Question about drinking and minors

The recent accusations against Kavanugh have got me thinking. I did not start this thread to talk about that particular case, rather, I would like to talk about under aged drinking in general. This thread is about people who actually give a damn about sexually victimizing women rather than just stopping a political opponent from obtaining one of the highest political positions in the world.

I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted, and as we all know, colleges tend to have a culture of drinking and partying. As a culture, we have celebrated it as a right of passage, and not a door opened that leads to sexual violence.

My thinking is this, men have a much higher sex drive than women. In fact, women tend to throw a wet blanket on males, or we would be knee deep in new born babies and aborted fetus'. It is especially hard for immature males to handle these biological urges, so powerful they actually do brain damage. However, add alcohol to the equation, and you remove much needed inhibitions. And if the girl is drunk as well you have virtually no inhibitions. It's not about males being bad and females being good, it's just simple biology. Much of what people do when they do get drunk they can't even remember, let alone be able to control themselves.

So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?
The inescapable responsibility is upon society, from cradle to Graduation Day. All these banal truths about the differences between boys and girls have been know forever. How is it that we have not come up with a method of teaching adolescents the truth about what a human that age goes through? Parents don't do it, schools don't do it, siblings don't do it. Men are the lamentable horrors they are largely because they were ignorant of how to be young, how to be human.
That 1 in 5 number is pure propaganda.
Must be repub propaganda. I would put it higher than than that. Like 3 out of 5 women.

So why are parents being so careless with their daughters? Who would knowingly put a daughter in a situation where there's a 60% chance she'll be assaulted? Who does that?
Not sure what you mean? Most people are molested by someone they know and trust.

If 1 out of 5 women are assaulted in college, and I just saw it go to 3 out of 5, why would parents knowingly or their daughters in a place where there's such a high certainty of them being assaulted?
You mean in college? Probably so they can have a career. Pretty sure most parents have no idea of the stats.and even if they did the days of locking girls up in a ivory tower with one window are long over. You cant let fear keep you from progressing.

If it is true that 1 in 5 women are assaulted in college, maybe we shouldn't allow such easy access to alcohol for the students.
The recent accusations against Kavanugh have got me thinking. I did not start this thread to talk about that particular case, rather, I would like to talk about under aged drinking in general. This thread is about people who actually give a damn about sexually victimizing women rather than just stopping a political opponent from obtaining one of the highest political positions in the world.

I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted, and as we all know, colleges tend to have a culture of drinking and partying. As a culture, we have celebrated it as a right of passage, and not a door opened that leads to sexual violence.

My thinking is this, men have a much higher sex drive than women. In fact, women tend to throw a wet blanket on males, or we would be knee deep in new born babies and aborted fetus'. It is especially hard for immature males to handle these biological urges, so powerful they actually do brain damage. However, add alcohol to the equation, and you remove much needed inhibitions. And if the girl is drunk as well you have virtually no inhibitions. It's not about males being bad and females being good, it's just simple biology. Much of what people do when they do get drunk they can't even remember, let alone be able to control themselves.

So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?
The inescapable responsibility is upon society, from cradle to Graduation Day. All these banal truths about the differences between boys and girls have been know forever. o fall for that crapola.How is it that we have not come up with a method of teaching adolescents the truth about what a human that age goes through? Parents don't do it, schools don't do it, siblings don't do it. Men are the lamentable horrors they are largely because they were ignorant of how to be young, how to be human.
The whole Women Are Victims Men Are Persecutors plan collapsed.

Women have too many men in their lives for that crapola.
The recent accusations against Kavanugh have got me thinking. I did not start this thread to talk about that particular case, rather, I would like to talk about under aged drinking in general. This thread is about people who actually give a damn about sexually victimizing women rather than just stopping a political opponent from obtaining one of the highest political positions in the world.

I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted, and as we all know, colleges tend to have a culture of drinking and partying. As a culture, we have celebrated it as a right of passage, and not a door opened that leads to sexual violence.

My thinking is this, men have a much higher sex drive than women. In fact, women tend to throw a wet blanket on males, or we would be knee deep in new born babies and aborted fetus'. It is especially hard for immature males to handle these biological urges, so powerful they actually do brain damage. However, add alcohol to the equation, and you remove much needed inhibitions. And if the girl is drunk as well you have virtually no inhibitions. It's not about males being bad and females being good, it's just simple biology. Much of what people do when they do get drunk they can't even remember, let alone be able to control themselves.

