Question 2: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions?

That’s extreme. No one is asking for unquestioned loyalty we are too independent of people for that. But the default position of the right is every outcome they don’t like is the output of a conspiracy to defraud them of their rights.

Don Trump simply lost a fairly close election. That was it. And the conclusion of the right, against all available data to the contrary, was they won by millions but it was stolen. That a vaccine isn’t. That teachers want to turn you kids gay. That is what is extreme.

While I doubt there was massive voter fraud in 2020, clearly there have been lots of voter fraud, like in 2000. So why use computers for voting machines? Its insane.

The mRNA can't be a "vaccine" in any way, shape, or form.
A vaccine has a dead pathogen so that the immune system can become accustomed to it and memorize an epitope that allows it to recognize it in the future.
But the mRNA has no pathogen or epitope.
All it does is make your own cells start to grow spike proteins.
And spike proteins can't be used as an epitope to recognize pathogens.
That is because corona viruses ONLY have spike proteins because they are mimicking our own exosomes, that use the same spike proteins in order to get cells to let them in.
All our cells have ACE2 receptors that get them to open up when a spike protein is applied.
So that can NOT at all be used in any way by the immune system.

Teachers are wrong about trans.
While there are and can be people who are trans, meaning a mismatch between birth gender and puberty gender, there is no way to tell until AFTER puberty.
So teachers had no business getting involved.
Especially with sports.
Part II of my disussion on the American right asks the question: If right wingers love America, why dont they trust American institutions? It stands to reason that if you love something you tend to love the fruit it produces, right? Right wingers claim they love America more than their counterparts but have expressed utter contempt for all of its institutions. How can something so revered also be so reviled?

A partial list of untrustworthy institutions:
  • The American press
  • Doctors
  • Scientists like the CDC
  • Educators and universities
  • Environmental experts like the EPA
  • Government leaders and administrators
  • The Election process
  • The legal system
  • The actual government
The distrust is so visceral that right wing conspiracies are now commonplace. The article below talks about Fox News’ role in this predicament. As you can see from the chart below it is entirely an American phenomenon.

Why dont right wingers trust American Institutions?

Feel free to visit or revisit Part 1: Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Post Inspiration:

Collapse of trust in government is a purely American phenomenon. Why? Because we have Fox News and the others don't. Oh, they have tabloids and conservative newspapers and so forth, but nothing like Fox News, which makes its living by spreading outrage over the way the country is run.

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The power of Fox News is truly spectacular. Outrage sells, and the fact that one of the two major parties amplifies Fox uncritically means it has a surprisingly large influence in setting the agenda for the mainstream media too.

The truth is that US institutions mostly operate about as well as they ever have. But Fox pushes outrage over Dr. Fauci and trust in the CDC plummets. They push outrage over Donald Trump's loss in 2020 and trust in elections plummets. They go all in on CRT and DEI and trust in schools plummets. They push climate denialism and trust in science plummets. They insist that the rest of the news media are liberal pawns and trust in the very institution that explains reality plummets.

Has there ever been an institution like Fox News that works so relentlessly from within to destroy faith in a country by its citizens? It's a real-life version of what conservatives thought the Communist Party was in the '50s. And we all just let it happen.
Americans have never trusted our institutions. That’s why our system of government was designed to be weak and to push most tasks as close to the taxpayers as possible. The Federal government was originally limited to funds from other sources than direct taxation of its citizens.
No, you will not be allowed to break the Constitution, the laws, or the courts.
I wish I shared your optimism. I'm just not sure. Look at what's happening with jury selection in NY. People are terrified.

This is essentially going to be a series of mob trials, in which judges, juries and witnesses are all at direct risk, and damn well know it.

Then it's essentially nationalized. The world has seen this before.
Nothing but GASLIGHT THEATRE PROJECTION from the demented LEFT......again and always.

That's what YOU are doing, ASSHOLE!!!!!!! :eusa_hand:

I wish I shared your optimism. I'm just not sure. Look at what's happening with jury selection in NY. People are terrified.

This is essentially going to be a series of mob trials, in which judges, juries and witnesses are all at direct risk, and damn well know it.

Then it's essentially nationalized. The world has seen this before.
This sort of question is a real BIGOT detector. The questioner knows both can't be true but doesn't care which (or both ) it is
Just a dodge to say something despicable.Probably he's about 25 at the oldest, might be gay or at least deviatn, wants attention, has no friends and the closest he comes to belonging is to find anonymous fellow haters for the sense of comraderie.

think from here on will avoid this one.
Well, you have Trump who hates this Country, Fox who parrots his bullshit & retards like MTG & others in Washington who fund raise off the rhetoric. Then we have Donald "Brother Can You Spare A Dime" Trump grifting off his hate rants & lies, witness the $250 million "stop the steal" scam he was running.

What it all boils down to? Just follow the money. Anyone who subscribes to anything else or tries to reason out what the lowlifes above are up to is is mistaken.
Tell me about Ukraine needing a dope Head to help sell gas??

Follow the Money Indeed

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