Public Schools & Teachers WTF


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Cheating by teachers and administrators in the 55,000-student Atlanta ...

Paper reports standardized test insecurity among states in U.S.

Associated Press
Posted: Sunday, September 30, 2012

ATLANTA — The federal government has no standards to protect the integrity of the achievement tests it requires in tens of thousands of public schools, and test security among the states is so inconsistent that Americans can’t be sure those all-important test scores are legitimate, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

The newspaper surveyed the 50 state education departments and found that many states do not use basic test security measures designed to prevent cheating. And nearly half the states, the newspaper found, make almost no attempt to screen test results for irregularities.

That kind of lax oversight contributed to the cheating scandal that swept Atlanta schools in 2009, the newspaper said in a story that appeared online Saturday. Evidence of widespread cheating is now emerging in Philadelphia, Columbus, Ohio, El Paso, Texas, and other cities around the country. The Journal-Constitution reported earlier this year that it had found patterns of suspicious changes in test scores in nearly 200 school districts nationwide.

A teacher at a Phoenix elementary school, for example, told a colleague that she’d used red and green M&Ms during a test to nudge students toward the right answers. If she set a red M&M on a child’s desk, that signaled the pupil had the wrong answer and should do the problem over again. If she put a green one on the desk, that meant the child had the right answer and should move on.


Paper reports standardized test insecurity among states in U.S. | The Eagle | Bryan/College Station, Texas - The Eagle
When you create a three day test where the careers of people are on the line and 9 year olds are being judged you will have cheating.

The concerns over test scores are at the point of phobias.

I heard where one teacher was riding by baseball fields where kids this age were having baseball practice at 9:30 pm (after a full day of testing with tests again the next day) and was almost arrested for trying to run everyone off the field so the kids would have plenty of sleep for the coming tests.

Crazy testing will create crazy situations.
When you create a three day test where the careers of people are on the line and 9 year olds are being judged you will have cheating.

The concerns over test scores are at the point of phobias.

I heard where one teacher was riding by baseball fields where kids this age were having baseball practice at 9:30 pm (after a full day of testing with tests again the next day) and was almost arrested for trying to run everyone off the field so the kids would have plenty of sleep for the coming tests.

Crazy testing will create crazy situations.

yes the liberal unions would love to eliminate testing so they would have no responsibility for getting results!!

In fact they would love to eliminate work for most Americans so we all could live off the rich!!
I said it before and I'll say it again; if I were ever to have kids I would home school them rather than subject them to the utter failure that is public schooling.
I said it before and I'll say it again; if I were ever to have kids I would home school them rather than subject them to the utter failure that is public schooling.

the sad thing is that education cant be outsourced so liberal Democrat unions are dominant in the educational industry and causing the usual destruction that they caused in other industries before international competition exposed the second rate work they were doing.

It was one thing, however, when Democrats allowed unions to destroy our manufacturing industries but it is another when Democrats allow their liberal unions to destroy our children!!
I said it before and I'll say it again; if I were ever to have kids I would home school them rather than subject them to the utter failure that is public schooling.

the sad thing is that education cant be outsourced so liberal Democrat unions are dominant in the educational industry and causing the usual destruction that they caused in other industries before international competition exposed the second rate work they were doing.

It was one thing, however, when Democrats allowed unions to destroy our manufacturing industries but it is another when Democrats allow their liberal unions to destroy our children!!

You're absolutely ridiculous...
I have always thought that the teachers and administration should not see the test until the day they give it. And a proctor should be in the room giving instructions and monitoring during testing and take the tests afterwards.

It sounds expensive, but teams for testing would last one month besides three days on training. We have wasted that much money on studying why monkeys sweat and GSA outings.

Graduate students could be monitors and could be used for this duty as well.
Throw all of these standardized tests out the fucking window. The feds have no business being involved in public education. It has generally been and should remain a local matter.
Throw all of these standardized tests out the fucking window. The feds have no business being involved in public education. It has generally been and should remain a local matter.

