Proud to support Antifa

I think that this "antifa" thing has been wildly exaggerated to give right-wing thugs an "enemy" to drum up support from the rabble. If there actually is an organization called "antifa," it most likely has a very small membership; maybe a few hundred at best, and is about as organized as a pickup basketball game.

What the hell is it with you people? You don't even believe that ANTIFA is a real group. Is "Black Lies Matter" a real group? Holy lord but you folks are brain-dead.....
I think that this "antifa" thing has been wildly exaggerated to give right-wing thugs an "enemy" to drum up support from the rabble. If there actually is an organization called "antifa," it mostly likely has a very small membership; maybe a few hundred at best, and is about as organized as a pickup basketball game.
Been to Portland, Oregon lately?

Nope. Wrong coast. What kind of numbers are we talking about? I understand that Oregon has all sorts of gang thugs, "militias," "Oath Keepers," "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer," etc.

It is difficult to find specific facts, but apparently the majority of arrests in Portland were not for violent crimes. Policing Portland’s protests: 1,000 arrests, handful of prosecutions
I think that this "antifa" thing has been wildly exaggerated to give right-wing thugs an "enemy" to drum up support from the rabble. If there actually is an organization called "antifa," it most likely has a very small membership; maybe a few hundred at best, and is about as organized as a pickup basketball game.

You don't think. You don't have the capacity for thought.

You're a mindless Nazi drone, Hysteria.

The democrat Brown Shirts of ANTIFA have engaged in a year of Kristalnacht so far.

Antifa attacks Portland police union amid ongoing unrest | Fox News

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

I'll tell you what big shot, I'm an old man, a combat veteran. Point out one of these assholes - these "ANTIFA" assholes that are nothing more than Brown Shirts, and I will KICK his punk ass.
Internet tough guy, fuck off.
I think that this "antifa" thing has been wildly exaggerated to give right-wing thugs an "enemy" to drum up support from the rabble. If there actually is an organization called "antifa," it mostly likely has a very small membership; maybe a few hundred at best, and is about as organized as a pickup basketball game.
Been to Portland, Oregon lately?

Nope. Wrong coast. What kind of numbers are we talking about? I understand that Oregon has all sorts of gang thugs, "militias," "Oath Keepers," "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer," etc.

It is difficult to find specific facts, but apparently the majority of arrests in Portland were not for violent crimes. Policing Portland’s protests: 1,000 arrests, handful of prosecutions
I like how you muddy the water. Proud boys and Patriot Prayer aren't causing damage. Trash like you are the problem in America.
Same scum, different decade.
The only brown shirts that I see are gathered around a swastika banner.

The Swastika has been redesigned to look like this;

I think that this "antifa" thing has been wildly exaggerated to give right-wing thugs an "enemy" to drum up support from the rabble. If there actually is an organization called "antifa," it mostly likely has a very small membership; maybe a few hundred at best, and is about as organized as a pickup basketball game.
Been to Portland, Oregon lately?

Nope. Wrong coast. What kind of numbers are we talking about? I understand that Oregon has all sorts of gang thugs, "militias," "Oath Keepers," "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer," etc.

It is difficult to find specific facts, but apparently the majority of arrests in Portland were not for violent crimes. Policing Portland’s protests: 1,000 arrests, handful of prosecutions
I like how you muddy the water. Proud boys and Patriot Prayer aren't causing damage. Trash like you are the problem in America.

There is a bridge in Brooklyn that I think you would be interested in buying.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

I'll tell you what big shot, I'm an old man, a combat veteran. Point out one of these assholes - these "ANTIFA" assholes that are nothing more than Brown Shirts, and I will KICK his punk ass.
Internet tough guy, fuck off.

Like I said, point one of these punk asses out...........
I think that this "antifa" thing has been wildly exaggerated to give right-wing thugs an "enemy" to drum up support from the rabble. If there actually is an organization called "antifa," it most likely has a very small membership; maybe a few hundred at best, and is about as organized as a pickup basketball game.
I am sure your comrades in Antifa agree..

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

Thomas! You don't know much about US history??...You are correct.

Thomas, you don't know much about anything anyway........................You UKers let the fascists and Nazis bring you to your fucking knees. We should haven't lifted a finger in WW2. Just a nuke of Berlin and Hiroshima would be enough.

2 round trip air flights and 2 bombs. Not a drop of blood.
I think that this "antifa" thing has been wildly exaggerated to give right-wing thugs an "enemy" to drum up support from the rabble. If there actually is an organization called "antifa," it mostly likely has a very small membership; maybe a few hundred at best, and is about as organized as a pickup basketball game.
Been to Portland, Oregon lately?

Nope. Wrong coast. What kind of numbers are we talking about? I understand that Oregon has all sorts of gang thugs, "militias," "Oath Keepers," "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer," etc.

It is difficult to find specific facts, but apparently the majority of arrests in Portland were not for violent crimes. Policing Portland’s protests: 1,000 arrests, handful of prosecutions
I like how you muddy the water. Proud boys and Patriot Prayer aren't causing damage. Trash like you are the problem in America.

There is a bridge in Brooklyn that I think you would be interested in buying.
I will if you promise to jump off it.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

Is this the same group that has threatened to burn the country if Chauvin is exhonerated ?


I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

I think you are looking for the "pasty white, overweight, moronic white guys matter" group.
I think that this "antifa" thing has been wildly exaggerated to give right-wing thugs an "enemy" to drum up support from the rabble. If there actually is an organization called "antifa," it mostly likely has a very small membership; maybe a few hundred at best, and is about as organized as a pickup basketball game.

ANTIFA and the Negros burned down buildings, neighborhoods, businesses and government buildings. They killed people, terrorized citizens and government officials and looted. They are the assholes of America and deserve to be outed as terrorists and insurrectionists.

However, outing the bastards is nothing compared to the way the filthy ass Left bitched about the Patriots spending an afternoon protesting the Democrats blatantly stealing an election from the American people.

Yes, but many government bureaucrats and their paid henchmen DESERVE being attacked, and have been attacking, murdering, and incarcerating millions of innocent people for centuries.

I would agree looting is bad, but I doubt Antifa is actually responsible for that.
For example, in Portland it was determined that the person breaking windows under the cover of an umbrella to hide themselves from cameras, was a cop. In fact, store owners have been known to start looting so they can collect on insurance for more items than were actually lost.
Do you see Antifa in blacks, putting down their signs and carrying off merchandize?
I doubt it.

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