Problems with illegal immigration.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Anchor Babies: Birthright Citizenship Exploited
Anti-American Attitudes
Anti-Semitic Attitudes
Attacks on Border Patrol and Law Enforcement agents
Attacks on Free Speech in America
Animal Abuse Increases
Census Numbers: Negative Impact on Congressional Representation
Civil rights: Devalued by comparison to illegal actions
Child Endangerment
Child Molestation
Closed and Overcrowded Hospitals and Emergency Rooms
Cost of Translators
Consulates issuing Matricular Cards (ID Mexico won't even accept)
Day Laborers loitering and creating public hazards
Depreciated Wages for Americans and Legal Immigrants
Deterioration of Common American Culture
Desecration of the American Flag: Foreign Flags used aggressively
Disrespect for American Laws
Document Fraud
Drunk driving injuries and deaths: Hit and Runs
Ethnic Cleansing and Race Riots
Farm animals with in city limits
Food Poisoning
Foreign Influence on US Politics
Gangs, Graffiti, Drugs, Cartels, Smugglers, and Violence
Gang Rape and unreported rapes
High Birth Rates and Overpopulation
Human Sex Slavery
Identity Theft
Increased Crime
Increased Taxes for Americans
Increased pressures on infrastructure (roads, traffic, water, sewer)
Infectious Diseases
Lost American Jobs
Lost American Sovereignty
Lost Self Governance of American citizens Vs. Globalism and Elitism
Male Chauvinism: Gender inequality
Not Speaking English, loss of common language, Press 1 for English
Overcrowded Schools and Negative Impact on American Education
Overcrowded single family homes
Overcrowded Jails and Prisons
Public Sanitation Loss: Trash and human waste in towns
Racist Groups and Race Based Politics
Remittances: Billions of dollars sent out of the US Economy
Rule of Law: Fundamental principles of America sacrificed.
Separatist Movements: Demands for autonomy
Smear Campaigns and Lies: Dirty Politics
Stolen American Taxpayer Resources: Tuition, Welfare, Licenses
Taking limited seats in colleges at taxpayer expense
Tax payer funds going to special interest groups (example) "LaRaza"
Terrorism Threats and Loss of national security
Trash and Negative Impact on Environment at border
Unfair to Legal Immigrants
Unfair Business Competition for law abiding companies
Unlicensed and Uninsured Motorists
Untaxed Wages
Voter Fraud
Problems With Illegal Immigration
Arizona immigration law looks attractive to other states...
Majority backs Arizona on immigration crackdown law
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 - Poll: Voters want similar immigration laws for their states
In the wake of the Supreme Court decision to uphold Arizona’s law allowing police to check the immigration status of those they detain, an overwhelming majority of Americans say they want to see their own states enact the same kinds of laws. The latest Washington Times/JZ Analytics survey, released Monday night, found about two-thirds of all likely voters would like to see their own police be able to check immigration status during routine traffic stops. Support was high across most demographics, including self-identified Republicans and independents, and even Hispanics favored the policy by a 55 percent to 41 percent margin.

The Supreme Court last month struck down most of Arizona’s 2010 law that tried to create state penalties for illegal immigration, but said states and localities can empower their police to check the immigration status of those they detain during their routine duties. Justices agreed the checks were legal in theory, though they said that could change if police use them in a way, such as detaining someone for too long, that violates other rights.

In the poll, voters were given arguments for and against the law, then asked if they wanted to see their own communities enact something similar. Overall, 50 percent of voters said they “strongly” agreed with enacting that law, and an additional 17 percent “somewhat” agreed. Just 29 percent strongly or somewhat disagreed, and the rest were uncertain. John Zogby, who conducted the poll for The Times, said voters do not appear to be worried about getting detained themselves. “I think what a majority here are saying is that projected on the ‘other,’ it doesn’t seem like a bad thing, and it doesn’t seem like an invasive thing to do,” he said. “It seems like something that can be efficient and at the same not hurt the majority of law-abiding citizens.”