So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?
The inescapable responsibility is upon society, from cradle to Graduation Day. All these banal truths about the differences between boys and girls have been know forever. How is it that we have not come up with a method of teaching adolescents the truth about what a human that age goes through? Parents don't do it, schools don't do it, siblings don't do it. Men are the lamentable horrors they are largely because they were ignorant of how to be young, how to be human.

The vast majority of men are not "lamentable horrors".
The recent accusations against Kavanugh have got me thinking. I did not start this thread to talk about that particular case, rather, I would like to talk about under aged drinking in general. This thread is about people who actually give a damn about sexually victimizing women rather than just stopping a political opponent from obtaining one of the highest political positions in the world.

I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted, and as we all know, colleges tend to have a culture of drinking and partying. As a culture, we have celebrated it as a right of passage, and not a door opened that leads to sexual violence.

My thinking is this, men have a much higher sex drive than women. In fact, women tend to throw a wet blanket on males, or we would be knee deep in new born babies and aborted fetus'. It is especially hard for immature males to handle these biological urges, so powerful they actually do brain damage. However, add alcohol to the equation, and you remove much needed inhibitions. And if the girl is drunk as well you have virtually no inhibitions. It's not about males being bad and females being good, it's just simple biology. Much of what people do when they do get drunk they can't even remember, let alone be able to control themselves.

So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?
Well in Ohio you could drink beer but only 3.2 booze in it. It was a good brew. You could not get drunk off it.
Must be repub propaganda. I would put it higher than than that. Like 3 out of 5 women.

So why are parents being so careless with their daughters? Who would knowingly put a daughter in a situation where there's a 60% chance she'll be assaulted? Who does that?
Not sure what you mean? Most people are molested by someone they know and trust.

If 1 out of 5 women are assaulted in college, and I just saw it go to 3 out of 5, why would parents knowingly or their daughters in a place where there's such a high certainty of them being assaulted?
You mean in college? Probably so they can have a career. Pretty sure most parents have no idea of the stats.and even if they did the days of locking girls up in a ivory tower with one window are long over. You cant let fear keep you from progressing.

If it is true that 1 in 5 women are assaulted in college, maybe we shouldn't allow such easy access to alcohol for the students.
Yeah but its already against the law for you to drink if your under the age of 21. Obviously the law isnt being enforced or there are too many ways around it. The other problem with that is the assumption that alcohol is the problem. I disagree thats the issue. Its an issue with assumed privilege or a yearning for power.
Votto wrote, "So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?"

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. In your opinion who among us are the primary child caretakers responsible for raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly HEALTHY American newborns maturing into fairly or wonderfully happy, reasonably responsible teen and adult citizens, respecting themselves, as well as embracing empathy, compassion and respect for their peaceful and/or less fortunate neighbors?

Conversely, who are the FAILED primary child caretakers raising and socializing perfectly healthy newborns maturing into apparent HATEFUL, emotionally troubled teen and adult citizens believing it is acceptable to rape or harm women?

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect
The recent accusations against Kavanugh have got me thinking. I did not start this thread to talk about that particular case, rather, I would like to talk about under aged drinking in general. This thread is about people who actually give a damn about sexually victimizing women rather than just stopping a political opponent from obtaining one of the highest political positions in the world.

I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted, and as we all know, colleges tend to have a culture of drinking and partying. As a culture, we have celebrated it as a right of passage, and not a door opened that leads to sexual violence.

My thinking is this, men have a much higher sex drive than women. In fact, women tend to throw a wet blanket on males, or we would be knee deep in new born babies and aborted fetus'. It is especially hard for immature males to handle these biological urges, so powerful they actually do brain damage. However, add alcohol to the equation, and you remove much needed inhibitions. And if the girl is drunk as well you have virtually no inhibitions. It's not about males being bad and females being good, it's just simple biology. Much of what people do when they do get drunk they can't even remember, let alone be able to control themselves.

