Q:How badly is govt-sponsored education failing? A: A significant number are voting for a socialist!

The oft-demonstrated fact that destruction of private property rights (one of the hallmarks of socialism) leads to the deterioration of prosperity and eventually the destruction of the society nearly every time.

"Oft-demonstrated"? Not in this thread. Start.

Reality has demonstrated it many times. For a perfect example, just look South to Venezuela.
The best thing our nation could do is copy a top 5 system from another country and demand higher standards.

A lot of those systems are based on vouchers. Parents are allowed to choose the schools their children attend. The teacher's unions have fought tooth and nail to prevent that.
Vouchers exist WHERE lol?

In the Netherlands, nearly 76 percent of school-age children attend private schools with state money going to the chosen school. Sweden and Denmark also have liberal school choice policies with school funding following children whose parents choose private schools. In all three countries, student performance is higher than in the United States, where 15-year-olds scored twenty-first on mathematics literacy and twelfth in science, according to international performance audits.

School choice also exists in Chile, where 46 percent of students enroll in private schools. Even some former communist countries such as Hungary and the Czech Republic allow parents to pay for private schools with public funds.
Yup, we already ARE a socialist country (they call it social democracy so as to not scare stupid Americans), just dominated by greedy GOP billionaires, their greedy idiot policy, and their bs propaganda machine.
As usual, this person is trying desperately to avoid discussing the main point of the thread: The oft-demonstrated fact that destruction of private property rights (one of the hallmarks of socialism) leads to the deterioration of prosperity and eventually the destruction of the society nearly every time.

And that increasing numbers of Americans are ignorant of these results, that they have reached the point that they are voting for an admitted socialist.

From socialist Vermont? A state with one of the best educated populations in the country?

That's because its population is 97% white.
The US has been socialist for at least 100years and it's lead to us being the greatest country on Earth .

What's the problem ?

^^^Public education results

Name a single country that doesn't have public education within the top 30. You can't simply because private education favors the few at the top.

You don't take care of those results by throwing most of the country out on the street.

The best thing our nation could do is copy a top 5 system from another country and demand higher standards.

A lot of those systems are based on vouchers. Parents are allowed to choose the schools their children attend. The teacher's unions have fought tooth and nail to prevent that.
Vouchers exist WHERE lol?

In the Netherlands, nearly 76 percent of school-age children attend private schools with state money going to the chosen school. Sweden and Denmark also have liberal school choice policies with school funding following children whose parents choose private schools. In all three countries, student performance is higher than in the United States, where 15-year-olds scored twenty-first on mathematics literacy and twelfth in science, according to international performance audits.

School choice also exists in Chile, where 46 percent of students enroll in private schools. Even some former communist countries such as Hungary and the Czech Republic allow parents to pay for private schools with public funds.
The US has been socialist for at least 100years and it's lead to us being the greatest country on Earth .

What's the problem ?

^^^Public education results

Name a single country that doesn't have public education within the top 30. You can't simply because private education favors the few at the top.

You don't take care of those results by throwing most of the country out on the street.

I've seen private schools vs public schools....it's not even close, private schools shellac public.

Not true . If that was so , every private college would rank ahead of all the public schools .

Plus, public schools have to take everyone . Private schools do not .

Again, not true. When the Milwaukee voucher initiative was being debated, it turned out that the public school system took all their problem students and placed them in private schools.

The corruption ensued whenever the government got involved in subsidizing private corporations. That problem is far worse today than it was then. The way to end it is to end government subsidies.
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Ok . What exactly do you righties want ? Unfettered capitalism? Been there done that . Robber barrons, oligopolies , corruption .

That's all socialist propaganda. Who did the so-called "robber barons" rob? Every year of Standard Oil's existence the price of kerosene went down. So what was the horror inflicted on us by the "robber barons?"
The real problem. Conservatives think "socialism" = "communism " , because they sound alike .

Psssst , they ain't the same !

Social democracy = aka tax payer paid police, infrastructure, regulations and investments have been around for thousands of years. Communism is when the government controls the means and selects people for certain positions and deals out the resources. There's no private sector in communism...

Social democracy is any state that has a public sector and the government can invest within the society.