President Obama and Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. have both said they thought this kind of statute, which critics call the “show your papers” law, would lead to racial profiling — though Arizona police have been instructed that race alone is not sufficient reason to suspect someone may be illegally in the country. But in the courts, the Obama administration only argued over federal versus state powers, and avoided suing over racial profiling. Since the ruling, officials have signaled that’s still an option, with Mr. Holder telling the National Council of La Raza’s annual conference this week he’ll keep a close eye on the way Arizona and other states implement the statute. A handful of states have followed Arizona’s lead and enacted similar police powers, but some jurisdictions have gone the other direction.


See also:

Obama administration may sue sanctuary cities to force cooperation with federal deportation efforts
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 - ICE chief asks AG Holder to take legal action against Cook County
After eviscerating most of Arizona’s strict immigration law in court last month, the Obama administration is now considering going after the other side by suing sanctuary cities to force them to cooperate with federal deportation efforts, an agency chief told Congress on Monday. John Morton, director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said he’s asked Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to take legal action against Cook County, President Obama’s home county in Illinois, to force it to turn over illegal immigrants for removal. He said he’s now awaiting a final answer from the Justice Department. “They wanted to see how certain pieces of court decisions came out. I expect to hear from them shortly, and I can tell you that resolving the issue in Cook County is very important for me,” Mr. Morton testified to the House Homeland Security subcommittee on the border.

Cook County officials decided several years ago they did not want to cooperate with federal authorities’ immigration efforts and stopped providing them information that could help with deportations of those booked into county jails. Last year, the county enacted an ordinance officially halting compliance except in the most major of cases, and then only after they reached a financial agreement with the federal government to cover the costs. Mr. Morton said that’s effectively dried up all cooperation. “Right now, it’s not a question of Cook County releasing some individuals to us,” he said. “They are releasing no individuals to us, including very violent offenders, and I just don’t think that’s good policy.”

Feds are fed up

The Justice Department declined to comment on whether it is prepared to sue, but Mr. Morton said he and Homeland Security Secretary Janet A. Napolitano are both pushing for action to force Cook County to comply. The development could put Mr. Obama in a tough position. His administration moved quickly to sue Arizona and other states that enacted strict immigration laws over the past two years, arguing that only the federal government can set immigration policy. The Supreme Court last month agreed, overturning most of Arizona’s law — though not the part that lets police detain illegal immigrants for pickup by federal authorities. Even as he sued strict-enforcement states, though, Mr. Obama has not taken action against Cook County, which contains his hometown of Chicago, nor has he acted against the handful of other localities that have said they’ll resist turning illegal immigrants over to the federal government.

A Cook County spokeswoman declined to comment Tuesday, saying the county hadn’t heard anything about having funding withdrawn or about negotiating with the Justice Department over compliance. “We’ve not heard from anyone — ICE, Homeland Security, Justice,” said Liane Jackson, a spokeswoman for county board President Toni Preckwinkle.

