Prsdnt Obama Reveald Dems Flaws @ Pres Confernce!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Obama's statements at his Press Conference yesterday highlights why he and the Democrats are wrong for not negotiating with the Republicans over the budget and the debt ceiling. He doesn't recognize that the nature of these problems the 2013 sequester cuts and the upcoming 2014 sequester cuts are interfering with the government doing its job and need to be replaced and the national debt is growing too large too fast, at times of debt ceiling raising the government has a duty to at least make a good effort at slowing the growth! Ya gotta ya gotta compromise on these issues or your failing the American people!

President Obama acted like a political spin master that really turns people off during this conference. He tried to paint the Republicans as these unbelievable hostage takers who are seeking ransom for their efforts to get the Democrats to engage in compromise on these issues. Who is this guy kidding does he think the American people are stupid what did the Democrats do just ten months ago? Back during the fiscal cliff negotiations at the end of last year the Democrats took the nation hostage by not being fully committed to negotiating a fair deal about extending the Bush tax cuts for entitlement reform they knew that the Republicans could not let the Bush tax cuts expire because it would have likely thrown the nation into a recession so they forced the Republican to pay the ransom of extending the Bush Tax cuts just for the Middle Class. So President Obama all his showmanship there about the country has to stop this awful Republican pattern of Republicans manufacturing crises and demanding ransom is all hypocritical, its the pot calling the kettle black; unfortunately, because America's gerrymandered political system puts too many extremists on both the left and the right into political office in order for the American people to see any significant progress there has to be these serious showdowns! Mr. President your party and the Republican party have turned the American political system into a Wild West form of government don't whine and moan about it now just do your damn job!

President Obama and the Democrats need to stop this behavior seen at the conference where they conclude that because a person won the presidential election it means that the majority of the American people agree with every single item in that person's platform, think how stupid that is it is like saying just because George W. Bush was elected into office that means that his core value that human "beings" come into existence at the moment of conception the majority of Americans believe which then means the American people believe all first trimester abortions should be illegal. President Obama beat Mr. Romney more because the majority of middle class Americans believed Mr. Romney was the type of Republican that would sell them out to help the wealthy and big business in America not because they support Obamacare. If anyone wants to be honest and truthful about the American peoples views toward Obamacare they must conclude that the majority of Americans believe it as hurting job creation and full-time employment in America and needs to be fixed from this vantage point!

President Obama is so full of baloney about the Democrats commitment to compromise which could be seen when he alluded to Democrats nineteen separate efforts to enter into negotiations with the Republicans over the Budget. But he deliberately leaves out one important point, is that the Democrats made as a nonnegotiable condition that the Budget negotiations must also resolve the debt ceiling issue. The Republicans could never agree to this because the Budget talks and the Debt Ceiling talks contain separate crucially important principles where one principle could not be sacrificed for the other. For the Budget talks require replacing the sequester cuts on defense which involves the crucial principle of the "government should meet the national security needs of the nation" which the sequester cuts cause failure on and the Debt Ceiling talks which involve the principle "that the federal government cannot unjustly run up debts for future generations of Americans to pay" and the rate of national debt growth violates this principle. The Democrats position here was completely unreasonable imagine for every conference committee for every bill a political party could bring in any subject they wanted it is completely unfair, it's nuts!

I can't believe President Obama actually said it when he said Congress raising the Nation's Debt Ceiling doesn't actually raise the nation's national debt! Was he joking! He insulted the American people with that statement he treated us like we were stupid! That is the critically important point over this whole matter which is that raising the debt ceiling will increase the debt and the rate of the debt growth is unjust to future American generations who will have to pay these bills and it is extremely economically dangerous for America is on track to become a "2012" Greece whose credit was so bad they couldn't borrow money in the sovereign debt markets!

One thing that I think that is completely indefensible about President Obama and the Democrats is their unwillingness to agree to take the issue of America defaulting on its Treasury debt off the table permanently. It's readily doable just enact a law that prioritizes government payment of their bills making social security and veteran's pensions first then payment on treasury debt second and mandate that the Federal Reserve Bank open a lending window that if with this prioritization the federal government is still short to pay treasury debt the Fed through this window loans the government the needed shortfall for the sovereign debt coming due and the nation's debt ceiling is automatically raised by the specific amount borrowed! President Obama said we never want to fool around with defaulting on the debt. He referenced labels of the federal government allowing such to happen as "insane and catastrophic" and Warren Buffets analogy of its like setting off a nuclear bomb! If a person in national office can't figure out a way to protect the American people from this self inflicted serious recession danger they should not be in office, it's that simple!

I am sorry about saying this but it is absolutely true President Obama and the Democrats with their arrogant attitude "we are not compromising" "we are going to get our way" are going to pay a price for it. You'll see it in the nomination of Janet Yellen for Federal Reserve Chairman, this was an incredibly arrogant move and I predict that the Obama Administration won't get her confirmed without giving away a significant portion of the store to do so, like making a backroom deal with the financial industry where the Administration agrees to hold back on regulation and/or enforcement of regulation of the industry for the industry pulling back on opposition to the confirmation. This was an arrogant move because Ms. Yellen holds the values that it is good to be aggressive about using Federal Reserve tools to lower interest rates and increase the money supply to help employment which Democrats like but it doesn't show proper appreciation for the realities that such policies are extremely dangerous they create asset bubbles, they seriously squeeze bank profit margins, cause great volatility in withdrawing from, etc.. Ms. Yellen carries this dovish persona with her which she won't be able to shake and because of she won't be able to help spooking the financial markets when she speaks as Fed Chairman let alone her implementation of these values. The financial industry will be completely stupid if they agree to step aside and allow her to be confirmed and such industry is not stupid this industry's history shows it to be outstandingly sharp at protecting its interests. Moreover, U.S. senators are first rate smart and they will rightly view that any vote to confirm Ms. Yellen is a vote to inject significant volatility into the financial markets and gamble with America's economy and they won't be so reckless to cause such effects!

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