Queer Mafia Strikes Again.

And some of you believed it's about equality and rights. It's about submission.

Commission Forces Christian Company to Print LGBT T-Shirts The Federalist Papers

Looks like the rightwing christians are getting their teeth kicked in at ever turn :itsok::smoke:
Keep dreaming. Your master, Satan, has already been beaten anf is crying like a little gay boy.

More christer kook fantasy's, your time is up thumper time to leave the stage
No, my time isn't up, your masters time ran out long ago. Good luck demon.
instructed his sales representatives to decline to design, print, or produce orders whenever the requested material was perceived to promote an event or organization that conveys messages that are considered by the sales representative or Mr. Adamson to be inappropriate or inconsistent with Christian beliefs.”

all i needed to see...Why are you people so fucking stupid? All you have to say is " sorry we arent taking anymore business right now, sorry.

There i just gave you the loophole in order to get around this., instead you act like morons and do this crap...Which is illegal.

People are not as stupid as you think they are.

Saying you're not taking on any more business at the time is a legal way out, but only if you do, in fact, stop taking orders.

If you said that to me, I would be thinking " WTF?" I know that every ongoing business wants as many customers as it can get. They would take my order even if they couldn't fill it right away and there would be discussions about the delivery date. I would look around your shop and see there are no indications that you're going out of business, and I would immediately know you are trying to bamboozle me. Finding out whether or not you are taking new orders is the easiest thing in the world for me to do and I certainly would find out. You know that, right? You should.

From a legal standpoint (I have an MBA and JD), all a gay person would have to say is that you refused to print their gay-oriented T-shirt and allege that it was because of prohibited discrimination. In order to avoid losing in court you would have to prove that you really were not taking on more business. Good luck with that one!! If you think that articulating a feeble and dishonest excuse is going to help you avoid legal liability you do not understand the law. You need to learn a lot more about evidence and something called “the burden of proof.”

Conclusion: Your “solution” will never work. Those who follow your advice will regret it.
This story is bullshit. There is no "Kentucky Human Rights Commission", let alone one that has the authority and jurisdiction to drag a private entity in front of it and order it to do anything. There is no human rights administrative law in domestic American law.

Ah, I think you should look before you jump: Kentucky Kentucky Commission on Human Rights - Home

The Kentucky Commission on Human Rights
enforces the Kentucky Civil Rights Act
and the U.S. Civil Rights Act.
These laws make discrimination illegal.
The Commission works to end discrimination
and promote equality for everyone.
To file a discrimination complaint or for more information,
contact us at
all i needed to see...Why are you people so fucking stupid? All you have to say is " sorry we arent taking anymore business right now, sorry.

There i just gave you the loophole in order to get around this., instead you act like morons and do this crap...Which is illegal.
Sure, people should be forced to lie. What could possibly be wrong with that? Smart people lie all the time, why it's American!

I guess this is the talking point. Its lying....you know what. Fuck these people and you. Enjoy legal hell because you are too stupid to figure out you can't do these things.
Not wanting to lie in order to make a living is a talking point for you? You are a clear representative of what's wrong with this country.
Question, two guys are married. Does the one call the other his wife and the other one call him his husband? Or are they both husbands?
Neither, they are just two faggots. They may get the license from the state but that doesn't change what they are.

I was just wondering how many definitions that Webster will be having to change.

I am not sure why we just can't all get along on this issue.

The pro-gay side seems to want to flaunt their gayness in everyone's face and force what they want on everyone else. The other side seems to want to maintain the morality that we have had since creation.

So why not compromise at least with Christian believers. The acts that gays commit is between them and them alone. There are MANY prohibitions in the OT of the Bible that are not enforced by Christians. When was the last time a witch was burned at the stake? Or a woman wore a hat to church? So even though some gay sexual practices can be harmful, they are hardly more harmful then heterosexual practices.

So why can't we all just get along? Let people do what people do and let marriage stand as it has since its conception. If something else is needed, such as some sort of same sex union laws then so be it, do it if that is what the majority wants. But it appears to me that the gay lobby is not interested in compromise it is their way or no way. They care not for tradition or strongly held beliefs, I seriously doubt the gays realize how closed minded they really are being. Or more to the point, they don't care.
About four years ago, before anyone had legal gay marriages, I received notice from my insurance company that due to new state regulations the terms "husband, wife, marriage and divorce" were no longer permitted in their contracts and would be replaced with domestic partners.

He who controls the language controls the culture.
"Queer Mafia Strikes Again."

It's about jurisdictions, as authorized by the Constitution and its case law, prohibiting the fear, ignorance, and hate exhibited by you and other bigots from being codified.

Interesting the pro-gay side as if there were a anti-gay side. Examine what you call hate. There is absolutely no doubt that the courts in the past have ruled that marriage is a right. But they were not ruling on marriage as defined by pro-gays but marriage as being between a man and a woman. There is absolutely no doubt to that being true, none, nada, zip. So regardless of the message spread by the pro-gay side they are the ones trying to change the definition of marriage and compromise is something foreign to them. THEY are the ones forcing everyone to THEIR will not the other way around. It is like a pilot saying that because he has a license to fly an airplane that means he can drive a car. The two may be similar in many ways but obviously not the same thing. So the left wants to jam their definition of marriage, without compromise, down the majority of Americans who oppose such change.

