CDZ Question for HISPANICS: Are You Opposed to Stopping Illegal Immigration ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Much has been said about the so-called "Hispanic Vote". It seems like every politician running for office can't open his mouth or endorse a policy, until he clears with his advisors that it won't alienate the "Hispanic vote". It's beginning to look like the whole country's business now revolves around the Hispanic vote.

And together with this fear of alienation, politicians paralyzed with the fear of it (except for Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, and maybe a few others) are dancing around the issue of illegal immigration, thinking that Hispanics generally support illegal immigration, and would be offended by anyone who didn't. I find this almost incomprehensible. Why the hell should anyone who is Hispanic, give one rat's ass about illegal immigration, other than to oppose it for all the harmful things it brings upon Americans, Hispanics, Whites, White-Hispanics, Blacks, or whoever ?

So here is the question for any Hispanics to please answer. >> Are You Opposed to Stopping Illegal Immigration ? (as the politicians seem to have concluded that you are) And if so, WHY ??? And what good is there in allowing illegal immigrants (from anywhere, Hispanic or not) to violate US immigration law, that our ancestors put in place to protect us from the long list of harms of excessive immigration ?
This is a poll of Hispanic Adults in 2013. Bet it is close to the same now.

· Latino Opinions, July 2013 — Poll of U.S. Hispanic adults

· 60% of registered Hispanic voters support granting amnesty to "undocumented immigrants" only if illegal immigration is reduced by 90%. 34% support amnesty before that goal is reached.

· 56% of registered Hispanic voters (51% all adults) oppose allowing illegal aliens to obtain federal benefits "while they are going through the legalization process and before the 90% goal is reached."

· Hispanic voters ranked immigration reform last (31%) among a list of four priority issues, behind the economy (62%), healthcare (57%), and education (45%).

· 60% of Hispanic voters support tougher enforcement, with only 35% opposed.

· 64% of Hispanic voters support the use of E-verify, with only 29% opposed.
I'm half, so my votes count as 50%, I guess. I'm for stopping illegal immigration and far better enforcement. I'm into that whole "sovereign country" thing.

I can tell you my 100% legal Mexican immigrant father in law is, too.

And I can also tell you that we both find the constantly lowered standards and expectations placed on certain minorities, including Hispanics, to be quite insulting.

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Much has been said about the so-called "Hispanic Vote". It seems like every politician running for office can't open his mouth or endorse a policy, until he clears with his advisors that it won't alienate the "Hispanic vote". It's beginning to look like the whole country's business now revolves around the Hispanic vote.

And together with this fear of alienation, politicians paralyzed with the fear of it (except for Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, and maybe a few others) are dancing around the issue of illegal immigration, thinking that Hispanics generally support illegal immigration, and would be offended by anyone who didn't. I find this almost incomprehensible. Why the hell should anyone who is Hispanic, give one rat's ass about illegal immigration, other than to oppose it for all the harmful things it brings upon Americans, Hispanics, Whites, White-Hispanics, Blacks, or whoever ?

So here is the question for any Hispanics to please answer. >> Are You Opposed to Stopping Illegal Immigration ? (as the politicians seem to have concluded that you are) And if so, WHY ??? And what good is there in allowing illegal immigrants (from anywhere, Hispanic or not) to violate US immigration law, that our ancestors put in place to protect us from the long list of harms of excessive immigration ?
I am opposed to losing money on Commerce at our borders due to our Commerce Clause.
No immigration reform will work if the new laws are enforced as poorly as our current laws. We have to stop giving access to benefits to illegal immigrants (aliens). If they can get here, they are given free access to public education with no threat of deportation. This includes free breakfast and lunches for the kids and special classes for ESOL (English as a second language) students. Schools are not allowed to inquire about legal status and report to authorities. Welfare, education, healthcare, access to housing and jobs.... As long as we treat illegal immigrants as if they are here legally once they are here, they will come.
We have a Commerce Clause, why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders? Are there No Good capitalists to be found.
At last count, $ 22.4 Billion/year extracted out of our US economy and reinserted into the Mexican economy. More is lost from US, due to welfare paid to Mexican migrants by way of the anchor baby racket and/or false documentation.

