Putin Says he Will Nuke the World.

Peace through strength works. Biden, and many other latte sipping, naive Democrats, believe that weakness will promote peace. Authoritarians like Putin take advantage of weakness. Look for China and N. Korea to make some moves in the short term. Democrats need to WAKE UP and GROW UP before it is too late.
My saying that stupid paraphrases like "Putin says he will nuke the world" are in no way useful doesn't mean I don't think it's a dangerous situation. It COULD escalate outside of Ukraine.

We are trying collective security sanctions with more strength than ever before in history (and mostly informal, not governmental, like FaceBook and so many others suddenly pulling out of Russia) and I am very interested in whether they will work. They did not work in the 1930s because they didn't put pressure on the aggressor country's weakest spots: they should have closed the Suez Canal, and also stopped all imports of oil to Italy.

We aren't hitting the weakest point now, either, which would be a total boycott of all Russian oil and thus all their foreign currency. Europe won't --- they have no energy source that can replace Russian oil. Ours has mainly a leadership effect (and Britain immediately followed us) but that may not be enough.
beautress the market is short 7 million bpd.
Biden had his chance to help American oil businesses, but because his party and he hates the American business community with such hatred as that once placed on Satan's shoulders, destroying oil wealth of America is #1 on the deep state's agenda. Crazy mad AOC with the red-stained dress hates American oil, Nancy Pelosi likes her powerful chair more than helping oil people help the USA, Hillary Clinton is a communist despot, created by Academia who thought she was "cute" by carrying around an AKA to take out the administration building at Yale Law School. 50 years later, she's still their baby girl. Just go figure that. She is the main person in the deep state who tells Biden what he must say. She was also Barack's Brain Trust. This country is in hell because of Hillary's Shadow President in 3 administration--those of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and now, Sick Joe Biden. What would America do without Hillary, the eraser of everybody but communists.
If I am to die in a nuclear holocaust then it will be because I chose to die on my feet rather than on bended knee to the likes of that mongrel dictator.
Then why on Earth did you vote for Biden!!!

I know you meant Pootin, but you know someone had to write it, so why not me?

Anyhoo, Pootin could use end game, but he wouldn’t survive it either, so what is the point of doing it if you will not be the King of the Hill at the end?
Putin "signals escalation" with a governmental alert order and you want to call that Putin "saying" he'll "nuke the world"??

This is the kind of fake news hyperbole that has ruined public discourse in America.

Yes, and you certainly oppose fake news and hyperbole!
If I am to die in a nuclear holocaust then it will be because I chose to die on my feet rather than on bended knee to the likes of that mongrel dictator.
Yeah, but the rest of us aren't deserving because important people like you bended your knee to Hillary instead of the people of the United States of America. You just loved the wrong people. Not to worry. Divorces are ordinary in this country, but died-in-the-wool liberals didn't see the forest for all the little pet rock trees.
Newsweek ran this strange article that says Putin is now going to "Nuke the World" according to Newsweek Magazine online. Do think he is serious? I just heard Democrat friends in the Middle East who are oil-rich are not taking Biden's pleas for foreign oil and gas, while he can destroy America. Gee. We'll be so miserable, Biden's crapshoot is to pay foreigners for oil and starve America's oil business. I don't get it. Do you?

Is your ADD so bad that you can't even keep on one bullshit point in a paragraph?

1. Putin never said he is set to "nuke the world". Pressing the big nuclear button will be the last thing Putin ever does. He is not doing that.

2. Take your anecdotes about your friends in MI shove them up your ass. Only about 1% America refines is from Russia. It's not us that needs MI help to get off Russian energy, but Europe.
Biden had his chance to help American oil businesses, but because his party and he hates the American business community with such hatred as that once placed on Satan's shoulders, destroying oil wealth of America is #1 on the deep state's agenda. Crazy mad AOC with the red-stained dress hates American oil, Nancy Pelosi likes her powerful chair more than helping oil people help the USA, Hillary Clinton is a communist despot, created by Academia who thought she was "cute" by carrying around an AKA to take out the administration building at Yale Law School. 50 years later, she's still their baby girl. Just go figure that. She is the main person in the deep state who tells Biden what he must say. She was also Barack's Brain Trust. This country is in hell because of Hillary's Shadow President in 3 administration--those of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and now, Sick Joe Biden. What would America do without Hillary, the eraser of everybody but communists.
He doesn't hate American business...

He is merely misguided, like many Dem-Lib-Progs...

They believe that if we cut off our fossil fuel supplies then that will force and accelerate the emergence of Electric Vehicles and the like...

