Honestly, I think all nations should get together at the UN


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
Honestly, I think all nations should get together at the UN and develop a global constitution that:
1. Forms a global agency to work things out and prevents war that is actually respectable called the department of global peace and friend or just department of world unity and friendship. What ever sounds better to you! What do you think?. This agency should have the power to settle things so differences between nations no longer results in war. War probably should be made illegal frankly. It is dumb way to deal with shit. This agency and its members should be voted on by the general assembly. A few nations shouldn't be able to dictate to the entire world one way or another as that will alway lead to violence...Look at history! Lets stop using this system where there's super powers that thinks it owns everyone and use a new system that we all can have a say in without abuse.

2. Strengthen global economic institutions and trade. This doesn't mean that the states can't have their own ability to produce policies within their interest, so I'd even suggest some form of the 10th amendment granting some separation for individual states within the system as in federalism, but humanity has too much inequality and it is resulting in a great deal of pain and suffering. We're truly a fucked up creature that doesn't seek better if we don't at least try. We should be begging for better.

3. A global first amendment to protecting freedom of speech and of expression.

3a. A global pact for sound and sane capitalism. It is the only system worth the fuck but it does need boundaries. Ideas the destroys the ability to form businesses or to become wealthy frankly should be outlawed worldwide. This doesn't mean that they won't be taxed, regulated and expected to be decent but communism is a crime.

4. Rights for all at the global level. Straight, trans, gay, man and woman. No one is to be genocided or abused.
4a. Such end to genocide should be handled by another agency that is also elected by the general assembly with a charter of rules to prevent genocide against any group of people. A global nato modeled agreement can be agreed upon by all nations and this agency can argue in front of the general assembly on rather it is to be used or not and voted on by a simple majority. Lets say a couple of years ago when the islamic state was running wild or the taliban was taking over a that we could have came to the sound and obvious conclusion that we needed to kick some ass as a species against this disease? We could have wiped these groups out and prevented a great deal of pain and suffering.

A large part of America is currently violating millions of peoples human rights and doing exactly what I am talking about in part 4. Such should be illegal and is wrong! It as wrong as what Kim jong un is doing, as wrong as Iran is doing and as wrong as the nut cases running around banning woman from schools throughout the middle east.

I am sick of watching it. Humanity can do better and must do better
. Time put our ego's away and odo what is best for our species and its future! People are flooding north into our borders because most of the world is really fucked up and there's so much wrong. Lets use the concepts that our founders gave us and allow them to become global!

Oh'yeah, I forgot that cock sucking Vlad Putin and is fucked up russia that doesn't give a shit about freedom or much of anything besides committing crimes of war and against humanity,. Such people should be locked away and punished for their actions...They should not be above the law or what is right. Hitler sure as shit wasn't for his actions. A large part of the world made damn sure of it! Lets take the next step.

I'd reform the current UN with these ideas and frankly simply abolish the current security council made up of the big nations and give its power to the general assembly to weld.
1. Grant the general assembly the power to elect the president and 5 members to act as the executive. Kind of the city council model. This would prevent anyone accually being too powerful holding the position.
This executive could nominate the members
2. the anti-genocide agency
2a. I think the world court should be granted real power to punish leaders and law breakers that commit any form of genocide or abuses. The anti-genocide agency can be kind of like the department of justice here in America.
3. the department of world peace and friendship. Modeled after the department of state here in America.
4. the economic and trade fairness department. Modeled after the treasure, labor and trade rep in America.
4a. A sub department of the economic department can work with developing nations to bring them upwards and make them developed based on the concepts of CAPITALISM AND free enterprise.
5. The department of science and its sub groups like wmo, who, etc.
6. The president can also propose a yearly budget to be sent to the assembly. The assembly can take these idea or leave them and will have the power to enact said budget by 2/3rds of the nations voting. The president should have the ability to veto.
7. The assembly should have the power to
- impeach and remove the president or any member of the departments
-Punish corruption
-Confirm judges to the world court
-If a majority of nations grant it then resources can be pooled at the global level for economic development or asteroid defense. Or something else...Member for a mission to mars or another planet as a species?