As we look at the overall remittances$$ fiasco, all countries being considered, we have $123 Billion/year of commerce (sales) lost to US businesses. A few businesses employ illegal aliens and gain $ to some degree. The overwhelming majority are losing money big time. They should be in an uproar. One has to wonder > Why is Donald Trump the only one (so it seems) speaking up ?
Having looked at the map provided by the Center for Immigration Studies, I was shocked to find out that my County is a sanctuary county. I can't tell you how pissed off I am about that. Clicking on the little pear shaped icon on the map, a pop-up came up showing this information >>

Location: Hillsborough County, Florida
Date Enacted: Aug-14
Policy: County Sheriff's Office Decision
Criteria for Honoring Detainer: Will not honor ICE detainer unless provided with a federal warrant from a judge or a federal deportation order from a federal judge

I called the Sheriff's Dept and announced my displeasure, and also called my County commissioners, even though they had nothing to do with it (they could send a letter to the Sheriff Dept)

I will tell you that I am not going to stand for this lying down. Whatever can be done will be done. Here is a phone # for the Immigration Reform Law Institute, who might be helpful > (202) 232-5590.

Sanctuary status policy is likely in violation of federal law. Section 642 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act as well as section 434 of the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 prohibit state and local governments from impeding the federal government’s request for information about a person’s immigration status
This is a poll of Hispanic Adults in 2013. Bet it is close to the same now.

· Latino Opinions, July 2013 — Poll of U.S. Hispanic adults

· 60% of registered Hispanic voters support granting amnesty to "undocumented immigrants" only if illegal immigration is reduced by 90%. 34% support amnesty before that goal is reached.

· 56% of registered Hispanic voters (51% all adults) oppose allowing illegal aliens to obtain federal benefits "while they are going through the legalization process and before the 90% goal is reached."

· Hispanic voters ranked immigration reform last (31%) among a list of four priority issues, behind the economy (62%), healthcare (57%), and education (45%).

· 60% of Hispanic voters support tougher enforcement, with only 35% opposed.

· 64% of Hispanic voters support the use of E-verify, with only 29% opposed.
Could you enter a LINK for that poll ? Not that I doubt you, but I would just like to look at it, and use it myself in other forums.
Having looked at the map provided by the Center for Immigration Studies, I was shocked to find out that my County is a sanctuary county. I can't tell you how pissed off I am about that. Clicking on the little pear shaped icon on the map, a pop-up came up showing this information >>

Location: Hillsborough County, Florida
Date Enacted: Aug-14
Policy: County Sheriff's Office Decision
Criteria for Honoring Detainer: Will not honor ICE detainer unless provided with a federal warrant from a judge or a federal deportation order from a federal judge

I called the Sheriff's Dept and announced my displeasure, and also called my County commissioners, even though they had nothing to do with it (they could send a letter to the Sheriff Dept)

I will tell you that I am not going to stand for this lying down. Whatever can be done will be done. Here is a phone # for the Immigration Reform Law Institute, who might be helpful > (202) 232-5590.

Sanctuary status policy is likely in violation of federal law. Section 642 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act as well as section 434 of the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 prohibit state and local governments from impeding the federal government’s request for information about a person’s immigration status

Funny. Florida is a sanctuary state. A red-blooded republican sanctuary state.

It would help you to do a little research on what the whole sanctuary city argument is about. won't.
We have a Commerce Clause, why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders? Are there No Good capitalists to be found.
At last count, $ 22.4 Billion/year extracted out of our US economy and reinserted into the Mexican economy. More is lost from US, due to welfare paid to Mexican migrants by way of the anchor baby racket and/or false documentation.

As we look at the overall remittances$$ fiasco, all countries being considered, we have $123 Billion/year of commerce (sales) lost to US businesses. A few businesses employ illegal aliens and gain $ to some degree. The overwhelming majority are losing money big time. They should be in an uproar. One has to wonder > Why is Donald Trump the only one (so it seems) speaking up ?
I am not sure what you mean; money given to even illegals for welfare benefits is pumped back into our economy. And, remittance to foreign States helps them buy goods from us.

The United States is the world's largest national economy, representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of global GDP (PPP).[2] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $17.710 trillion as of Q1 2015.[2][30] The U.S. dollar is the currency most used in international transactions and is the world's foremost reserve currency.[31] Several countries use it as their official currency, and in many others it is the de facto currency.[32] The United States has a mixed economy[33][34] and has maintained a stable overall GDP growth rate, a moderate unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment.[35] Its six largest trading partners are Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and South Korea.[36]--Source:
This is a poll of Hispanic Adults in 2013. Bet it is close to the same now.

· Latino Opinions, July 2013 — Poll of U.S. Hispanic adults

· 60% of registered Hispanic voters support granting amnesty to "undocumented immigrants" only if illegal immigration is reduced by 90%. 34% support amnesty before that goal is reached.

· 56% of registered Hispanic voters (51% all adults) oppose allowing illegal aliens to obtain federal benefits "while they are going through the legalization process and before the 90% goal is reached."

· Hispanic voters ranked immigration reform last (31%) among a list of four priority issues, behind the economy (62%), healthcare (57%), and education (45%).