Nationwide program
Illegals have and always will impose there language and culture...and being an american is such a high priority but those free welfare benefits are. Where's the motivation to be an American to assimulate as an American????????????????????
Anchor Babies: Birthright Citizenship Exploited
Anti-American Attitudes
Anti-Semitic Attitudes
Attacks on Border Patrol and Law Enforcement agents
Attacks on Free Speech in America
Animal Abuse Increases
Census Numbers: Negative Impact on Congressional Representation
Civil rights: Devalued by comparison to illegal actions
Child Endangerment
Child Molestation
Closed and Overcrowded Hospitals and Emergency Rooms
Cost of Translators
Consulates issuing Matricular Cards (ID Mexico won't even accept)
Day Laborers loitering and creating public hazards
Depreciated Wages for Americans and Legal Immigrants
Deterioration of Common American Culture
Desecration of the American Flag: Foreign Flags used aggressively
Disrespect for American Laws
Document Fraud
Drunk driving injuries and deaths: Hit and Runs
Ethnic Cleansing and Race Riots
Farm animals with in city limits
Food Poisoning
Foreign Influence on US Politics
Gangs, Graffiti, Drugs, Cartels, Smugglers, and Violence
Gang Rape and unreported rapes
High Birth Rates and Overpopulation
Human Sex Slavery
Identity Theft
Increased Crime
Increased Taxes for Americans
Increased pressures on infrastructure (roads, traffic, water, sewer)
Infectious Diseases
Lost American Jobs
Lost American Sovereignty
Lost Self Governance of American citizens Vs. Globalism and Elitism
Male Chauvinism: Gender inequality
Not Speaking English, loss of common language, Press 1 for English
Overcrowded Schools and Negative Impact on American Education
Overcrowded single family homes
Overcrowded Jails and Prisons
Public Sanitation Loss: Trash and human waste in towns
Racist Groups and Race Based Politics
Remittances: Billions of dollars sent out of the US Economy
Rule of Law: Fundamental principles of America sacrificed.
Separatist Movements: Demands for autonomy
Smear Campaigns and Lies: Dirty Politics
Stolen American Taxpayer Resources: Tuition, Welfare, Licenses
Taking limited seats in colleges at taxpayer expense
Tax payer funds going to special interest groups (example) "LaRaza"
Terrorism Threats and Loss of national security
Trash and Negative Impact on Environment at border
Unfair to Legal Immigrants
Unfair Business Competition for law abiding companies
Unlicensed and Uninsured Motorists
Untaxed Wages
Voter Fraud
Problems With Illegal Immigration

I am sure illegal immigrants are responsible for all of this. Give me a break. Drop the racist attitude.
Its okay to be opposed to illegal immigrants, but don't try and blame them for everything that goes wrong in the country. There are so many things wrong about your OP I don't know where to start.
The main issue about illegal immigration is that it is, well ... illegal and thus a crime. Illegal immigrants violate the law and should be treated accordingly. Period.
The main issue about illegal immigration is that it is, well ... illegal and thus a crime. Illegal immigrants violate the law and should be treated accordingly. Period.

I won't try to act as if illegals haven't broken an established law. But I will argue that the law is corrupt and unjust. For a poor Mexican citizen with no resources, legal immigration is far too difficult to figure out. The US favors educated immigrants from Europe, Canada, and Asia when allowing immigration. What happened to the American Dream? What about the idea that American Rights are given by God and not by any government?

When it all boils down to it, unless you served in the military (or have a loved one who is doing so) or personally went through the legal immigration process, you have done nothing to be more deserving of citizenship than any Mexican.
The main issue about illegal immigration is that it is, well ... illegal and thus a crime. Illegal immigrants violate the law and should be treated accordingly. Period.

I won't try to act as if illegals haven't broken an established law. But I will argue that the law is corrupt and unjust. For a poor Mexican citizen with no resources, legal immigration is far too difficult to figure out. The US favors educated immigrants from Europe, Canada, and Asia when allowing immigration. What happened to the American Dream? What about the idea that American Rights are given by God and not by any government?

When it all boils down to it, unless you served in the military (or have a loved one who is doing so) or personally went through the legal immigration process, you have done nothing to be more deserving of citizenship than any Mexican.

That is, with the exception of being born here. There is also the factor of what one has to offer. To take that out of the equation is irresponsible.
The main issue about illegal immigration is that it is, well ... illegal and thus a crime. Illegal immigrants violate the law and should be treated accordingly. Period.

I won't try to act as if illegals haven't broken an established law. But I will argue that the law is corrupt and unjust. For a poor Mexican citizen with no resources, legal immigration is far too difficult to figure out. The US favors educated immigrants from Europe, Canada, and Asia when allowing immigration. What happened to the American Dream? What about the idea that American Rights are given by God and not by any government?

When it all boils down to it, unless you served in the military (or have a loved one who is doing so) or personally went through the legal immigration process, you have done nothing to be more deserving of citizenship than any Mexican.

