Putin open to negotiations. What does this mean?

I have just heard people speaking about it. What you added " they wanted to be a quasi-independent entities with a say on Ukraine's domestic and foreign policy." that sounded like a workable solution. You are needing things which work and you will not be happy with everything. Unfortunately that is the compromise of negotiations
It is not a workable solution for me. It is allowing Russia to have a leverage on Ukraine's politics without any obligations. Better is to give them to Russia and forget.

About NATO. It is my desires, the NATO countries may decide everything. I don't think that a path to NATO will be smooth for Ukraine, to put it mildly.

Well hopefully the EU would insist but after it has allowed both Poland and Hungary to stay in while they have moved in an obvious way away from Democracy, is the EU going to still be there after this? No one knows
I think that membership in the EU is the best what happened to Eastern Europe in the last decades. I hope this Union will be preserved.
It is not a workable solution for me. It is allowing Russia to have a leverage on Ukraine's politics without any obligations. Better is to give them to Russia and forget.

About NATO. It is my desires, the NATO countries may decide everything. I don't think that a path to NATO will be smooth for Ukraine, to put it mildly.

I think that membership in the EU is the best what happened to Eastern Europe in the last decades. I hope this Union will be preserved.
Yes we know you want lots of dead Ukrainian women and children. You’re a great humanitarian.
Yes we know you want lots of dead Ukrainian women and children. You’re a great humanitarian.
No, Yuri. My views are too mild, maybe even treasonous for some Ukrainian patriots.
It is not a workable solution for me. It is allowing Russia to have a leverage on Ukraine's politics without any obligations. Better is to give them to Russia and forget.[/quote}

Well if that is what they want but I have a feeling the last time they were given a vote they wanted to stay in Ukraine. Putin will know what he wants anyway. I am sure the ordinary people don't get told all the 'secret' things and Putin if he was interested could find out anyway. I find it concerning that you do not seem to want them in Ukraine. Is that not what this is all about.
About NATO. It is my desires, the NATO countries may decide everything. I don't think that a path to NATO will be smooth for Ukraine, to put it mildly.
I feel when we get out of this it is going to be a very different world. We are going to have to work at breakneck speed for the climate. I think Russia has invaded you more than anything because of their dislike of NATO being in your country, At the same time lot of Russians seem to be supporting you so possibly something unexpected will happen there. I can hear that you feel a need for some promise of security and that would need to be in your agreement. NATO sitting on Russia's doorstep though just feels like holding a red blanket to a bull. I was a bit negative about the EU this morning. I think you could join through the EFTA even before you were formally accepted into the EU. I would prefer an Independent Scotland did that rather than full EU membership straight away. Once you got into the EU you could think of trying for the Parliament and getting some of the things you want for Ukraine possibly that way.

I think that membership in the EU is the best what happened to Eastern Europe in the last decades. I hope this Union will be preserved.
As I said I was a bit negative this morning. Let's hope it does. It is interesting how you say you think it has affected East Europeans. However Poland and Hungry have been moving towards being authoritarian states and I think the EU has to put its foot down and if necessary tell them they must leave. Mind you the EU itself is moving to the right or rather Far Right parties are starting to get into power at the moment. How I would put that is Capitalism is not working. Corporate Power cannot stand the genuine left but it gets on really well in authoritarian/fascist societies. Really everything is precarious now though I accept a bit more where you are than me. I hope you still have your heating and water and it stays that way.
Well if that is what they want but I have a feeling the last time they were given a vote they wanted to stay in Ukraine. Putin will know what he wants anyway. I am sure the ordinary people don't get told all the 'secret' things and Putin if he was interested could find out anyway. I find it concerning that you do not seem to want them in Ukraine. Is that not what this is all about.

I feel when we get out of this it is going to be a very different world. We are going to have to work at breakneck speed for the climate. I think Russia has invaded you more than anything because of their dislike of NATO being in your country, At the same time lot of Russians seem to be supporting you so possibly something unexpected will happen there. I can hear that you feel a need for some promise of security and that would need to be in your agreement. NATO sitting on Russia's doorstep though just feels like holding a red blanket to a bull. I was a bit negative about the EU this morning. I think you could join through the EFTA even before you were formally accepted into the EU. I would prefer an Independent Scotland did that rather than full EU membership straight away. Once you got into the EU you could think of trying for the Parliament and getting some of the things you want for Ukraine possibly that way.

