Proud Moments in Election 2010


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Democrats and leftists are having a grand old time decrying Republican candidates - especially those backed by the Tea Party - as crazy extremists. I thought it might be fun, or at least interesting, to take a look at what constitutes a serious, electable candidate to the American Left.

Congressman Alan Grayson(D, FL), ran an ad against his opponent titled "Taliban Dan
Webster". Here's the transcript:

Female narrator: (Speaking over images of terrorists holding guns and people burning the American flag) "Religious fanatics try to take away our freedom in Afghanistan, in Iran and right here in Central Florida."

Webster: (Black-and-white video, dressed in a suit, holding a microphone) "Wives submit yourself to your own husband."

Female narrator: "Daniel Webster wants to impose his radical fundamentalism on us." Background type: Daniel Webster wants to MAKE DIVORCE ILLEGAL.

Webster: "You should submit to me. That's in the Bible."

Female narrator: "Webster tried to deny battered women medical care and the right to divorce their abusers."

Webster: "Submit to me."

Female narrator: "He wants to force raped women to bear the child."

Webster: "Submit to me."

Female narrator: "Taliban Daniel Webster. Hands off our bodies. And our laws."

The problem with this ad? It used heavy editing to make it appear that Webster was advocating positions when, in fact, he was saying exactly the opposite. Here's the transcript of what Webster actually said:

"Have verses for (your) wife. I have verses for my wife. Don't pick the ones that say, 'she should submit to me.' That's in the Bible, but pick the ones you're supposed to do (laughs). So instead (laughs) that you'd love your wife -- even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it ... and, as opposed to wives submit yourself to your own husband. She can pray that if she wants to, but don't you pray it."

Now, you can disagree with Webster's personal beliefs all you like, but making ads that pretend he said the exact opposite of what he did? Gosh, glad the Dems are resorting to LIES, or anything.
Forgetting to mail out military ballots while collecting the votes of people with an address of "Park Bench, OH" is another highlight
Grayson is the lowest piece of shit to ever walk God's Earth.

The guy is certifiably insane.

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