Queer Mafia Strikes Again.

instructed his sales representatives to decline to design, print, or produce orders whenever the requested material was perceived to promote an event or organization that conveys messages that are considered by the sales representative or Mr. Adamson to be inappropriate or inconsistent with Christian beliefs.”

all i needed to see...Why are you people so fucking stupid? All you have to say is " sorry we arent taking anymore business right now, sorry.

There i just gave you the loophole in order to get around this., instead you act like morons and do this crap...Which is illegal.
So you support telling the fags to fuck off. We're just not doing it politely enough....
This story is bullshit. There is no "Kentucky Human Rights Commission", let alone one that has the authority and jurisdiction to drag a private entity in front of it and order it to do anything. There is no human rights administrative law in domestic American law.

Ah, I think you should look before you jump: Kentucky Kentucky Commission on Human Rights - Home

The Kentucky Commission on Human Rights
enforces the Kentucky Civil Rights Act
and the U.S. Civil Rights Act.
These laws make discrimination illegal.
The Commission works to end discrimination
and promote equality for everyone.
To file a discrimination complaint or for more information,
contact us at

Hmmmmm.... Well, perhaps I spoke too soon. Maybe KY people are a little different than I was assuming they are. Now the whole Grimes thing makes more sense.

However, despite my ignorance on this matter I have got to assume that, like most administrative agency action on the state level, their action is subject to de novo review in front of a state court of general jurisdiction, thereby mitigating this entire matter for businesses. Thus, this is probably not really that big of a story.
They should win an appeal. This case is very different from the bakery case because there is speech involved in this instance. For example they have the right to refuse to print a nazi symbol on a shirt but they can't refuse to print a regular shirt for a nazi.

I'm curious to see how this plays out.
I am going to educate you poor dumb bastards on an aspect of homo life. I am not going to say exactly what I do for a living, but I will say that my job causes me to come in contact with the public and to be exposed to people's personal finances, by their consent of course. I do not turn down business from gay people because I am more concerned with earning a living. Periodically I get a gay couple come into my office, both all-male and all-female couples.

Without fail I almost always (like 99% of the time) find that in the couple, one of them works, usually at a good job, and the other one stays at home and receives a Social Security Disability check. I am not talking about wealthy people, or famous people. I am talking here about the average, run-of-the-mill, middle class, living paycheck to paycheck gay couple. Other than their sexual preference they are the same as everybody else. They are not advocates of flaming queers, just normal folks. They just lick different body parts than we would.
I like tits, they like dicks. Whatever.

I have seen this so often that I firmly believe that inside the homo community there is an "education effort", for lack of a better term, that encourages them to apply for disability benefits in order to (1) enable their lifestyle (I.e., a gay Ozzie and Harriet where the dad works and the mom stays at home, and (2) to mitigate/offset not having the same health insurance benefits that Herero couples have.

One day I am going to ask one of these people what the deal is with this. Until then, I am going to stick with my analysis until I hear one that makes more sense. Here are the issues raised by this situation:

- They are engaging in a systematic scheme to defraud Social Security. This is a felony. Of course, so are a lot of people.

- Homos seek hierarchy in their personal relations, which is weird. It is not like they are going to reproduce. Though, some may bring kids into the relationship.

- There is clearly an organized community of homos from which they draw info and resources.

- Taxpayers generally do not know or understand the dynamics at play in a homo relationship and would probably object if they knew their tax money was being used to enable the homo lifestyle. Personally, I do not care. I see it as an offset of healthcare premiums that would otherwise be extracted from American's spending power if same-sex benefits were being paid. Of course, same-sex benefits are just around the corner. So, if something is not done then they will be double-dipping at the public trough.

- There is MASSIVE entitlement benefits fraud in the areas of SS Disability, SSI, EIC and other tax credits for low-income people. The government knows this. However I have seen virtually no action on their part, save for intermittent nominal actions, to quell this fraud. The allowance of this fraud to continue is in itself a form of welfare. However, NOBODY voted to allow it. Rather, there is a policy of intentional non-enforcement. Yeah, from time to time you will see someone prosecuted for this crime. But it is rare. Moreover, it is probably done merely for political reasons when people like me who see this going on start making too much noise.

You people are financing people's lifestyles with welfare programs you do not even know about, and that neither you nor your representative ever voted on to approve. Further, most of you pro-gay folks have absolutely no idea how these people live and what they really think. You are merely going pro or con based upon a detached and abstract analysis.
About four years ago, before anyone had legal gay marriages, I received notice from my insurance company that due to new state regulations the terms "husband, wife, marriage and divorce" were no longer permitted in their contracts and would be replaced with domestic partners.

He who controls the language controls the culture.

Hmmm, so at their "weddings" what terms to do they use? "I now pronounce you man and man?" "You may now kiss the .........guy with a little less 5 a clock shadow?"

