Proof That The US Peaked During Ronald Reagan's Presidency

But it sure got a lot worse under Carter.

And Carter sucked at foreign policy.

You have proof that it would have been any better under somebody different?

'sucked at foreign policy', such as the fake oil shortage?

Yes, virtually any other candidate would have done a better job. Carter was out of his depth. A nice man, but a lousy POTUS.
Yes, Ronnie Ray-Gun marked the beginning of America's decline. Glad you finally see that.
Actually, Carter did that by wrecking the economy with double digit inflation and his attempts to appease our enemies.

Really? Reagan's solution to inflation was to gut the middle class and his solution to fight the commies was to arm the Jihadists.

Sound's like a doctor who treats your hangnail amputating your arm!


At the time, the bunch in Afghanistan wasn't a threat to us, just to the Russians. They went south when Clinton was in office (remember the first attack on the WTC?).

are you some kind of fucking retard? Besides the fact that these guys were clearly dangerous, the fact was that the CIA under Reagan's guidence preferred to arm the Arab "volunteers" over local Afghan Tribes because they were easier to deal with. This included Bin Laden, who was not an Afghan, but a Yemeni/Saudi citizen.

And please don't forget that your Idiot in Chief just likes to ignore the Jihaddies, and blame the Christians for stuff that happened centuries ago.

Obama has killed more "Jihadis" than Bush ever did. It helps to actually attack the right people.

And actually, people did pretty well under Reagan once he got Carter's mess straightened out. That's why he served two terms.

Uh. No. If serving two terms was a mark of excellence, you should probably stop talking smack about Obama and Clinton.

The point was, you mistake the effects of policies set down by Volcker for Reagan's efforts. What Reagan did was make it easier to borrow that tax, which is how we ended up with 17 trillion in debt. He also gutted the unionized middle class, and with it, long term prosperity.

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