So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?
The inescapable responsibility is upon society, from cradle to Graduation Day. All these banal truths about the differences between boys and girls have been know forever. How is it that we have not come up with a method of teaching adolescents the truth about what a human that age goes through? Parents don't do it, schools don't do it, siblings don't do it. Men are the lamentable horrors they are largely because they were ignorant of how to be young, how to be human.

The vast majority of men are not "lamentable horrors".
The vast majority of lamentable horrors are men.
"The inescapable responsibility is upon society, from cradle to Graduation Day. All these banal truths about the differences between boys and girls have been know forever. o fall for that crapola.How is it that we have not come up with a method of teaching adolescents the truth about what a human that age goes through? Parents don't do it, schools don't do it, siblings don't do it. Men are the lamentable horrors they are largely because they were ignorant of how to be young, how to be human."
How did this get added to my post?
It didn't happen, and now he's been confirmed. Good.

I guess if you want to be the party of drunken rapists... sure.

So a president who brags about grabbing women by the pussy appoints a guy who gets drunk and abuses women, and you guys think you've won being the party of "Family Values".

Party of Family Values, everyone.
The recent accusations against Kavanugh have got me thinking. I did not start this thread to talk about that particular case, rather, I would like to talk about under aged drinking in general. This thread is about people who actually give a damn about sexually victimizing women rather than just stopping a political opponent from obtaining one of the highest political positions in the world.

I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted, and as we all know, colleges tend to have a culture of drinking and partying. As a culture, we have celebrated it as a right of passage, and not a door opened that leads to sexual violence.

My thinking is this, men have a much higher sex drive than women. In fact, women tend to throw a wet blanket on males, or we would be knee deep in new born babies and aborted fetus'. It is especially hard for immature males to handle these biological urges, so powerful they actually do brain damage. However, add alcohol to the equation, and you remove much needed inhibitions. And if the girl is drunk as well you have virtually no inhibitions. It's not about males being bad and females being good, it's just simple biology. Much of what people do when they do get drunk they can't even remember, let alone be able to control themselves.

So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?
The inescapable responsibility is upon society, from cradle to Graduation Day. All these banal truths about the differences between boys and girls have been know forever. How is it that we have not come up with a method of teaching adolescents the truth about what a human that age goes through? Parents don't do it, schools don't do it, siblings don't do it. Men are the lamentable horrors they are largely because they were ignorant of how to be young, how to be human.

The vast majority of men are not "lamentable horrors".
The vast majority of lamentable horrors are men.

Which is not a contradiction of what I said.
The recent accusations against Kavanugh have got me thinking. I did not start this thread to talk about that particular case, rather, I would like to talk about under aged drinking in general. This thread is about people who actually give a damn about sexually victimizing women rather than just stopping a political opponent from obtaining one of the highest political positions in the world.

I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted, and as we all know, colleges tend to have a culture of drinking and partying. As a culture, we have celebrated it as a right of passage, and not a door opened that leads to sexual violence.

My thinking is this, men have a much higher sex drive than women. In fact, women tend to throw a wet blanket on males, or we would be knee deep in new born babies and aborted fetus'. It is especially hard for immature males to handle these biological urges, so powerful they actually do brain damage. However, add alcohol to the equation, and you remove much needed inhibitions. And if the girl is drunk as well you have virtually no inhibitions. It's not about males being bad and females being good, it's just simple biology. Much of what people do when they do get drunk they can't even remember, let alone be able to control themselves.

So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?
The inescapable responsibility is upon society, from cradle to Graduation Day. All these banal truths about the differences between boys and girls have been know forever. How is it that we have not come up with a method of teaching adolescents the truth about what a human that age goes through? Parents don't do it, schools don't do it, siblings don't do it. Men are the lamentable horrors they are largely because they were ignorant of how to be young, how to be human.

The vast majority of men are not "lamentable horrors".
The vast majority of lamentable horrors are men.

Which is not a contradiction of what I said.
No, not all all. It is an affirmation of my previous post.
He has been investigated by the fbi 7 times.

A one week investigation? Really? Where they didn't talk to the victim?

Unlike Ken Starr, who threw people in jail if they didn't tell him what he wanted to hear.
It seems that many have forgotten how far back all this overblown political acrimony goes and who started it and did what to whom.
The recent accusations against Kavanugh have got me thinking. I did not start this thread to talk about that particular case, rather, I would like to talk about under aged drinking in general. This thread is about people who actually give a damn about sexually victimizing women rather than just stopping a political opponent from obtaining one of the highest political positions in the world.

