Profanity! Do you talk to your mom that way?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
I think many people use profanity for the street cred, Yes, some of you do speak to your mother that way. Did she bring you up that way?

The word “Fuck” used to be called “The King of the Curses” . Now it’s commonplace.
When I grew up, using the “N Word” in public was fairly common and dropping an F Bomb would get you kicked of wherever you were.

Today, it is the opposite
Except for people on the approved list to say the N word.
When I was about 8, my mom and aunt and I had been out somewhere and they were talking about going home to watch the news. I don't remember why, but I had whispered under my breath 'to hell with the news' not thinking they could hear me. OOPS I was wrong and got backhanded and scolded for it. I never cussed again until after turning 18. At which point, I was careful about what I said in front of Mom, somethings she'd let go but only to a point. BUT I never cussed AT her or talked disrespectful to her or I'd be picking myself up off the floor 10ft away
I curse on the jobsite and on this website but everywhere else I am a gentleman. I have far too large a vocabulary to just stick to a handful of all purpose adjectives.
I think many people use profanity for the street cred, Yes, some of you do speak to your mother that way. Did she bring you up that way?

I respected my parents and never shouted a profanity at them.
I curse on the jobsite and on this website but everywhere else I am a gentleman. I have far too large a vocabulary to just stick to a handful of all purpose adjectives.
Some curse to be cool. Got to stick it to Da Man that made not cursing the rule.
Nope. Hard to insult somebody with that one.
Not if the word police deem it to be a curse word.

Profanity is a true social construct. The "ban" on the words is what gives them their power. Remove the ban and the have the same power as "Wow" or "Ouch".
Some curse to be cool. Got to stick it to Da Man that made not cursing the rule.
There's a difference between cursing and coarse language. Cursing is calling someone a bad name that could hurt them like whore, witch, bastard, etc. It is akin to bearing false witness. Coarse language was something the stuffy Victorians decided needed to stamped out.
Not if the word police deem it to be a curse word.

Profanity is a true social construct. The "ban" on the words is what gives them their power. Remove the ban and the have the same power as "Wow" or "Ouch".
Well, if you said to me, "Your the type that copulates, a lot", I would have to say:

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