I just don't know why the nation must be forced to accept what the very few want.
Good question, maybe pitcher and catcher? It's unbelievable what political clout such a few have. The libs have been successful in equating the word tolerance with agreement with them.
I am going to educate you poor dumb bastards on an aspect of homo life. I am not going to say exactly what I do for a living, but I will say that my job causes me to come in contact with the public and to be exposed to people's personal finances, by their consent of course. I do not turn down business from gay people because I am more concerned with earning a living. Periodically I get a gay couple come into my office, both all-male and all-female couples.

Without fail I almost always (like 99% of the time) find that in the couple, one of them works, usually at a good job, and the other one stays at home and receives a Social Security Disability check. I am not talking about wealthy people, or famous people. I am talking here about the average, run-of-the-mill, middle class, living paycheck to paycheck gay couple. Other than their sexual preference they are the same as everybody else. They are not advocates of flaming queers, just normal folks. They just lick different body parts than we would.
I like tits, they like dicks. Whatever.

I have seen this so often that I firmly believe that inside the homo community there is an "education effort", for lack of a better term, that encourages them to apply for disability benefits in order to (1) enable their lifestyle (I.e., a gay Ozzie and Harriet where the dad works and the mom stays at home, and (2) to mitigate/offset not having the same health insurance benefits that Herero couples have.

One day I am going to ask one of these people what the deal is with this. Until then, I am going to stick with my analysis until I hear one that makes more sense. Here are the issues raised by this situation:

- They are engaging in a systematic scheme to defraud Social Security. This is a felony. Of course, so are a lot of people.

- Homos seek hierarchy in their personal relations, which is weird. It is not like they are going to reproduce. Though, some may bring kids into the relationship.

- There is clearly an organized community of homos from which they draw info and resources.

- Taxpayers generally do not know or understand the dynamics at play in a homo relationship and would probably object if they knew their tax money was being used to enable the homo lifestyle. Personally, I do not care. I see it as an offset of healthcare premiums that would otherwise be extracted from American's spending power if same-sex benefits were being paid. Of course, same-sex benefits are just around the corner. So, if something is not done then they will be double-dipping at the public trough.

- There is MASSIVE entitlement benefits fraud in the areas of SS Disability, SSI, EIC and other tax credits for low-income people. The government knows this. However I have seen virtually no action on their part, save for intermittent nominal actions, to quell this fraud. The allowance of this fraud to continue is in itself a form of welfare. However, NOBODY voted to allow it. Rather, there is a policy of intentional non-enforcement. Yeah, from time to time you will see someone prosecuted for this crime. But it is rare. Moreover, it is probably done merely for political reasons when people like me who see this going on start making too much noise.

You people are financing people's lifestyles with welfare programs you do not even know about, and that neither you nor your representative ever voted on to approve. Further, most of you pro-gay folks have absolutely no idea how these people live and what they really think. You are merely going pro or con based upon a detached and abstract analysis.
I think the government looks the other way because to them it is income redistribution and fairness. I work with the public too and I've noticed liberals in general know many ways to defraud the government. They pass this stuff around and it is common knowledge to them. They see nothing wrong with it, it's free money so it's stupid to not reach out and take it.

One example is with appliances. There's a statewide, maybe national?, program here to upgrade appliances with newer more energy efficient models if your old one qualifies. They buy old ones or take them off peoples hands and get the upgraded new one for "free".
Good question, maybe pitcher and catcher? It's unbelievable what political clout such a few have. The libs have been successful in equating the word tolerance with agreement with them.

From the cons latest campaign:

#iamarepublican because you intolerant liberals refuse to tolerate my right to discriminate against you
It isn't discrimination and repeating like a broken record doesn't make it so and I'm not a Republican you stupid idiot. hopethishelps.
I am going to educate you poor dumb bastards on an aspect of homo life. I am not going to say exactly what I do for a living, but I will say that my job causes me to come in contact with the public and to be exposed to people's personal finances, by their consent of course. I do not turn down business from gay people because I am more concerned with earning a living. Periodically I get a gay couple come into my office, both all-male and all-female couples.

Without fail I almost always (like 99% of the time) find that in the couple, one of them works, usually at a good job, and the other one stays at home and receives a Social Security Disability check. I am not talking about wealthy people, or famous people. I am talking here about the average, run-of-the-mill, middle class, living paycheck to paycheck gay couple. Other than their sexual preference they are the same as everybody else. They are not advocates of flaming queers, just normal folks. They just lick different body parts than we would.
I like tits, they like dicks. Whatever.

I have seen this so often that I firmly believe that inside the homo community there is an "education effort", for lack of a better term, that encourages them to apply for disability benefits in order to (1) enable their lifestyle (I.e., a gay Ozzie and Harriet where the dad works and the mom stays at home, and (2) to mitigate/offset not having the same health insurance benefits that Herero couples have.

