Queers Pushing Their Perverse Agenda In Schools


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
The Facts About "Just the Facts"

Timothy J. Dailey, Ph.D., and Crystal Roberts, J.D.

In an ambitious attempt to pressure public schools into promoting homosexuality, a homosexual advocacy group has sent an authoritative-looking pamphlet replete with distortions and thinly veiled legal threats to every school district in the country.

_Just the Facts about Sexual Orientation; Youth_ was produced by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Educational Network (GLSEN), which aggressively promotes instruction about the homosexual lifestyle in elementary schools. A speaker at a 1998 GLSEN-sponsored conference in Boston, for example, advocated indoctrinating children as young as kindergarten age to accept homosexuality.

If schools are cowed into implementing the recommendations of _Just the Facts_, children will be encouraged to enter a lifestyle associated with disease and early death, one which has been condemned by every major religion and virtually all cultures from time immemorial. An evaluation of the assertions found in _Just the Facts_ reveals that the booklet is more opinion than fact.

_Just the Facts_ claims, "Sexual orientation develops across a person's lifetime; different people realize at different points in their lives that they are heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual."

Many people would find bizarre the suggestion that they are at different times alternately heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual. The origin of this peculiar notion is the infamous zoologist-turned-sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, whose influential 1948 work _Sexual Behavior in the Human Male_ theorized that all humans existed somewhere on a fluid continuum between exclusively heterosexual and exclusively homosexual.

Kinsey's work, however, is riddled with errors and pseudo-science. His data on the sexuality of children, for example, relied upon the scientifically dubious criminal experiences of a child molester. Kinsey himself has been exposed as a homosexual masochist and sexual anarchist driven by his antipathy towards traditional religion.

Armed with bad science, GLSEN proposes that elementary schools assume children are sexually ambiguous, and would have teachers encourage their presumed innate tendency towards homosexuality.

Our institutions have displayed an alarming gutlessness before the PC onslaught - dating all the way back to sixties. The radicals who stormed the campuses of Cornell, Berkely, et. al., were flabbergasted at the lack of resistance they encountered from the already weak-willed, hand-wringing, self-flagellating liberals in charge of the asylums. Those radicals have cut their hair, donned suits and ties, and are now the movers and shakers (and shapers) of our culture. THEY are the establishment.

But, their mindset hasn't changed. America is the problem. America is the devil, the oppressor, the enemy of mankind. All that she holds dear - individual liberty, family, love of country, faith in God - all of it is targeted for destruction. The homosexual agenda is but a small part of the greater plan.

The movers and shakers face a few problems, though. For one thing, they no longer enjoy a stranglehold on the dissemination of information. They can no longer move their agenda stealthily through society, aided by propogandists who monopolize discourse. Thanks to the internet, stories like the Gothic horror tale recounted here by Pale Rider are available, undiluted and unspun, to millions of Americans, at the touch of a key.

Second, PC radicals are looking at an America which is becoming increasingly conservative - due, in no small part - to their FIRST problem. Their bankrupt ideology and hateful agenda simply cannot survive the light of day.

I am guardedly optimistic.
Excelent post MM. You're dead nuts on bud.

And I'll tell ya, if I had school aged children, I'd be bullistic pissed. (Not that this doesn't tick me off regardless.) I'd wage a compaign against this sneaky, filthy, perverted attempt to sway malable children to become queer, that would parallel the Normandy invasion. I thank God my kid is grown.
I heard a radio show talking about Kinsey one day. He made a very offensive survey that he could only get prisoners and prostitutes to answer, and used that data as a representation of the general population. That's where the bogus statistics come from. Also, his survey has never been allowed to be published, so his results aren't reproducable. The worst part is that the Kinsey institute in Indiana (I think) is funded by state tax dollars.
Pale Rider said:
The Facts About "Just the Facts"

Timothy J. Dailey, Ph.D., and Crystal Roberts, J.D.

In an ambitious attempt to pressure public schools into promoting homosexuality, a homosexual advocacy group has sent an authoritative-looking pamphlet replete with distortions and thinly veiled legal threats to every school district in the country.

_Just the Facts about Sexual Orientation; Youth_ was produced by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Educational Network (GLSEN), which aggressively promotes instruction about the homosexual lifestyle in elementary schools. A speaker at a 1998 GLSEN-sponsored conference in Boston, for example, advocated indoctrinating children as young as kindergarten age to accept homosexuality.

If schools are cowed into implementing the recommendations of _Just the Facts_, children will be encouraged to enter a lifestyle associated with disease and early death, one which has been condemned by every major religion and virtually all cultures from time immemorial. An evaluation of the assertions found in _Just the Facts_ reveals that the booklet is more opinion than fact.

_Just the Facts_ claims, "Sexual orientation develops across a person's lifetime; different people realize at different points in their lives that they are heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual."

Many people would find bizarre the suggestion that they are at different times alternately heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual. The origin of this peculiar notion is the infamous zoologist-turned-sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, whose influential 1948 work _Sexual Behavior in the Human Male_ theorized that all humans existed somewhere on a fluid continuum between exclusively heterosexual and exclusively homosexual.

Kinsey's work, however, is riddled with errors and pseudo-science. His data on the sexuality of children, for example, relied upon the scientifically dubious criminal experiences of a child molester. Kinsey himself has been exposed as a homosexual masochist and sexual anarchist driven by his antipathy towards traditional religion.

Armed with bad science, GLSEN proposes that elementary schools assume children are sexually ambiguous, and would have teachers encourage their presumed innate tendency towards homosexuality.


Makes me glad I live in the midwest where people still have values and Christmas carrols with Jesus's birth actually mentioned are sung in school.

I would be royally pissed if I would out something like this was being preached at my kids schools. Public school is no place for this type of thing. They taught sex education when I was in school, but that was basically "the plumbing" , diseases and how pregnancy happened. Sexual preferance is not something that needs taught in schools.
mattskramer said:
- all the more reason to privatize education!

Trolling now aye mattsy? Well, we all knew you were a fag. You just proved it now.
this whole thing is why i want to put my child(ren) in private schools if I can afford it.

if not, the district i am in is actually pretty conservative for most things like this, so i am not entirely worried. not only that, is parents in the district can opt out and their kids won't be included in sex ed, so as to not undermine the teachings of the parents. most parents don't opt out, because of the district leaning more to the right than left on this issue.
Pale Rider said:
Trolling now aye mattsy? Well, we all knew you were a fag. You just proved it now.

Huh?!? How does trolling make me a fag?!? Anyway, my wife, a fine woman, would disagree with your assumption.

Isn't there a rule about derogatory name-calling? I think that OCA warned me about it.
Pale Rider said:
Trolling now aye mattsy? Well, we all knew you were a fag. You just proved it now.

How does support of private education make matt a "fag?" I agree 100% with Matt's assessment - I think the federal government should get out of public education and let states handle it. If states want to privatize education, great!
Pale Rider said:
Trolling now aye mattsy? Well, we all knew you were a fag. You just proved it now.
that dont make him a fag. makes sense to privatize schools. or at least get your child into a provate school. i posted an article about that last week i think. about how they arent allowing gays to teach in them.
Johnney said:
that dont make him a fag. makes sense to privatize schools. or at least get your child into a provate school. i posted an article about that last week i think. about how they arent allowing gays to teach in them.
here it is

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