Unions are exploiting are children


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
We continue to throw money at the problem, and the problem is only getting worse. The unions are getting filthy rich at the expense of children and their future:

  • Public school per-student spending is at an all-time high. Nationally, average per-pupil spending exceeds $11,400 this year.

  • SAT scores are at a 40-year low. This is only one marker of where the education system stands. Burke reminds us that “graduation rates have been stagnant since the 1970s, reading and math achievement has been virtually flat over the same time period, and American students still rank in the middle of the pack compared to their international peers.”

Morning Bell: Hollywood Steps Up in "Won't Back Down"
Once again, 'middle of the pack' because their best and brightest are compared to all of our students.
-Now on to the real issue.

As you probably know, the only constant in the SAT scores is that most all students come to school undistracted with the goal of becoming the best that they can be. They let nothing get between them and a good education. Society also hasn't changed over the years.

The only thing that has changed is them dadgum union teachers that come to school everyday and yell, "Party", as soon as the first class bell rings. How they've gotten by recently for handing out punishment for studying and doing homework, I just don't understand.

With the family situation stablizing with two parents in every home, cellphone usage and texting, gangs, and other distractions declining, these leaches on society (union teachers) had better get on the ball.

BTW- As you've probably noticed 'our' means ownership not 'are'. Possibly another example of the laziness of our worthless LA teachers. You would have known this if your teachers hadn't told you to put your books away and start making paper airplanes. It's their fault....
Once again, 'middle of the pack' because their best and brightest are compared to all of our students.
-Now on to the real issue.

As you probably know, the only constant in the SAT scores is that most all students come to school undistracted with the goal of becoming the best that they can be. They let nothing get between them and a good education. Society also hasn't changed over the years.

The only thing that has changed is them dadgum union teachers that come to school everyday and yell, "Party", as soon as the first class bell rings. ...

Most students come to school "undistracted?"

Society hasn't "changed over the years?"

Sadly you conclude these preposterouly stupid remarks with one that actually makes sense: Teacher's Unions do "come to school and yell, party.'" They don't really begin to pretend to work until mid-October after they have given the students time to "adjust to being in their classes," then they take off for a full week's vacation in November, then they end the semester with a two week vacation.

I won't go into the Spring Semester, but you get the point: Unionized teachers have no incentive to work.
Once again, 'middle of the pack' because their best and brightest are compared to all of our students.
-Now on to the real issue.

As you probably know, the only constant in the SAT scores is that most all students come to school undistracted with the goal of becoming the best that they can be. They let nothing get between them and a good education. Society also hasn't changed over the years.

The only thing that has changed is them dadgum union teachers that come to school everyday and yell, "Party", as soon as the first class bell rings. ...

Most students come to school "undistracted?"

Society hasn't "changed over the years?"

Sadly you conclude these preposterouly stupid remarks with one that actually makes sense: Teacher's Unions do "come to school and yell, party.'" They don't really begin to pretend to work until mid-October after they have given the students time to "adjust to being in their classes," then they take off for a full week's vacation in November, then they end the semester with a two week vacation.

I won't go into the Spring Semester, but you get the point: Unionized teachers have no incentive to work.

So there must be a waiting list miles long of teachers applying for those cushy well-paying jobs. In seems that in some states the teacher dropout rate is almost as high as the student dropout rate. But never fear states issue emegency licenses and always mangage to have a teacher in the front of the room. But the question is, with these cushy well-paying teaching jobs why would a teacher even think of joining a union, much less quitting?
People need to understand the difference between labor unions and municipal unions. Labor unions put pressure on companies to agree to lavish benefits and if companies can't afford it they go under. Municipal unions put pressure on the already pressured taxpayer and if the Municipality can't afford it, tough shit.
Once again, 'middle of the pack' because their best and brightest are compared to all of our students.
-Now on to the real issue.

As you probably know, the only constant in the SAT scores is that most all students come to school undistracted with the goal of becoming the best that they can be. They let nothing get between them and a good education. Society also hasn't changed over the years.

The only thing that has changed is them dadgum union teachers that come to school everyday and yell, "Party", as soon as the first class bell rings. ...

Most students come to school "undistracted?"

Society hasn't "changed over the years?"

Sadly you conclude these preposterouly stupid remarks with one that actually makes sense: Teacher's Unions do "come to school and yell, party.'" They don't really begin to pretend to work until mid-October after they have given the students time to "adjust to being in their classes," then they take off for a full week's vacation in November, then they end the semester with a two week vacation.

I won't go into the Spring Semester, but you get the point: Unionized teachers have no incentive to work.

It's called sarcasm.

I taught for years and never practiced or saw what you are describing. If it was that easy I wouldn't have retired.
I spent years ending parties in class, but I never did encourage one. That idea is wacky to say the least..
OK, two spelling errors (“are” children instead of “our” children, and “their” evil instead of “they're” evil), and the spelling police are on patrol. Therefore it is time to put everything in proper perspective:

Ode to Misspelling

I don't care if it's our or are.
Or even fair or fare;
Or or, or o're, or ore or oar;
Or there or their or they're!

So let your hand write everything
Your earnest mind doth tell it.
And I will understand each word
No matter how you spell it.

So if you say “they took there stuff
And their not coming back again,”
I know you mean they took their stuff
And they're gone for good, amen.

There's so much strife in this short life
Sometimes it's overwhelming.
So I don't give a damn about
Such trite things as misspelling.

To those who wish to criticize
I can't, I shan't eschew it.
I know you cannot help yourself
So, just do it, dew it, due it.

- The Professor

Those aren't spelling errors. They are mistakes.

Ordinarily it is not important, but this is an educational forum.
People need to understand the difference between labor unions and municipal unions. Labor unions put pressure on companies to agree to lavish benefits and if companies can't afford it they go under. Municipal unions put pressure on the already pressured taxpayer and if the Municipality can't afford it, tough shit.


Private sector unions know they can only push so far, or the company becomes unprofitable, and they lose thier jobs.

Public sector unions, on the other hand, think they have a bottomless well from which to get raises and benefits from, and most local politicans are only too happy to agree as long as they get the votes from the unions members.

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