Public Schools & Teachers WTF


Detroit Public Schools: Bankrupting Minority Students’ Futures

January 31, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


In terms of the racial element, Education Trust-Midwest reported that Michigan has one of the worst student achievement gaps in the nation. Thus, Detroit’s overwhelmingly black American student body has fallen behind their white counterparts as far as any in the country–and as Michigan Merit Exam (MME) results reveal, the gap is getting larger. In 2011, Detroit tied Washington D.C. for last place nationwide in eighth-grade reading scores. Only 7 percent of students were grade-level proficient or better, according to the U.S. Department of Education. Almost unbelievably, DPS students were even worse in math. The Education Department’s 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test revealed that a paltry 4 percent of DPS students scored highly enough to be rated “proficient” or better.

None of this stopped Detroit teachers from taking a day off last December 11 to protest Michigan’s subsequently enacted right to work law. Despite the consistently substandard education produced by the city’s school unions, their members knew that reprisals for either that reality, or their illegitimate day off would never be challenged. The Michigan Education Association spent more than $7 million on political contributions, 86 percent of which went Democrats. That would be the same unions, along with their Democrat enablers, who consistently lobby against reforms such as vouchers, charter schools, the closing of underperforming schools, or anything else that puts the interests of students over those of the union.


Despite all hollow denials to the contrary, Detroit Democrats and their public school establishment allies own what they have created. The Detroit public school system is bankrupt–morally and financially–and it is black American school children and their parents who are most affected.

Detroit Public Schools: Bankrupting Minority Students? Futures
Dem-Controlled Atlanta Schools Rob Minority Students of Their Futures

February 22, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert

The Atlanta Public School system (APS) bears a strikingly depressing resemblance to all the other big city school systems chronicled in this series. Yet it does stand out in one respect: APS was the epicenter of the biggest cheating scandal in the nation. And once again, in a Democrat-controlled school district where more than eight-in-ten children are black Americans, it is those children who bear the burden of a system enmeshed in a culture of corruption and failure.

The details of the scandal are shocking. A state investigation discovered that 178 teachers and principals, 82 of whom subsequently confessed, were engaged in the rigging of test scores at 44 schools. Investigators concluded that those schools, comprising nearly half of the city’s total number, and located mostly in the city’s poorest neighborhoods, had been cheating for as along as a decade. As a result, tens of thousands of minority children were routinely advanced to higher grade levels, even as they remained unable to grasp fundamental concepts.

According to the report, administrators who felt pressured by the the federal government’s No Child Left Behind law created a climate of ”fear, intimidation and retaliation,” so oppressive that teachers felt they had no other choice but to go along with the subterfuge. “Everybody was in fear,” said a teacher in the report. “It is not that the teachers are bad people and want to do it. It is that they are scared.”


Maybe Davis will clean up the system. But the damage to thousands of black school children in Atlanta has already been done, just as it will continue to be done, by a status quo of unions and their Democratic enablers who have turned a blind eye to massive corruption and endemic failure. In a better world, the entire concept of union-controlled public school education as it currently exists would be jettisoned. Yet as long as big-city voters keep supporting a corrupt Democrat-union alliance, genuine reform likely remains impossible–and as in every other city chronicled in this series, black and minority children will be hurt the most.

Dem-Controlled Atlanta Schools Rob Minority Students of Their Futures
The reliance that some of you have on those test improving schools is rather silly.

That said, I don't have any doubt that some teachers, some schools, some administrators, are fudging the results, either.
American Student Punished For Refusing To Be Indoctrinated By Saluting Mexican Flag, Reciting Mexican Pledge Of Allegiance

Feb 27, 2013 7
Jake Hammer

Excerpted from FOX RADIO: A Texas high school student has filed a federal lawsuit against her school and her teachers after she was punished for refusing to salute and recite the Mexican pledge of allegiance. The Thomas More Law Center filed the suit on behalf of Brenda Brinsdon alleging the McAllen Independent School District violated the 15-year-old girl’s constitutional rights when she was forced to recite the Mexican pledge and sing the Mexican national anthem.

Click here to read the lawsuit.

