops. Iran also murdered a great deal of the population by delivering munitions to the insurgency. Our troops didn't do all that much killing because our hands were pretty much tied by ridiculous Rules Of Engagement.

Like the typical "Hate America" crowd you fail to see the realities on the ground.

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