This is a dangerous door you are opening, if we should just let anyone come to this country because they have no resources and come from poor countries we will be flooded with immigrants from every third world nation on the planet.
Anchor Babies: Birthright Citizenship Exploited
Anti-American Attitudes
Anti-Semitic Attitudes
Attacks on Border Patrol and Law Enforcement agents
Attacks on Free Speech in America
Animal Abuse Increases
Census Numbers: Negative Impact on Congressional Representation
Civil rights: Devalued by comparison to illegal actions
Child Endangerment
Child Molestation
Closed and Overcrowded Hospitals and Emergency Rooms
Cost of Translators
Consulates issuing Matricular Cards (ID Mexico won't even accept)
Day Laborers loitering and creating public hazards
Depreciated Wages for Americans and Legal Immigrants
Deterioration of Common American Culture
Desecration of the American Flag: Foreign Flags used aggressively
Disrespect for American Laws
Document Fraud
Drunk driving injuries and deaths: Hit and Runs
Ethnic Cleansing and Race Riots
Farm animals with in city limits
Food Poisoning
Foreign Influence on US Politics
Gangs, Graffiti, Drugs, Cartels, Smugglers, and Violence
Gang Rape and unreported rapes
High Birth Rates and Overpopulation
Human Sex Slavery
Identity Theft
Increased Crime
Increased Taxes for Americans
Increased pressures on infrastructure (roads, traffic, water, sewer)
Infectious Diseases
Lost American Jobs
Lost American Sovereignty
Lost Self Governance of American citizens Vs. Globalism and Elitism
Male Chauvinism: Gender inequality
Not Speaking English, loss of common language, Press 1 for English
Overcrowded Schools and Negative Impact on American Education
Overcrowded single family homes
Overcrowded Jails and Prisons
Public Sanitation Loss: Trash and human waste in towns
Racist Groups and Race Based Politics
Remittances: Billions of dollars sent out of the US Economy
Rule of Law: Fundamental principles of America sacrificed.
Separatist Movements: Demands for autonomy
Smear Campaigns and Lies: Dirty Politics
Stolen American Taxpayer Resources: Tuition, Welfare, Licenses
Taking limited seats in colleges at taxpayer expense
Tax payer funds going to special interest groups (example) "LaRaza"
Terrorism Threats and Loss of national security
Trash and Negative Impact on Environment at border
Unfair to Legal Immigrants
Unfair Business Competition for law abiding companies
Unlicensed and Uninsured Motorists
Untaxed Wages
Voter Fraud
Problems With Illegal Immigration

I am sure illegal immigrants are responsible for all of this. Give me a break. Drop the racist attitude.
Its okay to be opposed to illegal immigrants, but don't try and blame them for everything that goes wrong in the country. There are so many things wrong about your OP I don't know where to start.

LilOlLady isn't blaming them for everything. And what the hell is racist about making a list about how illegal immigrants effect this country?
Anchor Babies: Birthright Citizenship Exploited
Anti-American Attitudes
Anti-Semitic Attitudes
Attacks on Border Patrol and Law Enforcement agents
Attacks on Free Speech in America
Animal Abuse Increases
Census Numbers: Negative Impact on Congressional Representation
Civil rights: Devalued by comparison to illegal actions
Child Endangerment
Child Molestation
Closed and Overcrowded Hospitals and Emergency Rooms
Cost of Translators
Consulates issuing Matricular Cards (ID Mexico won't even accept)
Day Laborers loitering and creating public hazards
Depreciated Wages for Americans and Legal Immigrants
Deterioration of Common American Culture
Desecration of the American Flag: Foreign Flags used aggressively
Disrespect for American Laws
Document Fraud
Drunk driving injuries and deaths: Hit and Runs
Ethnic Cleansing and Race Riots
Farm animals with in city limits
Food Poisoning
Foreign Influence on US Politics
Gangs, Graffiti, Drugs, Cartels, Smugglers, and Violence
Gang Rape and unreported rapes
High Birth Rates and Overpopulation
Human Sex Slavery
Identity Theft
Increased Crime
Increased Taxes for Americans
Increased pressures on infrastructure (roads, traffic, water, sewer)
Infectious Diseases
Lost American Jobs
Lost American Sovereignty
Lost Self Governance of American citizens Vs. Globalism and Elitism
Male Chauvinism: Gender inequality
Not Speaking English, loss of common language, Press 1 for English
Overcrowded Schools and Negative Impact on American Education
Overcrowded single family homes
Overcrowded Jails and Prisons
Public Sanitation Loss: Trash and human waste in towns
Racist Groups and Race Based Politics
Remittances: Billions of dollars sent out of the US Economy
Rule of Law: Fundamental principles of America sacrificed.
Separatist Movements: Demands for autonomy
Smear Campaigns and Lies: Dirty Politics
Stolen American Taxpayer Resources: Tuition, Welfare, Licenses
Taking limited seats in colleges at taxpayer expense
Tax payer funds going to special interest groups (example) "LaRaza"
Terrorism Threats and Loss of national security
Trash and Negative Impact on Environment at border
Unfair to Legal Immigrants
Unfair Business Competition for law abiding companies
Unlicensed and Uninsured Motorists
Untaxed Wages
Voter Fraud
Problems With Illegal Immigration