Something to think about. Tell me if you like the outline and what you'd change? How would it be better?
Honestly, I think all nations should get together at the UN and develop a global constitution that:
1. Forms a global agency to work things out and prevents war that is actually respectable called the department of global peace and friend or just department of world unity and friendship. What ever sounds better to you! What do you think?. This agency should have the power to settle things so differences between nations no longer results in war. War probably should be made illegal frankly. It is dumb way to deal with shit. This agency and its members should be voted on by the general assembly. A few nations shouldn't be able to dictate to the entire world one way or another as that will alway lead to violence...Look at history! Lets stop using this system where there's super powers that thinks it owns everyone and use a new system that we all can have a say in without abuse.

2. Strengthen global economic institutions and trade. This doesn't mean that the states can't have their own ability to produce policies within their interest, so I'd even suggest some form of the 10th amendment granting some separation for individual states within the system as in federalism, but humanity has too much inequality and it is resulting in a great deal of pain and suffering. We're truly a fucked up creature that doesn't seek better if we don't at least try. We should be begging for better.

3. A global first amendment to protecting freedom of speech and of expression.

3a. A global pact for sound and sane capitalism. It is the only system worth the fuck but it does need boundaries. Ideas the destroys the ability to form businesses or to become wealthy frankly should be outlawed worldwide. This doesn't mean that they won't be taxed, regulated and expected to be decent but communism is a crime.

4. Rights for all at the global level. Straight, trans, gay, man and woman. No one is to be genocided or abused.
4a. Such end to genocide should be handled by another agency that is also elected by the general assembly with a charter of rules to prevent genocide against any group of people. A global nato modeled agreement can be agreed upon by all nations and this agency can argue in front of the general assembly on rather it is to be used or not and voted on by a simple majority. Lets say a couple of years ago when the islamic state was running wild or the taliban was taking over a that we could have came to the sound and obvious conclusion that we needed to kick some ass as a species against this disease? We could have wiped these groups out and prevented a great deal of pain and suffering.

A large part of America is currently violating millions of peoples human rights and doing exactly what I am talking about in part 4. Such should be illegal and is wrong! It as wrong as what Kim jong un is doing, as wrong as Iran is doing and as wrong as the nut cases running around banning woman from schools throughout the middle east.

I am sick of watching it. Humanity can do better and must do better. Time put our ego's away and odo what is best for our species and its future! People are flooding north into our borders because most of the world is really fucked up and there's so much wrong. Lets use the concepts that our founders gave us and allow them to become global!

Oh'yeah, I forgot that cock sucking Vlad Putin and is fucked up russia that doesn't give a shit about freedom or much of anything besides committing crimes of war and against humanity,. Such people should be locked away and punished for their actions...They should not be above the law or what is right. Hitler sure as shit wasn't for his actions. A large part of the world made damn sure of it! Lets take the next step.

I'd reform the current UN with these ideas and frankly simply abolish the current security council made up of the big nations and give its power to the general assembly to weld.
1. Grant the general assembly the power to elect the president and 5 members to act as the executive. Kind of the city council model. This would prevent anyone accually being too powerful holding the position.
This executive could nominate the members
2. the anti-genocide agency
2a. I think the world court should be granted real power to punish leaders and law breakers that commit any form of genocide or abuses. The anti-genocide agency can be kind of like the department of justice here in America.
3. the department of world peace and friendship. Modeled after the department of state here in America.
4. the economic and trade fairness department. Modeled after the treasure, labor and trade rep in America.
4a. A sub department of the economic department can work with developing nations to bring them upwards and make them developed based on the concepts of CAPITALISM AND free enterprise.
5. The department of science and its sub groups like wmo, who, etc.
6. The president can also propose a yearly budget to be sent to the assembly. The assembly can take these idea or leave them and will have the power to enact said budget by 2/3rds of the nations voting. The president should have the ability to veto.
7. The assembly should have the power to
- impeach and remove the president or any member of the departments
-Punish corruption
-Confirm judges to the world court
-If a majority of nations grant it then resources can be pooled at the global level for economic development or asteroid defense. Or something else...Member for a mission to mars or another planet as a species?