· 60% of Hispanic voters support tougher enforcement, with only 35% opposed.

· 64% of Hispanic voters support the use of E-verify, with only 29% opposed.
Could you enter a LINK for that poll ? Not that I doubt you, but I would just like to look at it, and use it myself in other forums.
I couldn't find it again in the same form, but here it is in an article and memo on the survey from National Review.
Poll 60 Percent of Hispanics Back Enforcement First Approach to Immigration Reform National Review Online
Much has been said about the so-called "Hispanic Vote". It seems like every politician running for office can't open his mouth or endorse a policy, until he clears with his advisors that it won't alienate the "Hispanic vote". It's beginning to look like the whole country's business now revolves around the Hispanic vote.

And together with this fear of alienation, politicians paralyzed with the fear of it (except for Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, and maybe a few others) are dancing around the issue of illegal immigration, thinking that Hispanics generally support illegal immigration, and would be offended by anyone who didn't. I find this almost incomprehensible. Why the hell should anyone who is Hispanic, give one rat's ass about illegal immigration, other than to oppose it for all the harmful things it brings upon Americans, Hispanics, Whites, White-Hispanics, Blacks, or whoever ?

So here is the question for any Hispanics to please answer. >> Are You Opposed to Stopping Illegal Immigration ? (as the politicians seem to have concluded that you are) And if so, WHY ??? And what good is there in allowing illegal immigrants (from anywhere, Hispanic or not) to violate US immigration law, that our ancestors put in place to protect us from the long list of harms of excessive immigration ?
I am not hispanic but my roomie is. So..I just asked him. He said to tell you...No. They should do what he and his mom had to do...and that is do it legally.
Funny. Florida is a sanctuary state. A red-blooded republican sanctuary state.

It would help you to do a little research on what the whole sanctuary city argument is about. won't.
I live in Florida. It's NOT a sanctuary state. It would help you to do a little research on what the whole sanctuary city argument is about. won't. Here's your research. No green dot in Florida. >> Map Sanctuary Cities Counties and States wwwcisorg Center for Immigration Studies
I am not sure what you mean; money given to even illegals for welfare benefits is pumped back into our economy. And, remittance to foreign States helps them buy goods from us.

The United States is the world's largest national economy, representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of global GDP (PPP).[2] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $17.710 trillion as of Q1 2015.[2][30] The U.S. dollar is the currency most used in international transactions and is the world's foremost reserve currency.[31] Several countries use it as their official currency, and in many others it is the de facto currency.[32] The United States has a mixed economy[33][34] and has maintained a stable overall GDP growth rate, a moderate unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment.[35] Its six largest trading partners are Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and South Korea.[36]--Source:
Absolutely FALSE, and exactly the OPPOSITE is true. The money you say is pumped back into our economy is wired out of the US, and then pumped into the alien's home country. . This is true of all aliens' income from welfare and employment. (remittances$$ - $123 Billion/year) That is the stat of interest here, not the irrelevant stuff you posted.

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012 Pew Research Center
It's Oblama's fault also...he started them before he was president and runs the operations on every single juan..

True. A large portion of deportations come from detainers and a key regulation which DHS has relied on to ensure state and local governments honor and comply with them is 8 C.F.R. s 287.7(d). It states that “upon a determination by the Department to issue a detainer for an alien not otherwise detained by [local police], such agency shall maintain custody of the alien for a period [generally] not to exceed 48 hours . . . in order to permit assumption of custody by the Department.”

Open-borders legal advocates have long argued that the “shall” in this regulation actually means “may.” In Moreno v. Napolitano (2013), DHS also started to take up this interpretation. And in his memo blitz last November, Obama purported to make this view official, by severely restricting detainers under his new unilateral Priorities Enforcement Program.

Disabling Detainers Center for Immigration Studies
It's Oblama's fault also...he started them before he was president and runs the operations on every single juan..

True. A large portion of deportations come from detainers and a key regulation which DHS has relied on to ensure state and local governments honor and comply with them is 8 C.F.R. s 287.7(d). It states that “upon a determination by the Department to issue a detainer for an alien not otherwise detained by [local police], such agency shall maintain custody of the alien for a period [generally] not to exceed 48 hours . . . in order to permit assumption of custody by the Department.”

Open-borders legal advocates have long argued that the “shall” in this regulation actually means “may.” In Moreno v. Napolitano (2013), DHS also started to take up this interpretation. And in his memo blitz last November, Obama purported to make this view official, by severely restricting detainers under his new unilateral Priorities Enforcement Program.

Disabling Detainers Center for Immigration Studies
Yet the GOP Congress sets silent and takes no collective action...

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