Economic disruption and political chaos and personal financial pain notwithstanding, in the bigger picture, according to their arrogant and impractical perspective...

They are making decisions for all of us and forcing the issue in the direction (EVs and other renewable-source technologies) they want it to go...

They think that because they got voted into office (to rid the Republic of a Sulla-in-the-making) that they ALSO have a mandate to force the energy issue in that direction...

The Dems are wrong... but the re-tards don' t realize they are wrong... so the fools are going to pay (once again) at the polls for their arrogance and short-sightedness...

Assuming, of course, that the idiot Pubs aren't stupid enough to try running their Orange Baboon-God again...

If they do, they'll lose...

And, frankly, I'm not all-that-confident that the Pubs are bright enough to figure that out, nor courageous enough to act on any such derived understanding...
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Yeah, but the rest of us aren't deserving because important people like you bended your knee to Hillary instead of the people of the United States of America. You just loved the wrong people. Not to worry. Divorces are ordinary in this country, but died-in-the-wool liberals didn't see the forest for all the little pet rock trees.
You couldn't be more wrong, and you're more than a bit of partisan hack yourself with a boatload of rigid preconceived notions, so I won't belabor the point.
Peace through strength works. Biden, and many other latte sipping, naive Democrats, believe that weakness will promote peace. Authoritarians like Putin take advantage of weakness. Look for China and N. Korea to make some moves in the short term. Democrats need to WAKE UP and GROW UP before it is too late.
Peace using intelligence works too….

The US empire;
(A) had solid intelligence that this war was coming,

(B) knew they could prevent it by making very reasonable, low-cost concessions like promising not to add a nation to NATO that they didn't want to add anyway, and

(C) chose not to.
Yeah, but the rest of us aren't deserving because important people like you bended your knee to Hillary instead of the people of the United States of America. You just loved the wrong people. Not to worry. Divorces are ordinary in this country, but died-in-the-wool liberals didn't see the forest for all the little pet rock trees.

1. Russia has been a threat since it former Soviet days until now!

The fact that Russia funds the Cartel’s and Gangs South of the Border anyone with half of a damn brain would know Pootin is and has always been our enemy like China, Iran and North Korea!

I have said for a long time that Russia causes more problems and shouldn’t be trusted and I am a Liberal minded person!

2. Biden calling Iran to increase Oil Production would be fruitless seeing Iran has been Pro-Moscow since the Revolution and that will never change.

Iran would prefer to see the U.S. suffer than help the American people.

3. If Pootin is wanting to use end game then do it for once and stop teasing…

I lived during the Cold War and let me explain this is not fun wondering if he will or will not do it, so just fucking do it already!
I think it's important to take Putin at his word.
Well, of course. He's got a healthy start with bombing too close to 3 nuclear power plants in the Ukraine, whose lands he covets. Oh, my how many commandments does that find broken? Whooooooooooooooooooole bunch. And because of Biden, Putin will strike us if he is alive for the next 2 months. His 2 horns, red anger, and forked tail are taking their toll on American's homeland security. Cyber threats of the Russians can cause airplanes to crash everywhere, etc. Biden is a weak sister political crook. The world is fed up with his extortions, althought it's fine with the leftist press aristocrats who sucked blood from President Trump including the presidency he won, but was destroyed by crooked Democrats at the precinct level, their own cyber crimes, and 50 ways to leave your lover policy against their fellow Americans in conservative roles.

1. Russia has been a threat since it former Soviet days until now! ...

No! They tried your way - this way failed and the drunkard Jelzin created the first steps into a new Russia - the Russia under Putin. Putin is more a kind of absolute Czar than a Commie or Soviet.
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beautress the market is short 7 million bpd.
Biden had his chance to help American oil businesses, but because his party and he hates the American business community with such hatred as that once placed on Satan's shoulders, destroying oil wealth of America is #1 on the deep state's agenda. Crazy mad AOC with the red-stained dress hates American oil, Nancy Pelosi likes her powerful chair more than helping oil people help the USA, Hillary Clinton is a communist despot, created by Academia who thought she was "cute" by carrying around an AK47 to take out the administration building at Yale U.
This should alarm climate change cultists.

Kamala said the freedom convoy was causing climate change….how about a nuclear war?

The green people should be protesting this.

The Democrats will just send info on where conservatives who deserve to be nuked according to them. They love enemies who hate us more than how much they hate conservatives that get elected to keep business alive in America. It all centers around Hillary's little whims to destroy everybody who didn't vote for her. The Democrats have turned themselves and the states they screw into very accurate foot shoots.
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