No. We have to evaluate how well the educational systems are working. When states make up their own tests, they are watered down to show the best possible outcome. We need nationally normed tests.
I said it before and I'll say it again; if I were ever to have kids I would home school them rather than subject them to the utter failure that is public schooling.

the sad thing is that education cant be outsourced so liberal Democrat unions are dominant in the educational industry and causing the usual destruction that they caused in other industries before international competition exposed the second rate work they were doing.

It was one thing, however, when Democrats allowed unions to destroy our manufacturing industries but it is another when Democrats allow their liberal unions to destroy our children!!

So five states do not allow teacher unions, Georgia, North and south Carolina, Texas and Virginia. The schools in those states must be setting the scores on fire, and how can schools in other states even try to compete with those five states? Might want to check their scores?
I said it before and I'll say it again; if I were ever to have kids I would home school them rather than subject them to the utter failure that is public schooling.


There's no fucking way I would pay the state to babysit everyone elses kid while I sweat it out at home with mine.

Plus, I have a job.
The only way I can see out of this is more competition from charter and private schools. That, and reduce the power of public school teacher unions. It's ridiculous, they care more about the paychecks and benefits than they do about the kids.
The only way I can see out of this is more competition from charter and private schools. That, and reduce the power of public school teacher unions. It's ridiculous, they care more about the paychecks and benefits than they do about the kids.

Then you need to look at the link DTMB posted;

Report Card on American Education | ALEC – American Legislative Exchange Council

This is an excellent resource.

The only common denominator I see between states ranking high vs low is the ratio of wealthy residents to population. The higher proportion of residents who are in the 1% the better the school system of the state seems to be.
The only way I can see out of this is more competition from charter and private schools. That, and reduce the power of public school teacher unions. It's ridiculous, they care more about the paychecks and benefits than they do about the kids.


The only reason they go into teaching is to become rich and drive $100,000 sports cars.
The only common denominator I see between states ranking high vs low is the ratio of wealthy residents to population. The higher proportion of residents who are in the 1% the better the school system of the state seems to be.

Yet all the experts, politicians, and idiots calling teachers failures cannot see a common thread running through here?
I said it before and I'll say it again; if I were ever to have kids I would home school them rather than subject them to the utter failure that is public schooling.


There's no fucking way I would pay the state to babysit everyone elses kid while I sweat it out at home with mine.

Plus, I have a job.

Yeah but the stats are striking
Statistics on Public School Vs. Homeschool

Two major studies have assessed academic achievement in homeschooling. The first study,Strengths of Their Own: Homeschoolers Across America was conducted in 1997 and followed more than 5,000 homeschoolers from over 1,600 families. The study showed homeschoolers typically academically outperformed children receiving a public education on standardized tests by approximately 30 to 35 percentile points in all subject areas.

In the second, the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) commissioned a study drawing data for the 2007-2008 school year from multiple standardized testing services. Once again, the national average percentile scores were higher in all subject areas by at least 34 percentile points, and as high as 39 percentile points. Factors such as parental college degrees, how much parents spent on education, level of state regulation, and sex of the students made little difference in the range of scores in all areas among the homeschooled children.
Discipline--Homeschool teachers do have control over their students, not unlike the discipline teachers had that has now been taken away.

Unlike many public school students, homeschool students have parents that care..
I have always thought that the teachers and administration should not see the test until the day they give it. And a proctor should be in the room giving instructions and monitoring during testing and take the tests afterwards.

It sounds expensive, but teams for testing would last one month besides three days on training. We have wasted that much money on studying why monkeys sweat and GSA outings.

Graduate students could be monitors and could be used for this duty as well.

The teachers don't need to see the tests at all. If you have proctors to administer the tests, the teachers don't even need to be in the classroom while the test is taken.
The only way I can see out of this is more competition from charter and private schools. That, and reduce the power of public school teacher unions. It's ridiculous, they care more about the paychecks and benefits than they do about the kids.


The only reason they go into teaching is to become rich and drive $100,000 sports cars.

Nope. Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, teach PhysEd.

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