I am sure illegal immigrants are responsible for all of this. Give me a break. Drop the racist attitude.
Its okay to be opposed to illegal immigrants, but don't try and blame them for everything that goes wrong in the country. There are so many things wrong about your OP I don't know where to start.

LilOlLady isn't blaming them for everything. And what the hell is racist about making a list about how illegal immigrants effect this country?

Nothing, last time I checked illegal immigrant isn't a race.
The main issue about illegal immigration is that it is, well ... illegal and thus a crime. Illegal immigrants violate the law and should be treated accordingly. Period.

I won't try to act as if illegals haven't broken an established law. But I will argue that the law is corrupt and unjust. For a poor Mexican citizen with no resources, legal immigration is far too difficult to figure out. The US favors educated immigrants from Europe, Canada, and Asia when allowing immigration. What happened to the American Dream? What about the idea that American Rights are given by God and not by any government?

When it all boils down to it, unless you served in the military (or have a loved one who is doing so) or personally went through the legal immigration process, you have done nothing to be more deserving of citizenship than any Mexican.

That is, with the exception of being born here. There is also the factor of what one has to offer. To take that out of the equation is irresponsible.

Well, I don't think you had much say in where you were born. (Notice how I said YOU instead of YOUR parents). And if you factor in what a person has to offer, when deciding who to let in, should we also kick out the citizens who are lacking? Why should a persons money, skill, and intelligence determine whether they are given Unalienable Rights?

Now, for the record I understand that we can't take care of everyone. But as long as we tax everyone who is here and limit the welfare we give out, the economy will be fine.
The main issue about illegal immigration is that it is, well ... illegal and thus a crime. Illegal immigrants violate the law and should be treated accordingly. Period.

I won't try to act as if illegals haven't broken an established law. But I will argue that the law is corrupt and unjust. For a poor Mexican citizen with no resources, legal immigration is far too difficult to figure out. The US favors educated immigrants from Europe, Canada, and Asia when allowing immigration. What happened to the American Dream? What about the idea that American Rights are given by God and not by any government?

When it all boils down to it, unless you served in the military (or have a loved one who is doing so) or personally went through the legal immigration process, you have done nothing to be more deserving of citizenship than any Mexican.

This is a dangerous door you are opening, if we should just let anyone come to this country because they have no resources and come from poor countries we will be flooded with immigrants from every third world nation on the planet.

You mean the same "dangerous door" that worked for a century? That our Forefathers believed in? The only dangerous door we've opened is the door where we take care of everyone. If we let anyone in, and tried to take care of their every need without taxing them, we would fail. If we put our foot down and stopped giving out welfare checks, people would either start working or leave. There are only two reasons people come here. I don't support people coming here to receive welfare and not be taxed. I 100% support letting in a person who has a desire to work.
I won't try to act as if illegals haven't broken an established law. But I will argue that the law is corrupt and unjust. For a poor Mexican citizen with no resources, legal immigration is far too difficult to figure out. The US favors educated immigrants from Europe, Canada, and Asia when allowing immigration. What happened to the American Dream? What about the idea that American Rights are given by God and not by any government?

