Putin becomes eighth-degree karate black belt, Obola plays golf...again!

You think a faun is gay? Wow, you're as frail as they come. And that last sentence is a joke from a Seinfeld episode. You might have known that if you spent less time at gay bars.

Are you trying to tell us a FAUN, or in your case a PAWNSEY isn't Gay?


Or perhaps this one....


Don't thank me for your REAL avatar! That does say aMOUTHFUL about you...Oh, those double entendres again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You are now quoting Steinfeld, as a source of you limited info? At least Comedy Central is current!
Oh, poor, desperate, vagisil. Anyone can dress up as a faun, that doesn't make fauns gay figures. If it did, than vigilantes are in big trouble...


What is that big pile of shit you posted PAWNSEY...your brain on facts?
You don't understand? Looks like taking choad loads has rotted your brain. How sad. :cry:

I understand you have a brain full of shit, you are a horny, gay Boy, and Putin could kick your ass for just being alive!

And yet you still show your liberal intolerance to the GAY subject, even when you are one... certainly a mental disorder of the FIRST degree.... Now you're even starting to OCD on the GAY topic... Funny how ALL subversives OCD on certain things, and high on that list is the GAY subject!
It's funny how you were the first to express gay feelings for another man and have since spentvthe rest of this thread projecting it's others who are gay. :cuckoo: you fool no one, vagisil.
She's busy making more money in a year than you will is your feckless life, BTW, which state were you governor of, and why did YOU quit?

Seems the newly finished CHINA-RUSSIA deal with all that oil will bitch slap the Obola again, but I do hope, for the sake of the free world that we GET RID OF THE POS in the White House as soon as possible!
She may earn more than I have, but what she makes now is far more than when she was governor. So thanks for offering up the actual reason she quit ... for the money. And unlike her, at least I know Africa is a continent, no part of Paul Revere's ride was to warn the British, and the vice president is not in charge of the Senate. Oh, and my kids aren't birthing bastards. I've raised them better than that.

You notice she never made the excuse that it was "ABOVE MY PAY GRADE" as the Obola has, a moron in president's clothes! And I noticed you mention NOTHING about your HORNY, GAY FAUN avatar... I shall continue to dwell on that, as now YOU have brought attention unto yourself... Gay and Horny.... rather fitting for PAWNSEY!

Shall I start quoting 57 states, CORPSEMEN, and if you like your healthcare you can keep it...PERIOD.... Who is dumbest?...I say it the :ahole-1: that even brought up those remarks, which has now opened up a can of worms about the Obola's being SOOO FUCKED up...and I haven't even started on Joe "The World's DUMBEST Politician" Biden, yet!
"57 states"? Accept my challenge viggie. Let`s list all the stupid things said by presidents. Don`t misunderestimate me. "I`m telling you there`s an enemy that would like to attack America, Americans again. There just is. That`s the reality of the world and I wish him all the very best" George W. Bush Washington D.C. Jan. 12, 2009.

Tell you what, I'll start and even in the Obola's OWN WORDS!

I'll see your bluff and raise you with Bushisms ... a term coined because the last president was the dumbest one ever ...

Do you think I am a Bush supporter?...I couldn't care less as I certainly don't want to see old JEB as my candidate... Now, try Reagan, and I'll load up a few more Obolagasism for you from Youtube!
Putin is a walkin talkin MID-LIFE CRISIS.....ditched his wife for some arm candy, tiger hunting, invading a helpless neighbor, talkin shit about blowing up the world....all that's missing are hair plugs and a red Corvette. :laugh:
All that and obola killed Bin Laden by playing cards with Reggie Love.

Give Putin the hair plugs and red corvette. He at least did something besides play cards with Reggie Love and claim credit for what a white man did.

Putin is a cocksucker....all I'd give him is a double-tap and then take a piss on the remaining half of his face.
Putin is a walkin talkin MID-LIFE CRISIS.....ditched his wife for some arm candy, tiger hunting, invading a helpless neighbor, talkin shit about blowing up the world....all that's missing are hair plugs and a red Corvette. :laugh:
All that and obola killed Bin Laden by playing cards with Reggie Love.

