Putin Says he Will Nuke the World.

Biden had his chance to help American oil businesses, but because his party and he hates the American business community with such hatred as that once placed on Satan's shoulders, destroying oil wealth of America is #1 on the deep state's agenda. Crazy mad AOC with the red-stained dress hates American oil, Nancy Pelosi likes her powerful chair more than helping oil people help the USA, Hillary Clinton is a communist despot, created by Academia who thought she was "cute" by carrying around an AKA to take out the administration building at

The Democrats will just send info on where conservatives who deserve to be nuked according to them. They love enemies who hate us more than how much they hate conservatives that get elected to keep business alive in America. It all centers around Hillary's little whims to destroy everybody who didn't vote for her. The Democrats have turned themselves and the states they screw into very accurate foot shoots.

One nuke over NYC would really affect climate change, but it would help the population issue that leftists are so concerned about.
Biden had his chance to help American oil businesses, but because his party and he hates the American business community with such hatred as that once placed on Satan's shoulders, destroying oil wealth of America is #1 on the deep state's agenda. Crazy mad AOC with the red-stained dress hates American oil, Nancy Pelosi likes her powerful chair more than helping oil people help the USA, Hillary Clinton is a communist despot, created by Academia who thought she was "cute" by carrying around an AKA to take out the administration building at

The Democrats will just send info on where conservatives who deserve to be nuked according to them. They love enemies who hate us more than how much they hate conservatives that get elected to keep business alive in America. It all centers around Hillary's little whims to destroy everybody who didn't vote for her. The Democrats have turned themselves and the states they screw into very accurate foot shoots.
Don't be a fool. There's 9000 approved oil leases.
One nuke over NYC would really affect climate change, but it would help the population issue that leftists are so concerned about.

But it would not help against your stupidity to attack everyone and anything because you don't know what's really good and really bad.
I agree, but it's silly because we have plenty of oil in Texas, Wyoming, Alaska, and many other states, including California the victim state.
Would you invest in domestic production under this administration?
Would you invest in domestic production under this administration?
Yes.......I work for an oil and gas company...we just had a state of the union meeting yesterday -- and investments in domestic productions is up by 30%.

Corporations have no loyalty to you, do you understand that??

Oil prices being over $120 per barrel is what oil corporations rave about...they are literally thrilled by the profits they will make by artificially keeping inflated prices.....

Because they know folks like you will always blame it on the president...
Is your ADD so bad that you can't even keep on one bullshit point in a paragraph?

1. Putin never said he is set to "nuke the world". Pressing the big nuclear button will be the last thing Putin ever does. He is not doing that.

2. Take your anecdotes about your friends in MI shove them up your ass. Only about 1% America refines is from Russia. It's not us that needs MI help to get off Russian energy, but Europe.
Anton, I am so amazed. I merely quoted Newsweek. They're on your side, remember their 2016 day-after-election headline, "Madame President!!!!" Now you're calling them on their words "bullshit points?" Gloria Halleujah! & My deepest thanks, AntonToo. *sigh*
Unimportant. Depends on what's better to do in a very concrete situation. Forget your ideology. Forget all forms of ideologies. Ideologies will not help.
That isn't an answer...

I asked....you are for government controlling the means of production as it relates to oil because why??

You just spoke in platitudes about ideology.....that isn't an answer
The oil business hates a warzone... And, right now the market is very volatile ... Iran has huge amounts in storage. Russia is crazy.
And I see no reason why we shouldn't be open to doing business with Iran.....are American consumers willing to put their muslim hate aside for 50 to 60 cents off on their gas prices?

Our company is already entertaining prospects of doing business with Venezuela....their crude may be dirty, but we can refine it
Newsweek ran this strange article that says Putin is now going to "Nuke the World" according to Newsweek Magazine online. Do think he is serious? I just heard Democrat friends in the Middle East who are oil-rich are not taking Biden's phone calls that would just be pleas for foreign oil and gas, while he can destroy America. Gee. We'll be so miserable, Biden's crapshoot is to pay foreigners for oil and starve America's oil business. I don't get it. Do you?


Yes.......I work for an oil and gas company...we just had a state of the union meeting yesterday -- and investments in domestic productions is up by 30%.

Corporations have no loyalty to you, do you understand that??

Oil prices being over $120 per barrel is what oil corporations rave about...they are literally thrilled by the profits they will make by artificially keeping inflated prices.....

Because they know folks like you will always blame it on the president...
Of course you would. That only strengthens my point.
Don't be a fool. There's 9000 approved oil leases.
Oh, my. The calling a Trump supporter a fool. Oh, yeh, my! Save that post! It will get you brownie points with AOC, the future of your AOC Uber Alles party!!! She's covered more foolishness with her distracting antics than any other Democrat EVER!
The oil business hates a warzone... And, right now the market is very volatile ... Iran has huge amounts in storage. Russia is crazy.

Iran has a lot of oil? ... Interesting. Would they be ready to help Germany if we will not get or do not like to get Russian oil any longer? How reliable is the Iran in such a business? ...

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