Professor stabbed to death in Seattle

he was, probably, an antigun person. and this could have been easily stopped, if...

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

So libs if people were disarmed, do you think this owul dbe more likely or less likely to happen? Assume I am talking about the real world in which we live, not the HIV caused delusional world utopia in your mentally defective minds.
he was, probably, an antigun person. and this could have been easily stopped, if...


If you're going to stretch and try to blame "some group" politically
I guess we could blame secularists for preaching against Christianity
and spiritual healing, which has been used to heal people of schizophrenia,
demonic voices and obsessions, and other mental and criminal illness.

Until these methods are proven by science, they are generally inaccessible
to most of the public who have no knowledge that this process of diagnosing
and healing such sickness is real, and works with science and medicine.

So if anything, if you are going to try to say something political here,
I'd blame pushing "separation of church and state" to such an extreme
as to be biased AGAINST solutions that are coming from the church side of the equation.

On one hand, these methods are being censored. The false division between religion
and science prevents free and effective treatment and cures from being accessed
and practiced where this could save lives.

On the other hand, people are suffering from abuse, violence and crime that could be prevented by dealing with the spiritual sickness in people that causes this behavior.

Sources: Dr. Scott Peck, Glimpses of the Devil/People of the Lie
Dr. Francis MacNutt, Healing
Dr. Phillip Goldfedder, Healing is Yours
Dr. Dale Matthews and Dr. Larry Dossey
All these doctors have pushed to recognize scientific proof of medical
cases of spiritual healing of physical, mental and even criminal illness
Until this knowledge is publicly recognized and accessible,
sick people are going untreated and this kind of senseless violence continues to surface.

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