Give Putin the hair plugs and red corvette. He at least did something besides play cards with Reggie Love and claim credit for what a white man did.

Putin is a cocksucker....all I'd give him is a double-tap and then take a piss on the remaining half of his face.
And I hope he kicks obola's ass to Mars and back.
I see you're gay, perhaps a section for you, Aaron, Howley, the Seabitch, and all you same sex suckers to jerk off to?...No?
I'm not Gay, but I respect your right to love as you wish.

You are orgasmic over Putin and disparaging the President. One might ask, is it Putin's policies you prefer over Obama's, or is it Putin's image as a man you feel an attraction for?

Of course you are, or why bring it up...UNLESS your hatred of Queers has raised it's ugly head and given you away...as it sooner or later does with all you scum!

Why YES. I prefer Putin's homeland policies over the Obola's... putting GAYS in their place instead of raising them above everyone else, actual FREEDOM OF RELIGION, instead of Obolacare FUCKING with the religious beliefs of HALF the country, The PRESERVATION of LIFE, whether born or unborn in Russia, instead of having you scumbag murders killing the unborn, because the fucking asshole woman didn't take the responsibility to NOT GET PREGNANT, but that enough for starters.... And I can see where you would be attracted to the fairy, mulatto in the White House, why not offer him your services?...Afraid you'd get rejected?
So you dose the policies option. But are you sure those shirtless pictures of Putin did't give you a little stiffy?

You would prefer the United States of America behaved more like Russia. Authoritarian, aggressive, repressive Russia. Russia with one of the biggest governments on earth.

Good luck with that.

Well since you are the one that brings it up, I imagine, like the Pawnsey, you're also a horney GAY dude!

You mean THIS Vladimir Putin?....
Russian President Vladimir Putin's approval rating has reached 80 percent, with a majority of Russians saying the country is heading in the right direction, an independent pollster said Wednesday.

Putin s Approval Rating Rises to 80 Poll Sputnik International
The Obola has never seen an approval rating within 15points of that... He's doing what HIS PEOPLE APPROVE OF...it's NOT what WE approve of!
You stake your patriotism to a Russian popularity poll? Tell me, what was Putin's winning percentages in the last 'election'?

Remember how Saddam Huisien's popularity and 'election' percentages were always well above 90%?

How many of saddam's own citizens did he kill? How many has Putin killed? How many has the Obola killed? ....Now don't forget all thoise killed in Iraq and Afghanistan UNDER the OBOLA, and his CURRENT INCREASE in soldiers to Iraq!

My patriotism isn't at stake here, but your stupidity is certainly out front and central.
She may earn more than I have, but what she makes now is far more than when she was governor. So thanks for offering up the actual reason she quit ... for the money. And unlike her, at least I know Africa is a continent, no part of Paul Revere's ride was to warn the British, and the vice president is not in charge of the Senate. Oh, and my kids aren't birthing bastards. I've raised them better than that.

You notice she never made the excuse that it was "ABOVE MY PAY GRADE" as the Obola has, a moron in president's clothes! And I noticed you mention NOTHING about your HORNY, GAY FAUN avatar... I shall continue to dwell on that, as now YOU have brought attention unto yourself... Gay and Horny.... rather fitting for PAWNSEY!

Shall I start quoting 57 states, CORPSEMEN, and if you like your healthcare you can keep it...PERIOD.... Who is dumbest?...I say it the :ahole-1: that even brought up those remarks, which has now opened up a can of worms about the Obola's being SOOO FUCKED up...and I haven't even started on Joe "The World's DUMBEST Politician" Biden, yet!
"57 states"? Accept my challenge viggie. Let`s list all the stupid things said by presidents. Don`t misunderestimate me. "I`m telling you there`s an enemy that would like to attack America, Americans again. There just is. That`s the reality of the world and I wish him all the very best" George W. Bush Washington D.C. Jan. 12, 2009.

