Pulling Troops From Afghanistan Could Solidfy Trump's Re-Election


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Putin backs Trump’s move to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, says Islamic State dealt ‘serious blows’

Trump's poll numbers will definitely go up in the coming days if he brings homes the 2200 troops from Syria as quickly as he claims he wants to do. Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iran all agree with this move and all agree that ISIS has been eliminated -- Turkey can now focus on eliminating the other terrorist group, the Kurds.

However, when Putin was praising Trump for his leadership (something he never did for Obama) -- he immediately brought up the important point that the US should also pull out of Afghanistan -- and Trump being the brilliant battlefield commander he is, announced his intention of pulling half of the troops out of Afghanistan. From the article:

“The United States has been in Afghanistan already for 17 years, and almost every year they say they’re withdrawing their troops,” he said."

Finally Trump is the president willing to actually follow thru on bringing these troops home. Unless you are some sort of neo-con, this should be a welcome move; we need to scale down our involvement in all of these never-ending wars that achieve nothing -- This was predicted years ago that you can't defeat ISIS, Al Queda, or any other terrorist group you pull out your ass by massive military adventures -- we been doing this shit for almost 20 yrs and we are still scared shitless over "muslims"

Trump doing this will be welcomed by most of Americans with broad bi-partisan support -- and it also puts both Republicans and Democrats on the spot about if they are willing to continue the same ole tired neo-con foreign policy or are we going to finally start being smart about sticking our nose in places we don't belong..
Putin backs Trump’s move to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, says Islamic State dealt ‘serious blows’

Trump's poll numbers will definitely go up in the coming days if he brings homes the 2200 troops from Syria as quickly as he claims he wants to do. Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iran all agree with this move and all agree that ISIS has been eliminated -- Turkey can now focus on eliminating the other terrorist group, the Kurds.

However, when Putin was praising Trump for his leadership (something he never did for Obama) -- he immediately brought up the important point that the US should also pull out of Afghanistan -- and Trump being the brilliant battlefield commander he is, announced his intention of pulling half of the troops out of Afghanistan. From the article:

“The United States has been in Afghanistan already for 17 years, and almost every year they say they’re withdrawing their troops,” he said."

Finally Trump is the president willing to actually follow thru on bringing these troops home. Unless you are some sort of neo-con, this should be a welcome move; we need to scale down our involvement in all of these never-ending wars that achieve nothing -- This was predicted years ago that you can't defeat ISIS, Al Queda, or any other terrorist group you pull out your ass by massive military adventures -- we been doing this shit for almost 20 yrs and we are still scared shitless over "muslims"

Trump doing this will be welcomed by most of Americans with broad bi-partisan support -- and it also puts both Republicans and Democrats on the spot about if they are willing to continue the same ole tired neo-con foreign policy or are we going to finally start being smart about sticking our nose in places we don't belong..
The wars for us could easily end if we secure our own borders first, and then help others to secure their borders if asked for our help by them (yet to only help those who are ideologically compatible with us upon doing so).

Everyone justifying the wars, by continually claiming that we don't want a 9-11 here again is just ridiculous bullcrap being spewed by them, and so I ask what in the hell caused 9-11 to begin with ???

We caused 9-11 by kissing the worlds ACE way to much in the past, and especially with all this foolish ideology or thinking that leads people to thinking that the world can just throw open all of it's borders, and we will all sing happy happy joy joy together in the world finally or somehow together as world citizens. Not ever gonna happen because the wickedness and evilness in the world will continue until the end.
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Putin backs Trump’s move to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, says Islamic State dealt ‘serious blows’

Trump's poll numbers will definitely go up in the coming days if he brings homes the 2200 troops from Syria as quickly as he claims he wants to do. Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iran all agree with this move and all agree that ISIS has been eliminated -- Turkey can now focus on eliminating the other terrorist group, the Kurds.

However, when Putin was praising Trump for his leadership (something he never did for Obama) -- he immediately brought up the important point that the US should also pull out of Afghanistan -- and Trump being the brilliant battlefield commander he is, announced his intention of pulling half of the troops out of Afghanistan. From the article:

“The United States has been in Afghanistan already for 17 years, and almost every year they say they’re withdrawing their troops,” he said."

Finally Trump is the president willing to actually follow thru on bringing these troops home. Unless you are some sort of neo-con, this should be a welcome move; we need to scale down our involvement in all of these never-ending wars that achieve nothing -- This was predicted years ago that you can't defeat ISIS, Al Queda, or any other terrorist group you pull out your ass by massive military adventures -- we been doing this shit for almost 20 yrs and we are still scared shitless over "muslims"

Trump doing this will be welcomed by most of Americans with broad bi-partisan support -- and it also puts both Republicans and Democrats on the spot about if they are willing to continue the same ole tired neo-con foreign policy or are we going to finally start being smart about sticking our nose in places we don't belong..
The only reason we're still in Afghanistan is because it keeps the heroine coming into the US.
Afghanistan is the number one producer of Opium......and since Obama was a former drug addict, I understand why he expanded our presence in Kabul. Afghanistan was over with even before Iraq, and the Deep State kept putting troops in there.
Pulling troops out of AFG will save at least $45b a year. Considering that we already spent over $1T there, that's more than enough wasted money. I support Trump's withdrawal from AFG. We have bigger fish to fry.

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