Something to think about. Tell me if you like the outline and what you'd change? How would it be better?
is this the same UN that supports pedophilia???
I think the problem with the current UN is it is meant as a joke pretty much and all the real power is in the security council and g-7 and 20. It was never developed to hold itself accountable or with any real power to be a force for good. It is more or less a mess with a few nations that don't give a shit fighting it out at the top.
Honestly, I think all nations should get together at the UN and develop a global constitution that:
1. Forms a global agency to work things out and prevents war that is actually respectable called the department of global peace and friend or just department of world unity and friendship. What ever sounds better to you! What do you think?. This agency should have the power to settle things so differences between nations no longer results in war. War probably should be made illegal frankly. It is dumb way to deal with shit. This agency and its members should be voted on by the general assembly. A few nations shouldn't be able to dictate to the entire world one way or another as that will alway lead to violence...Look at history! Lets stop using this system where there's super powers that thinks it owns everyone and use a new system that we all can have a say in without abuse.

2. Strengthen global economic institutions and trade. This doesn't mean that the states can't have their own ability to produce policies within their interest, so I'd even suggest some form of the 10th amendment granting some separation for individual states within the system as in federalism, but humanity has too much inequality and it is resulting in a great deal of pain and suffering. We're truly a fucked up creature that doesn't seek better if we don't at least try. We should be begging for better.

3. A global first amendment to protecting freedom of speech and of expression.

3a. A global pact for sound and sane capitalism. It is the only system worth the fuck but it does need boundaries. Ideas the destroys the ability to form businesses or to become wealthy frankly should be outlawed worldwide. This doesn't mean that they won't be taxed, regulated and expected to be decent but communism is a crime.

4. Rights for all at the global level. Straight, trans, gay, man and woman. No one is to be genocided or abused.
4a. Such end to genocide should be handled by another agency that is also elected by the general assembly with a charter of rules to prevent genocide against any group of people. A global nato modeled agreement can be agreed upon by all nations and this agency can argue in front of the general assembly on rather it is to be used or not and voted on by a simple majority. Lets say a couple of years ago when the islamic state was running wild or the taliban was taking over a that we could have came to the sound and obvious conclusion that we needed to kick some ass as a species against this disease? We could have wiped these groups out and prevented a great deal of pain and suffering.

A large part of America is currently violating millions of peoples human rights and doing exactly what I am talking about in part 4. Such should be illegal and is wrong! It as wrong as what Kim jong un is doing, as wrong as Iran is doing and as wrong as the nut cases running around banning woman from schools throughout the middle east.

I am sick of watching it. Humanity can do better and must do better. Time put our ego's away and odo what is best for our species and its future! People are flooding north into our borders because most of the world is really fucked up and there's so much wrong. Lets use the concepts that our founders gave us and allow them to become global!

Oh'yeah, I forgot that cock sucking Vlad Putin and is fucked up russia that doesn't give a shit about freedom or much of anything besides committing crimes of war and against humanity,. Such people should be locked away and punished for their actions...They should not be above the law or what is right. Hitler sure as shit wasn't for his actions. A large part of the world made damn sure of it! Lets take the next step.