Tell you what, I'll start and even in the Obola's OWN WORDS!

I'll see your bluff and raise you with Bushisms ... a term coined because the last president was the dumbest one ever ...

Do you think I am a Bush supporter?...I couldn't care less as I certainly don't want to see old JEB as my candidate... Now, try Reagan, and I'll load up a few more Obolagasism for you from Youtube!

Of course I think you're a Bush supporter. I have no doubt you voted for him over Gore and Kerry and no doubt you defended Bush relentlessly for 8 years.
You notice she never made the excuse that it was "ABOVE MY PAY GRADE" as the Obola has, a moron in president's clothes! And I noticed you mention NOTHING about your HORNY, GAY FAUN avatar... I shall continue to dwell on that, as now YOU have brought attention unto yourself... Gay and Horny.... rather fitting for PAWNSEY!

Shall I start quoting 57 states, CORPSEMEN, and if you like your healthcare you can keep it...PERIOD.... Who is dumbest?...I say it the :ahole-1: that even brought up those remarks, which has now opened up a can of worms about the Obola's being SOOO FUCKED up...and I haven't even started on Joe "The World's DUMBEST Politician" Biden, yet!
"57 states"? Accept my challenge viggie. Let`s list all the stupid things said by presidents. Don`t misunderestimate me. "I`m telling you there`s an enemy that would like to attack America, Americans again. There just is. That`s the reality of the world and I wish him all the very best" George W. Bush Washington D.C. Jan. 12, 2009.

Tell you what, I'll start and even in the Obola's OWN WORDS!

I'll see your bluff and raise you with Bushisms ... a term coined because the last president was the dumbest one ever ...

Do you think I am a Bush supporter?...I couldn't care less as I certainly don't want to see old JEB as my candidate... Now, try Reagan, and I'll load up a few more Obolagasism for you from Youtube!

Of course I think you're a Bush supporter. I have no doubt you voted for him over Gore and Kerry and no doubt you defended Bush relentlessly for 8 years.

Your problem is all you have on your OCD mind is the Gay issue. Was Bush better than Gore and Kerry... there is no doubt, a fucking GW huckster, and a traitorous Ex. soldier, who had to wait for Jimmy Carter to get himself a HONORABLE DISCHARGE from the Vietnam era!
Are you trying to tell us a FAUN, or in your case a PAWNSEY isn't Gay?


Or perhaps this one....


Don't thank me for your REAL avatar! That does say aMOUTHFUL about you...Oh, those double entendres again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You are now quoting Steinfeld, as a source of you limited info? At least Comedy Central is current!
Oh, poor, desperate, vagisil. Anyone can dress up as a faun, that doesn't make fauns gay figures. If it did, than vigilantes are in big trouble...


What is that big pile of shit you posted PAWNSEY...your brain on facts?
You don't understand? Looks like taking choad loads has rotted your brain. How sad. :cry:

I understand you have a brain full of shit, you are a horny, gay Boy, and Putin could kick your ass for just being alive!

And yet you still show your liberal intolerance to the GAY subject, even when you are one... certainly a mental disorder of the FIRST degree.... Now you're even starting to OCD on the GAY topic... Funny how ALL subversives OCD on certain things, and high on that list is the GAY subject!
It's funny how you were the first to express gay feelings for another man and have since spentvthe rest of this thread projecting it's others who are gay. :cuckoo: you fool no one, vagisil.

Was that in my opening post? Pawnsey, the Horney, Gay Blade... you wearing gold lame as you post, or is purple a better color to match your eyes?
"57 states"? Accept my challenge viggie. Let`s list all the stupid things said by presidents. Don`t misunderestimate me. "I`m telling you there`s an enemy that would like to attack America, Americans again. There just is. That`s the reality of the world and I wish him all the very best" George W. Bush Washington D.C. Jan. 12, 2009.

Tell you what, I'll start and even in the Obola's OWN WORDS!