I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted, and as we all know, colleges tend to have a culture of drinking and partying. As a culture, we have celebrated it as a right of passage, and not a door opened that leads to sexual violence.

My thinking is this, men have a much higher sex drive than women. In fact, women tend to throw a wet blanket on males, or we would be knee deep in new born babies and aborted fetus'. It is especially hard for immature males to handle these biological urges, so powerful they actually do brain damage. However, add alcohol to the equation, and you remove much needed inhibitions. And if the girl is drunk as well you have virtually no inhibitions. It's not about males being bad and females being good, it's just simple biology. Much of what people do when they do get drunk they can't even remember, let alone be able to control themselves.

So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?
The inescapable responsibility is upon society, from cradle to Graduation Day. All these banal truths about the differences between boys and girls have been know forever. How is it that we have not come up with a method of teaching adolescents the truth about what a human that age goes through? Parents don't do it, schools don't do it, siblings don't do it. Men are the lamentable horrors they are largely because they were ignorant of how to be young, how to be human.

The vast majority of men are not "lamentable horrors".
The vast majority of lamentable horrors are men.

Which is not a contradiction of what I said.
No, not all all. It is an affirmation of my previous post.

WHere you talked about how "men" as a group, are "lamentable horrors"?

That is completely contradicted by my true statement that the vast majority of men are NOT, "lamentable horrors".

DO you wish to address that?
The inescapable responsibility is upon society, from cradle to Graduation Day. All these banal truths about the differences between boys and girls have been know forever. How is it that we have not come up with a method of teaching adolescents the truth about what a human that age goes through? Parents don't do it, schools don't do it, siblings don't do it. Men are the lamentable horrors they are largely because they were ignorant of how to be young, how to be human.

The vast majority of men are not "lamentable horrors".
The vast majority of lamentable horrors are men.

Which is not a contradiction of what I said.
No, not all all. It is an affirmation of my previous post.

WHere you talked about how "men" as a group, are "lamentable horrors"?

That is completely contradicted by my true statement that the vast majority of men are NOT, "lamentable horrors".

DO you wish to address that?
To do so might appear to demean the reading capacities of the questioner.
The Me Too movement started with Weinstein, who is definitely guilty of everything he's been accused of, and more.

Then more and more men in Hollywood and politics were targeted, and after awhile, the distinction between the guilty and the innocent became blurred.

One man got in trouble because he shouted at an elevator, "Lingerie Department, please!" A woman reported him for this, and he got into trouble for an innocent joke.

It's like the French Revolution. They started with the King and the nobles, but pretty soon, even peasants were getting their heads cut off after being denounced by their neighbors.
Innocent jokes? Poor excuses.
When I was a young man, I was at a party, in a hot tub, and this girl I barely knew grabbed me and gave me a big non-consensual kiss on the lips.

Maybe she raped me, who can tell.

I didn't report it.
Well, how many decades does it matter? No problem. Just cry "ME TOO" and get your 15 minutes. Better yet, say it was Trump and get $130,000!
The 130K was to a woman who Trump did indeed have sex.

This idea you have that women are all liars when ir comes to your orange buddy.

Funny chit.
It didn't happen, and now he's been confirmed. Good.

I guess if you want to be the party of drunken rapists... sure.

So a president who brags about grabbing women by the pussy appoints a guy who gets drunk and abuses women, and you guys think you've won being the party of "Family Values".

Party of Family Values, everyone.

You have no evidence that Kavanaugh abused women or that he's a drunk, so you embody my prediction that idiots will continue to accuse him even after being cleared.
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The vast majority of men are not "lamentable horrors".
The vast majority of lamentable horrors are men.

Which is not a contradiction of what I said.
No, not all all. It is an affirmation of my previous post.

WHere you talked about how "men" as a group, are "lamentable horrors"?

That is completely contradicted by my true statement that the vast majority of men are NOT, "lamentable horrors".

DO you wish to address that?
To do so might appear to demean the reading capacities of the questioner.

What percentage of men do you think are rapists?

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