As I said I was a bit negative this morning. Let's hope it does. It is interesting how you say you think it has affected East Europeans. However Poland and Hungry have been moving towards being authoritarian states and I think the EU has to put its foot down and if necessary tell them they must leave. Mind you the EU itself is moving to the right or rather Far Right parties are starting to get into power at the moment. How I would put that is Capitalism is not working. Corporate Power cannot stand the genuine left but it gets on really well in authoritarian/fascist societies. Really everything is precarious now though I accept a bit more where you are than me. I hope you still have your heating and water and it stays that way.
They can get back to Ukraine if they choose. But they can forget about any special status. These silly games should be stopped. Otherwise, they can stay in Russia.

Yes, Ukraine needs some security guarantees. I understand that NATO membership may be a far shot, so it should become a NATO country in all but name in the meantime. Ukraine should switch entirely on NATO standards, equipment, military hardware and so on. Common training missions. Sharing of intelligence information. Etc.

Yes, I also consider EFTA as some stage before the EU membership.

My political ideal is liberal democracy. And I believe the EU will stay on this track. Despite all challenges it faces now.
No doubt you’re happy about the blowing up of the bridge. This report claims British operatives were involved. Do you understand what escalation means and where it can lead?
They can get back to Ukraine if they choose. But they can forget about any special status. These silly games should be stopped. Otherwise, they can stay in Russia.
If you are not open to discussions, then the war continues but you won't get supplied for ever. Europeans do not want this massive amount for there kids and grandkids to pay while you say 'will not talk'. If you deport them against their will that is now considered a crime against humanity. Ukraine is claiming the vote to leave was not real and you can't have it both ways. It sounds like the easiest thing would be to offer them their land and then either be part of Russia or Independent according to vote a few months after peace is declared.

Yes, Ukraine needs some security guarantees. I understand that NATO membership may be a far shot, so it should become a NATO country in all but name in the meantime. Ukraine should switch entirely on NATO standards, equipment, military hardware and so on. Common training missions. Sharing of intelligence information. Etc.

You are at the moment being treated like a NATO country in all but name but it is putting all of us into massive debt for what was really a domestic problem. Of course you can choose what military hardware you have, and pay for it, You have been doing military training with the US and Brits I think since the 90's. You are sharing intelligence now. I suspect half the world is to someone. :)
Yes, I also consider EFTA as some stage before the EU membership.

My political ideal is liberal democracy. And I believe the EU will stay on this track. Despite all challenges it faces now.
I would just say the west has been moving away from Liberal democracy as our Governments have allowed Monopolies to grow. Many people believe we are now Plutocracies. Just letting you know. Plenty of people are wanting to change this and make the EU more democratic.
If you are not open to discussions, then the war continues but you won't get supplied for ever. Europeans do not want this massive amount for there kids and grandkids to pay while you say 'will not talk'. If you deport them against their will that is now considered a crime against humanity. Ukraine is claiming the vote to leave was not real and you can't have it both ways. It sounds like the easiest thing would be to offer them their land and then either be part of Russia or Independent according to vote a few months after peace is declared
I can repeat my position. Either they return to Ukraine on the same rights as other oblasts, or they should stay in Russia. It should be up to them to decide.

You are at the moment being treated like a NATO country in all but name but it is putting all of us into massive debt for what was really a domestic problem. Of course you can choose what military hardware you have, and pay for it, You have been doing military training with the US and Brits I think since the 90's. You are sharing intelligence now. I suspect half the world is to someone
I understand that sooner or later Ukraine should pay for the equipment and should be able to support itself.

I don't think it is about an internal conflict. Though, this conflict did exist, but it was only a part of the reason why this invasion happened. But I am too tired to repeat it again and again. You have have your own reasoning, I have mine. Let's stop with that.

would just say the west has been moving away from Liberal democracy as our Governments have allowed Monopolies to grow. Many people believe we are now Plutocracies. Just letting you know. Plenty of people are wanting to change this and make the EU more democratic
Yes, I know. But I believe the West will be able to sort things out. Fingers crossed.
No doubt you’re happy about the blowing up of the bridge. This report claims British operatives were involved. Do you understand what escalation means and where it can lead?

No doubt you are happy with Ukrainian bridges and cities being blown up by your Russian buddies.
Putin expected to roll through Ukraine in days. It must have dawned on him that the west cant afford to let him win.
It will never happen.
No doubt you are happy with Ukrainian bridges and cities being blown up by your Russian buddies.
No. Apparently you don't understand peace loving people. Typical of blood thirsty Nazis.

How many dead Ukrainian women and children will satisfy you? All of them?

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