Proof that Pelosi's claim about unemployment benifits are right.

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Remember Alvin Greene, and all the fuss about where he got his filing fee?

He used his own money, given to him by the government.

I guess Pelosi was right about it creating jobs after all. I owe her an apology.

Greene’s surprise June 8 upset victory over former circuit judge Vic Rawl initially caused many to speculate Republican operatives had secretly bankrolled Greene’s primary entry fee to sabotage the primary. Rawl’s defeat left Greene the Democratic challenger to U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C.
The source of Greene’s money is none other than the U.S. government and the S.C. state government, said SLED director Reggie Lloyd.
“That’s who bankrolled Greene’s entry fee for the primary,” said Lloyd, whose agency worked with 5th Circuit Solicitor Barney Giese in the investigation. “The U.S. government and the state of South Carolina funded his filing fee.”

Greene paid his own filing fee; won’t face additional criminal charges - Elections -

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