I'd reform the current UN with these ideas and frankly simply abolish the current security council made up of the big nations and give its power to the general assembly to weld.
1. Grant the general assembly the power to elect the president and 5 members to act as the executive. Kind of the city council model. This would prevent anyone accually being too powerful holding the position.
This executive could nominate the members
2. the anti-genocide agency
2a. I think the world court should be granted real power to punish leaders and law breakers that commit any form of genocide or abuses. The anti-genocide agency can be kind of like the department of justice here in America.
3. the department of world peace and friendship. Modeled after the department of state here in America.
4. the economic and trade fairness department. Modeled after the treasure, labor and trade rep in America.
4a. A sub department of the economic department can work with developing nations to bring them upwards and make them developed based on the concepts of CAPITALISM AND free enterprise.
5. The department of science and its sub groups like wmo, who, etc.
6. The president can also propose a yearly budget to be sent to the assembly. The assembly can take these idea or leave them and will have the power to enact said budget by 2/3rds of the nations voting. The president should have the ability to veto.
7. The assembly should have the power to
- impeach and remove the president or any member of the departments
-Punish corruption
-Confirm judges to the world court
-If a majority of nations grant it then resources can be pooled at the global level for economic development or asteroid defense. Or something else...Member for a mission to mars or another planet as a species?

Something to think about. Tell me if you like the outline and what you'd change? How would it be better?
I honestly think youre a pervert that needs to be kept away from children,,,
I think the problem with the current UN is it is meant as a joke pretty much and all the real power is in the security council and g-7 and 20. It was never developed to hold itself accountable or with any real power to be a force for good.
their current problem is they want to make pedophilia normal,,
I think the problem with the current UN is it is meant as a joke pretty much and all the real power is in the security council and g-7 and 20. It was never developed to hold itself accountable or with any real power to be a force for good. It is more or less a mess with a few nations that don't give a shit fighting it out at the top.
All nations need to get together to develpp something that is real and can form census. Something with real teeth. Something that isn't a joke that is a force for good and holds itself accountable to the nations of our world.
The concept of super powers being able to push the entire world around like a dog isn't a good model for humanity. We can do better.
All nations need to get together to develpp something that is real and can form census. Something with real teeth. Something that isn't a joke that is a force for good and holds itself accountable to the nations of our world.
all they have to do is copy our constitution,,

but since you and the UN want to normalize pedophilia both of you can fuck off,,
All nations need to get together to develpp something that is real and can form census. Something with real teeth. Something that isn't a joke that is a force for good and holds itself accountable to the nations of our world.
The UN is just like every other global institution. It sounds all wonderful but it fails miserably because the people who are high enough to be part of the global institutions are power hungry, greedy ego-maniacs who couldn't care less about anything except themselves.
Sadly, most of the world does...Most of the world practices sick religions that promote trash like this. Maybe we should demand better from our species then to accept such bullshit?
you openly admitted you wanted to teach children how to be a bisexual,, that means you want to teach children how to have sex with a person of their same gender,,,

youre a fucking pervert,,,

youre lucky there are rules against calling you what you openly admit you are,,,
The UN is just like every other global institution. It sounds all wonderful but it fails miserably because the people who are high enough to be part of the global institutions are power hungry, greedy ego-maniacs who couldn't care less about anything except themselves.
We need to learn from history of our country and create better checks & balances to counter that. Surely we can at least consider such a thing.

Just the Co2 fraud alone is reason for the US to leave the UN...

Just the Co2 fraud alone is reason for the US to leave the UN...
And you think the current model that humanity has used for 8 thousand years isn't tyraanical and abusive system? One that allows one or two super power to have all the power and go around murdering millions of people without any check and balances.

At least with this such would be a thing of the past and things would be done more orderly and fairly. Humanity needs to be developed and the current model has failed very badly,. It is nutcase!
And you think the current model that humanity has used for 8 thousand years isn't tyraanical and abusive system? One that allows one or two super power to have all the power and go around murdering millions of people without any check and balances.

At least with this such would be a thing of the past and things would be done more orderly and fairly. Humanity needs to be developed and the current model has failed very badly,. It is nutcase!
I think all democratic and freedom loving nations should offer the united states constitution with some amendments to allow for more safeguards and checks. I think we could win this and push for a better world.

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