And the worse part is that even in states like California they couldn't get the definition changed by law the people said NO. So the pro-gay side forces their will on the people through the court, not the legislative branch. Almost every time, if not every time, the issue has been put before the people, or their representatives, it has been voted down, but that does not stop the pro-gay side from forcing their will on the nation.
About four years ago, before anyone had legal gay marriages, I received notice from my insurance company that due to new state regulations the terms "husband, wife, marriage and divorce" were no longer permitted in their contracts and would be replaced with domestic partners.

He who controls the language controls the culture.

Hmmm, so at their "weddings" what terms to do they use? "I now pronounce you man and man?" "You may now kiss the .........guy with a little less 5 a clock shadow?"

I just don't know why the nation must be forced to accept what the very few want.
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Question, two guys are married. Does the one call the other his wife and the other one call him his husband? Or are they both husbands?
naaaa.., they are still just plain old qweers! :lmao:

Maybe so, but I seriously doubt they call each other that name. What does that Pastor say, I now pronounce you domestic partners? Really inquiring minds want to know. Because you see the pro-gay lobby seems to want us to think that there really isn't a difference between gay and hetrosexual marriage. But obviously there are great differences even down to the language. The pro-gay side seems to want us to believe that marriage is defined as between two people which MIGHT be true if they didn't have to change so much of the language to make it so. The pro-gay side is as closed minded as those they accuse. They do not give one rats ass about any ones beliefs other then their own. They care not for tradition or the feeling of others. They are what they accuse others of being.
Sure, people should be forced to lie. What could possibly be wrong with that? Smart people lie all the time, why it's American!

I guess this is the talking point. Its lying....you know what. Fuck these people and you. Enjoy legal hell because you are too stupid to figure out you can't do these things.
Legal hell is an interesting way to put it. You have forced people that are supposed to have freedom of religion into a choice of which of those religious beliefs they must violate in order to stay within your law when that never should have been the option.
Yep. Me and my Church will NOT be performing gay marriages. If I owned a business the gov't. Will not yell me who to serve, it is not their legal right.

Maybe your "church" should have its tax free status removed
That is the goal of the idiotic Satan worshiping fagot libtards like you.


I think it would be funny how the left would react, if an anti queer group hired a gay owned business to host a function, and they refused. Would the lefties on here be for the rights of the anti queer group?
all i needed to see...Why are you people so fucking stupid? All you have to say is " sorry we arent taking anymore business right now, sorry.

There i just gave you the loophole in order to get around this., instead you act like morons and do this crap...Which is illegal.
Sure, people should be forced to lie. What could possibly be wrong with that? Smart people lie all the time, why it's American!

I guess this is the talking point. Its lying....you know what. Fuck these people and you. Enjoy legal hell because you are too stupid to figure out you can't do these things.
Legal hell is an interesting way to put it. You have forced people that are supposed to have freedom of religion into a choice of which of those religious beliefs they must violate in order to stay within your law when that never should have been the option.
Yep. Me and my Church will NOT be performing gay marriages. If I owned a business the gov't. Will not yell me who to serve, it is not their legal right.

Maybe your "church" should have its tax free status removed
And here you show your true colors. Not that you actually want freedom and equality - that is simply not enough. You actually want to force others to do as you see fit. That is outright disgusting.

I support the RIGHT of gays to marry - it is a right and therefore cannot be withheld by the state because people don't like it. HOWEVER, the state also has absolutely no right whatsoever to force anyone to perform a ceremony other than the state itself nor force a religious institution to do anything at all. The first amendment STRICTLY forbids it, period. It shows both a gross ignorance of what freedom of religion embodies as well as a complete misunderstanding of freedom in general to think that a church should be forced to marry those against their religious tenants with penalizing tax measures.
instructed his sales representatives to decline to design, print, or produce orders whenever the requested material was perceived to promote an event or organization that conveys messages that are considered by the sales representative or Mr. Adamson to be inappropriate or inconsistent with Christian beliefs.”

all i needed to see...Why are you people so fucking stupid? All you have to say is " sorry we arent taking anymore business right now, sorry.

There i just gave you the loophole in order to get around this., instead you act like morons and do this crap...Which is illegal.
So your answer to going against your beliefs is to go against your beliefs and lie. Nice choice there.
sigh no stupid. saying you are not taking on more business is the legal way of getting around this. nobody is saying to change your beliefs.

What happens if they tell a homosexual couple 'sorry, not taking any new business' then they turn around and take new business from someone wanting a Duck Dynasty t-shirt made?

If they lie it will eventually bite them in the butt. Or they will have to stop taking on new business and their business will slowly die off.

Your answer is retarded.
Leftists believe all children belong to the state to be used in social engineering.
you mean like in texas where the school board which is 3-2 conservative wants to promote patriotism, resspect for law and the good things in this nation as an attempt to socially engineer our children?

Im glad you agree, and retract this left think the children belong to the state bullshit
Teaching patriotism and respect for the law is good. Allowing leftist indoctrination of sexual idiocy is bad.

you are a problem.
I sure am. Fix me.
I guess this is the talking point. Its lying....you know what. Fuck these people and you. Enjoy legal hell because you are too stupid to figure out you can't do these things.
Legal hell is an interesting way to put it. You have forced people that are supposed to have freedom of religion into a choice of which of those religious beliefs they must violate in order to stay within your law when that never should have been the option.
Yep. Me and my Church will NOT be performing gay marriages. If I owned a business the gov't. Will not yell me who to serve, it is not their legal right.

Maybe your "church" should have its tax free status removed
That is the goal of the idiotic Satan worshiping fagot libtards like you.


You are an ignorant idiot.

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