I'll see your bluff and raise you with Bushisms ... a term coined because the last president was the dumbest one ever ...

Do you think I am a Bush supporter?...I couldn't care less as I certainly don't want to see old JEB as my candidate... Now, try Reagan, and I'll load up a few more Obolagasism for you from Youtube!

Of course I think you're a Bush supporter. I have no doubt you voted for him over Gore and Kerry and no doubt you defended Bush relentlessly for 8 years.

Your problem is all you have on your OCD mind is the Gay issue. Was Bush better than Gore and Kerry... there is no doubt, a fucking GW huckster, and a traitorous Ex. soldier, who had to wait for Jimmy Carter to get himself a HONORABLE DISCHARGE from the Vietnam era!

Who cares whether you think Bush was better than them? The fact is you supported Bush. Embarrassingly so as you're now trying to run away from him.
Tell you what, I'll start and even in the Obola's OWN WORDS!

I'll see your bluff and raise you with Bushisms ... a term coined because the last president was the dumbest one ever ...

Do you think I am a Bush supporter?...I couldn't care less as I certainly don't want to see old JEB as my candidate... Now, try Reagan, and I'll load up a few more Obolagasism for you from Youtube!

Of course I think you're a Bush supporter. I have no doubt you voted for him over Gore and Kerry and no doubt you defended Bush relentlessly for 8 years.

Your problem is all you have on your OCD mind is the Gay issue. Was Bush better than Gore and Kerry... there is no doubt, a fucking GW huckster, and a traitorous Ex. soldier, who had to wait for Jimmy Carter to get himself a HONORABLE DISCHARGE from the Vietnam era!

Who cares whether you think Bush was better than them? The fact is you supported Bush. Embarrassingly so as you're now trying to run away from him.

And you support the Gay black muslim lover in the White House, and want to have your gay sex with him...you are more than obvious!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:
Last edited:
I'll see your bluff and raise you with Bushisms ... a term coined because the last president was the dumbest one ever ...

Do you think I am a Bush supporter?...I couldn't care less as I certainly don't want to see old JEB as my candidate... Now, try Reagan, and I'll load up a few more Obolagasism for you from Youtube!

Of course I think you're a Bush supporter. I have no doubt you voted for him over Gore and Kerry and no doubt you defended Bush relentlessly for 8 years.

Your problem is all you have on your OCD mind is the Gay issue. Was Bush better than Gore and Kerry... there is no doubt, a fucking GW huckster, and a traitorous Ex. soldier, who had to wait for Jimmy Carter to get himself a HONORABLE DISCHARGE from the Vietnam era!

Who cares whether you think Bush was better than them? The fact is you supported Bush. Embarrassingly so as you're now trying to run away from him.

And you support the Gay black muslim lover in the White House, and want to have your gay sex with him...you are more than obvious!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

Your delusions and projections are duly noted, vagisil. It's quite amusing how hard you have struggled to portray others as gay after you revealed your man-love for Vlad.
I'll see your bluff and raise you with Bushisms ... a term coined because the last president was the dumbest one ever ...

Do you think I am a Bush supporter?...I couldn't care less as I certainly don't want to see old JEB as my candidate... Now, try Reagan, and I'll load up a few more Obolagasism for you from Youtube!

Of course I think you're a Bush supporter. I have no doubt you voted for him over Gore and Kerry and no doubt you defended Bush relentlessly for 8 years.

Your problem is all you have on your OCD mind is the Gay issue. Was Bush better than Gore and Kerry... there is no doubt, a fucking GW huckster, and a traitorous Ex. soldier, who had to wait for Jimmy Carter to get himself a HONORABLE DISCHARGE from the Vietnam era!

Who cares whether you think Bush was better than them? The fact is you supported Bush. Embarrassingly so as you're now trying to run away from him.