Brinsdon, who is the daughter of a Mexican immigrant and an American father, refused. She believed it was un-American to pledge a loyalty oath to another country.


American Student Punished For Refusing To Be Indoctrinated By Saluting Mexican Flag, Reciting Mexican Pledge Of Allegiance « Pat Dollard
It is fucking amazing that some people live in this fantasy world where teachers are both completely incompetent and able to indoctrinate our kids with communist brainwashing
I said it before and I'll say it again; if I were ever to have kids I would home school them rather than subject them to the utter failure that is public schooling.

the sad thing is that education cant be outsourced so liberal Democrat unions are dominant in the educational industry and causing the usual destruction that they caused in other industries before international competition exposed the second rate work they were doing.

It was one thing, however, when Democrats allowed unions to destroy our manufacturing industries but it is another when Democrats allow their liberal unions to destroy our children!!

The US is not the only country that has teacher unions. The EU countries have unions for teachers and their schools are doing fine. This has nothing to do with teacher unions.
Throw all of these standardized tests out the fucking window. The feds have no business being involved in public education. It has generally been and should remain a local matter.

No. We have to evaluate how well the educational systems are working. When states make up their own tests, they are watered down to show the best possible outcome. We need nationally normed tests.

Standardized testing does not evaluate how well a education system is working. It evaluates how well teachers, schools and school districts can teach students to pass standardized tests.
Throw all of these standardized tests out the fucking window. The feds have no business being involved in public education. It has generally been and should remain a local matter.

No. We have to evaluate how well the educational systems are working. When states make up their own tests, they are watered down to show the best possible outcome. We need nationally normed tests.

Standardized testing does not evaluate how well a education system is working. It evaluates how well teachers, schools and school districts can teach students to pass standardized tests.

too stupid!! I suppose its just coincidence that Harvard and MIT students have the highest scores and accomplish the most in the world!!!!!!
I agree that standardized tests have value in measuring the success of teachers; while the system is not perfect, standardized testing provides the only means of comparing public schools across the board.

The problem, I think, is that teachers are teaching to the test so severely that the only thing that students actually learn is how to take the tests, not the actual knowledge that they tests are supposedly measuring. Thus, the million-dollar question becomes how to remedy this situation while maintaining a means of keeping tabs on the schools' progress.
The problem, I think, is that teachers are teaching to the test so severely that the only thing that students actually learn is how to take the tests, not the actual knowledge that they tests are supposedly measuring.

too stupid. you can't take a test and do well unless you have the knowledge to do well. Tests work well which explains why Harvard and MIT kids have the best test scores.
too stupid. you can't take a test and do well unless you have the knowledge to do well. Tests work well which explains why Harvard and MIT kids have the best test scores.

The point that I was attempting to make was not that the students are not learning anything in the public school system. Yes, in order to do well on a test one must have the knowledge to sufficiently answer the test questions.

The culture of standardized testing results in a combination of superficial knowledge of the subject matter and test-taking skills. The practice of "teaching to the test" does not promote is critical thinking or problem solving abilities. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to test the development of these skills.

Additionally, I know many very intelligent people who are poor test takers. Neither the students nor their teachers should be punished because of the fact that some people think in different ways.
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I said it before and I'll say it again; if I were ever to have kids I would home school them rather than subject them to the utter failure that is public schooling.

the sad thing is that education cant be outsourced so liberal Democrat unions are dominant in the educational industry and causing the usual destruction that they caused in other industries before international competition exposed the second rate work they were doing.

It was one thing, however, when Democrats allowed unions to destroy our manufacturing industries but it is another when Democrats allow their liberal unions to destroy our children!!

The worst states for education are also those where unions are the weakest.
I said it before and I'll say it again; if I were ever to have kids I would home school them rather than subject them to the utter failure that is public schooling.

the sad thing is that education cant be outsourced so liberal Democrat unions are dominant in the educational industry and causing the usual destruction that they caused in other industries before international competition exposed the second rate work they were doing.

It was one thing, however, when Democrats allowed unions to destroy our manufacturing industries but it is another when Democrats allow their liberal unions to destroy our children!!

The worst states for education are also those where unions are the weakest.

too stupid!! as if thats the only factor!!

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