Putin is the 21st Century Nazi

Xiden and Barry the Boiking are responsibie for this mess, by instagating the coup of the elected leader in Ukraine, and installing a corrupt stand-up comic, in 2014, numbskull.
Of course they are and they also orchestrated that goat herders strike in Mongolia also.

It must hurt When you blurt your crap on here and get cut down everytime.
Try some more ridiculous crap you're fed by repigs. You're as dumb as dogshit.
No doubt Putin is an AUTHORITARIAN leader that enjoys his power. Power that kills or jails critics and rolls over other sovereign territories, like Hitler did. Clever too. Learned plenty about propaganda as a KGB agent.

The world did not stop Hitler until 73,000,000 people died.
Will NATO rise up against Putin before many more have to die?

A bully will not stop until he is overpowered or effectively punished.
This bully with the 2nd or 3rd largest military must be stopped for humanity's sake.

I've said it before but will say it once more...

The real 21st century Nazi at the moment, is this piece of garbage here

BlackfaceHitler Castreau.

President Trump was a puppet of anti-Christ Talmud loving fake Israel.
Tsar Putin has a Divine Mandate to disarm the Prince of Gog and His Fortress America that has caused so huge amounts of suffering and death for many millions of people around the world at least since 1899.
Tsar Putin.....hallowed be thy name.

I don't care about putin or ukraine. What I care about are western nations so easily descending into the totalitarian chaos, abusing citizens, threatening retaliation for people protesting for their freedom. THAT is what concerns me.

^^^ Absolutely! :clap2:

What?...you fold easy don't ya?... you prove my point...Trump haters either have no brains or will lose money if he comes back....which one are you?....
Where's your evidence of that?
Remember, it was millions of republicans who changed which voted the idiot out but now your blaming democrats.

You're not real quick boy.
Well Stalin starved to death 7-10 million Ukrainians....Putin is a piker when compared to that.

Between seven and ten million people starved to death in Ukraine in 1932-3 as grain was being expropriated to pay for industrialization.

I believe that mass starvation due to Stalin's policies is called the "Holomodor". Stalin did not like Ukrainian resistance, as Putin does not.

Putin has cold-blooded dictator characteristics like BOTH Stalin and Hitler.
The free world needs to negate that dangerous threat not only to Ukraine, but to other sovereign nations.
No, Trudeau, and Biden are the fascists, the Nazi's, Putin is just an oligarch, the real danger you face comes from Trudeau, Biden, and all of their fascist friends in China and silicon valley!
Look up definition of Nazi. Dictionary.com says:
Advocates "totalitarian government, territorial expansion, anti-Semitism, and Aryan supremacy."

Putin is all those!
He is an extreme aurhoritarian, limits critical news, big on propaganda and rewrites history, invades other country (one so far), is anti-Ukrainian, and a Russian nationalist to the core.
Look up definition of Nazi. Dictionary.com says:
Advocates "totalitarian government, territorial expansion, anti-Semitism, and Aryan supremacy."

Putin is all those!
He is an extreme aurhoritarian, limits critical news, big on propaganda and rewrites history, invades other country (one so far), is anti-Ukrainian, and a Russian nationalist to the core.
You are entirely erroneous, you quote me a leftist propaganda mill and claim it a definition??? Nazi's were leftists, "socialists" enforcing socialism. They greatly admired, and took much inspiration from democrat party, and its rabidly racist doctrinal organizing principles! Democrats refused to enter WWII against Nazi Germany, and that only changed upon Imperial Japan's attack upon Pearl Harbor!

The sole role model for the modern pejorative use of the word Nazi, was Nazi Germany and they were not right wingers, not remotely so, they were socialist, I suggest that you go google up the acronym "NAZI" and see how it was arrived at, what it stood for???

Democrats, the close allies of Nazi Germany within the United States both before and just prior to Pearl Harbor, have ruthlessly obfuscated those facts ever since, applying word pejoratively to conservative America, and any right wing governments on earth, when in point of fact, they are the Nazis, and they always have been, which has proven itself nearly diabolical as it successfully sucked in America's Nazi party's greatest victims as its most relied upon electoral base of support, Blacks!

Ukrainians came to the defense of Nazi Germany, they greeted invading German Nazi's as liberators, Ukrainians served in Hitlers SS and helped to significantly staff his death camps as guards, with many many Jews meeting their ends at the hands of Ukrainians at the gas houses! Other's flocking to the Nazi cause were Muslims in north Africa, and Turkey, Nazi is not right wing, it was entirely a creation of the left, which took much inspiration from progressives(democrats)in USA, particularly democrats love affair with eugenics and their creation of the reservation system during the Indian wars! ;)
You are entirely erroneous, you quote me a leftist propaganda mill and claim it a definition??? Nazi's were leftists, "socialists" enforcing socialism. They greatly admired, and took much inspiration from democrat party, and its rabidly racist doctrinal organizing principles! Democrats refused to enter WWII against Nazi Germany, and that only changed upon Imperial Japan's attack upon Pearl Harbor!

The sole role model for the modern pejorative use of the word Nazi, was Nazi Germany and they were not right wingers, not remotely so, they were socialist, I suggest that you go google up the acronym "NAZI" and see how it was arrived at, what it stood for???

Democrats, the close allies of Nazi Germany within the United States both before and just prior to Pearl Harbor, have ruthlessly obfuscated those facts ever since, applying word pejoratively to conservative America, and any right wing governments on earth, when in point of fact, they are the Nazis, and they always have been, which has proven itself nearly diabolical as it successfully sucked in America's Nazi party's greatest victims as its most relied upon electoral base of support, Blacks!

Ukrainians came to the defense of Nazi Germany, they greeted invading German Nazi's as liberators, Ukrainians served in Hitlers SS and helped to significantly staff his death camps as guards, with many many Jews meeting their ends at the hands of Ukrainians at the gas houses! Other's flocking to the Nazi cause were Muslims in north Africa, and Turkey, Nazi is not right wing, it was entirely a creation of the left, which took much inspiration from progressives(democrats)in USA, particularly democrats love affair with eugenics and their creation of the reservation system during the Indian wars! ;)
Sorry to burst your biased bubble, but I used a standard definition of Nazi, which reflects Putin's dictatorship-in-action:
"totalitarian government, territorial expansion, anti-Semitism, and Aryan supremacy."

It is no secret that Putin hates President Zelensky, a Jew, and will execute him or make him suffer in prison if captured. A real NAZI.

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