And you support the Gay black muslim lover in the White House, and want to have your gay sex with him...you are more than obvious!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

Can't argue with conservative logic.....you are Ghey!
Do you think I am a Bush supporter?...I couldn't care less as I certainly don't want to see old JEB as my candidate... Now, try Reagan, and I'll load up a few more Obolagasism for you from Youtube!
Of course I think you're a Bush supporter. I have no doubt you voted for him over Gore and Kerry and no doubt you defended Bush relentlessly for 8 years.

Your problem is all you have on your OCD mind is the Gay issue. Was Bush better than Gore and Kerry... there is no doubt, a fucking GW huckster, and a traitorous Ex. soldier, who had to wait for Jimmy Carter to get himself a HONORABLE DISCHARGE from the Vietnam era!
Who cares whether you think Bush was better than them? The fact is you supported Bush. Embarrassingly so as you're now trying to run away from him.

And you support the Gay black muslim lover in the White House, and want to have your gay sex with him...you are more than obvious!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

Can't argue with conservative logic.....you are Ghey!
Not that there's anything wrong with that. :lol:
Do you think I am a Bush supporter?...I couldn't care less as I certainly don't want to see old JEB as my candidate... Now, try Reagan, and I'll load up a few more Obolagasism for you from Youtube!
Of course I think you're a Bush supporter. I have no doubt you voted for him over Gore and Kerry and no doubt you defended Bush relentlessly for 8 years.

Your problem is all you have on your OCD mind is the Gay issue. Was Bush better than Gore and Kerry... there is no doubt, a fucking GW huckster, and a traitorous Ex. soldier, who had to wait for Jimmy Carter to get himself a HONORABLE DISCHARGE from the Vietnam era!
Who cares whether you think Bush was better than them? The fact is you supported Bush. Embarrassingly so as you're now trying to run away from him.

And you support the Gay black muslim lover in the White House, and want to have your gay sex with him...you are more than obvious!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:
Your delusions and projections are duly noted, vagisil. It's quite amusing how hard you have struggled to portray others as gay after you revealed your man-love for Vlad.

I suppose your right, as you have done the same for the Obola, and we KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOu are gay and would love to have sex with the mulatto... Once black, and you'll never go back! :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Do you think I am a Bush supporter?...I couldn't care less as I certainly don't want to see old JEB as my candidate... Now, try Reagan, and I'll load up a few more Obolagasism for you from Youtube!
Of course I think you're a Bush supporter. I have no doubt you voted for him over Gore and Kerry and no doubt you defended Bush relentlessly for 8 years.

Your problem is all you have on your OCD mind is the Gay issue. Was Bush better than Gore and Kerry... there is no doubt, a fucking GW huckster, and a traitorous Ex. soldier, who had to wait for Jimmy Carter to get himself a HONORABLE DISCHARGE from the Vietnam era!
Who cares whether you think Bush was better than them? The fact is you supported Bush. Embarrassingly so as you're now trying to run away from him.

And you support the Gay black muslim lover in the White House, and want to have your gay sex with him...you are more than obvious!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

Can't argue with conservative logic.....you are Ghey!

Yes, we all know that only GAYS write it Ghey, just to fool video game sensors! So RightWingNut, when are you and Pawnsey getting together for your taste treat?
Of course I think you're a Bush supporter. I have no doubt you voted for him over Gore and Kerry and no doubt you defended Bush relentlessly for 8 years.

Your problem is all you have on your OCD mind is the Gay issue. Was Bush better than Gore and Kerry... there is no doubt, a fucking GW huckster, and a traitorous Ex. soldier, who had to wait for Jimmy Carter to get himself a HONORABLE DISCHARGE from the Vietnam era!
Who cares whether you think Bush was better than them? The fact is you supported Bush. Embarrassingly so as you're now trying to run away from him.

And you support the Gay black muslim lover in the White House, and want to have your gay sex with him...you are more than obvious!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

Can't argue with conservative logic.....you are Ghey!

Yes, we all know that only GAYS write it Ghey, just to fool video game sensors! So RightWingNut, when are you and Pawnsey getting together for your taste treat?

Hate to be the one to say it Vagisil....but your man crush on Putin is pretty evident

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