So communism is just an extreme form of "social democracy?"
Ok . What exactly do you righties want ? Unfettered capitalism? Been there done that . Robber barrons, oligopolies , corruption .

That's all socialist propaganda. Who did the so-called "robber barons" rob? Every year of Standard Oil's existence the price of kerosene went down. So what was the horror inflicted on us by the "robber barons?"
The worst inequality, worker suffering, and toxic products until now...
Look at the leftist on this thread

They are gleefully stating that we are a socialist country.

Not a free country, but a country living under tyrants.

proof that our school system failed
You have no idea what socialism is. Get outside the BS RW bubble, dupe.


So you are in favor of ZERO regulation ?

Yes. I'm in favor of zero government.
The real problem. Conservatives think "socialism" = "communism " , because they sound alike .

Psssst , they ain't the same !

Social democracy = aka tax payer paid police, infrastructure, regulations and investments have been around for thousands of years. Communism is when the government controls the means and selects people for certain positions and deals out the resources. There's no private sector in communism...

Social democracy is any state that has a public sector and the government can invest within the society.

So communism is just an extreme form of "social democracy?"
Like Nazism is just an extreme form of GOPism. Totalitarian bs.
All the winner countries are socialist . And that includes the USA .

Social democracies! Hybrid systems that don't allow the big guys to kill all the small business.

There's a reason we were so successful during the 20th century.

The federal government does just the opposite. It buries the small guy under a mountain of regulation.
Look at the leftist on this thread

They are gleefully stating that we are a socialist country.

Not a free country, but a country living under tyrants.

proof that our school system failed
You have no idea what socialism is. Get outside the BS RW bubble, dupe.


So you are in favor of ZERO regulation ?

Yes. I'm in favor of zero government.
Try Somalia or the Congo, ideological idiot.
The real problem. Conservatives think "socialism" = "communism " , because they sound alike .

Psssst , they ain't the same !

Social democracy = aka tax payer paid police, infrastructure, regulations and investments have been around for thousands of years. Communism is when the government controls the means and selects people for certain positions and deals out the resources. There's no private sector in communism...

Social democracy is any state that has a public sector and the government can invest within the society.

So communism is just an extreme form of "social democracy?"
Like Nazism is just an extreme form of GOPism. Totalitarian bs.

It's more like an extreme form of progressivism.
Look at the leftist on this thread

They are gleefully stating that we are a socialist country.

Not a free country, but a country living under tyrants.

proof that our school system failed
You have no idea what socialism is. Get outside the BS RW bubble, dupe.


So you are in favor of ZERO regulation ?

Yes. I'm in favor of zero government.
Try Somalia or the Congo, ideological idiot.

Congo and Somalia have lots of government that imposes harsh penalties.
If private schools are that much better then take every disruptive low performing kid and ship them all to those schools. Make them accept all. No expulsions. Then let's see.

It's amusing how liberal turds will accept private schools only if they are allowed to defeat every reason for having them.
People want socialism but they don't know what it means. To them it means forcing mom and dad into buying a new Playstation. They don't realize that it means no more toilet paper.

Yep, what Bernie Sanders is pushing is exactly what Hugo Chavez put over on the people of Venezuela, and now they want no more of it. They've had their fill.
according to Fox Noise, Rush, and the rest of the RW propagandists...oil prices have killed Vz.

Can you quote one of them saying that?
People want socialism but they don't know what it means. To them it means forcing mom and dad into buying a new Playstation. They don't realize that it means no more toilet paper.

Yep, what Bernie Sanders is pushing is exactly what Hugo Chavez put over on the people of Venezuela, and now they want no more of it. They've had their fill.
according to Fox Noise, Rush, and the rest of the RW propagandists...oil prices have killed Vz.

Venezuela was in trouble before the price of oil collapsed. Socialism is what killed Venezuela.
They halved illiteracy and poverty in a few years, with W and their oligarchs messing with them all the way. Hugo DIED ruined them. Along with the BOOOOSH world DEPRESSION.

How did they "half" poverty when there's no food to buy in the stores? It appears everyone is poor now.

It's hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to defend the record of Venezuela.

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