One day I am going to ask one of these people what the deal is with this. Until then, I am going to stick with my analysis until I hear one that makes more sense. Here are the issues raised by this situation:

- They are engaging in a systematic scheme to defraud Social Security. This is a felony. Of course, so are a lot of people.

- Homos seek hierarchy in their personal relations, which is weird. It is not like they are going to reproduce. Though, some may bring kids into the relationship.

- There is clearly an organized community of homos from which they draw info and resources.

- Taxpayers generally do not know or understand the dynamics at play in a homo relationship and would probably object if they knew their tax money was being used to enable the homo lifestyle. Personally, I do not care. I see it as an offset of healthcare premiums that would otherwise be extracted from American's spending power if same-sex benefits were being paid. Of course, same-sex benefits are just around the corner. So, if something is not done then they will be double-dipping at the public trough.

- There is MASSIVE entitlement benefits fraud in the areas of SS Disability, SSI, EIC and other tax credits for low-income people. The government knows this. However I have seen virtually no action on their part, save for intermittent nominal actions, to quell this fraud. The allowance of this fraud to continue is in itself a form of welfare. However, NOBODY voted to allow it. Rather, there is a policy of intentional non-enforcement. Yeah, from time to time you will see someone prosecuted for this crime. But it is rare. Moreover, it is probably done merely for political reasons when people like me who see this going on start making too much noise.

You people are financing people's lifestyles with welfare programs you do not even know about, and that neither you nor your representative ever voted on to approve. Further, most of you pro-gay folks have absolutely no idea how these people live and what they really think. You are merely going pro or con based upon a detached and abstract analysis.
I think the government looks the other way because to them it is income redistribution and fairness. I work with the public too and I've noticed liberals in general know many ways to defraud the government. They pass this stuff around and it is common knowledge to them. They see nothing wrong with it, it's free money so it's stupid to not reach out and take it.

One example is with appliances. There's a statewide, maybe national?, program here to upgrade appliances with newer more energy efficient models if your old one qualifies. They buy old ones or take them off peoples hands and get the upgraded new one for "free".

I can see that with the appliances, though I was not aware of it. It's like selling food stamps. I wonder if the same thing happened with Obama's brainchild, "cash for clunkers".
instructed his sales representatives to decline to design, print, or produce orders whenever the requested material was perceived to promote an event or organization that conveys messages that are considered by the sales representative or Mr. Adamson to be inappropriate or inconsistent with Christian beliefs.”

all i needed to see...Why are you people so fucking stupid? All you have to say is " sorry we arent taking anymore business right now, sorry.

There i just gave you the loophole in order to get around this., instead you act like morons and do this crap...Which is illegal.
So you support telling the fags to fuck off. We're just not doing it politely enough....

So how many boy friends did you take on in the big house, suzie?
instructed his sales representatives to decline to design, print, or produce orders whenever the requested material was perceived to promote an event or organization that conveys messages that are considered by the sales representative or Mr. Adamson to be inappropriate or inconsistent with Christian beliefs.”

all i needed to see...Why are you people so fucking stupid? All you have to say is " sorry we arent taking anymore business right now, sorry.

There i just gave you the loophole in order to get around this., instead you act like morons and do this crap...Which is illegal.
So you support telling the fags to fuck off. We're just not doing it politely enough....

So how many boy friends did you take on in the big house, suzie?
The real question is why I don't have you on ignore.....

Your grade school level posts offer nothing to the conversation. A true waste of bandwidth.
instructed his sales representatives to decline to design, print, or produce orders whenever the requested material was perceived to promote an event or organization that conveys messages that are considered by the sales representative or Mr. Adamson to be inappropriate or inconsistent with Christian beliefs.”

all i needed to see...Why are you people so fucking stupid? All you have to say is " sorry we arent taking anymore business right now, sorry.

There i just gave you the loophole in order to get around this., instead you act like morons and do this crap...Which is illegal.
So you support telling the fags to fuck off. We're just not doing it politely enough....

So how many boy friends did you take on in the big house, suzie?
The real question is why I don't have you on ignore.....

Your grade school level posts offer nothing to the conversation. A true waste of bandwidth.

I'll take your answer as too many to count
instructed his sales representatives to decline to design, print, or produce orders whenever the requested material was perceived to promote an event or organization that conveys messages that are considered by the sales representative or Mr. Adamson to be inappropriate or inconsistent with Christian beliefs.”

all i needed to see...Why are you people so fucking stupid? All you have to say is " sorry we arent taking anymore business right now, sorry.

There i just gave you the loophole in order to get around this., instead you act like morons and do this crap...Which is illegal.
So you support telling the fags to fuck off. We're just not doing it politely enough....

So how many boy friends did you take on in the big house, suzie?
The real question is why I don't have you on ignore.....

Your grade school level posts offer nothing to the conversation. A true waste of bandwidth.

I'll take your answer as too many to count
I'll take your response as PLEASE PUT ME ON IGNORE.

Happy to oblige

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