When it all boils down to it, unless you served in the military (or have a loved one who is doing so) or personally went through the legal immigration process, you have done nothing to be more deserving of citizenship than any Mexican.

This is a dangerous door you are opening, if we should just let anyone come to this country because they have no resources and come from poor countries we will be flooded with immigrants from every third world nation on the planet.

You mean the same "dangerous door" that worked for a century? That our Forefathers believed in? The only dangerous door we've opened is the door where we take care of everyone. If we let anyone in, and tried to take care of their every need without taxing them, we would fail. If we put our foot down and stopped giving out welfare checks, people would either start working or leave. There are only two reasons people come here. I don't support people coming here to receive welfare and not be taxed. I 100% support letting in a person who has a desire to work.

How the Hell do you tax someone when you have no idea they are here?

They are undocumented. :cuckoo:

Plus, millions and millions have come here with zero to their name... from countries overseas, and they managed to do it legally.
Why should we give folks who want to sneak in "special rights"?

You are whats wrong with this wonderful nation.... idiots like you! :mad:
How the Hell do you tax someone when you have no idea they are here?

They are undocumented. :cuckoo:

Plus, millions and millions have come here with zero to their name... from countries overseas, and they managed to do it legally.
Why should we give folks who want to sneak in "special rights"?

You are whats wrong with this wonderful nation.... idiots like you! :mad:

You're a moron who missed out on the first half of the conversation. I was only pointing out why our existing immigration laws are bogus. Millions and Millions? We only let in 1 million per year TOTAL (most of them are Asian and Indian). We already give "special rights" to the wealthy, educated immigrants. I would favor closing borders, opening immigration, and stop having a government program for every sob story and lazy person.

I love how you act like you're the perfect American when you're an ungrateful elitist that doesn't want to share the blessings you're damn lucky to have.

Do you realize that our Declaration of Independence says that Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are Unalienable Rights? Yet, you don't want impoverished Mexicans to be able to come here and work for minimum wage. Unbelievable.

If you don't want to pay for their healthcare and education, that's fine. But don't act like we had to work really hard to be born Americans. It was just blind luck on our part and we shouldn't act entitled because of it.
How the Hell do you tax someone when you have no idea they are here?

They are undocumented. :cuckoo:

Plus, millions and millions have come here with zero to their name... from countries overseas, and they managed to do it legally.
Why should we give folks who want to sneak in "special rights"?

You are whats wrong with this wonderful nation.... idiots like you! :mad:

You're a moron who missed out on the first half of the conversation. I was only pointing out why our existing immigration laws are bogus. Millions and Millions? We only let in 1 million per year TOTAL (most of them are Asian and Indian). We already give "special rights" to the wealthy, educated immigrants. I would favor closing borders, opening immigration, and stop having a government program for every sob story and lazy person.

I love how you act like you're the perfect American when you're an ungrateful elitist that doesn't want to share the blessings you're damn lucky to have.

Do you realize that our Declaration of Independence says that Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are Unalienable Rights? Yet, you don't want impoverished Mexicans to be able to come here and work for minimum wage. Unbelievable.

If you don't want to pay for their healthcare and education, that's fine. But don't act like we had to work really hard to be born Americans. It was just blind luck on our part and we shouldn't act entitled because of it.
in the meantime, 49% live of some wealfare assistance. I more incline to believe it is by design. California the king maker to the nanny welfare state is growing lawless state when Stocton and San Bernardino counties file for chapter 9/11 protection...sooon there will be growing lawless ness in those areas b/c of street prescence of police are no longer there. Police can/or will not monitor gun trafficking in those weak/volnorable areas.....a war zone.

Gutless spine moon beam should call in NG within a wk.......thank a liberal....they ignorantly voted for it.

By chance on 6/25/12 obumer declared a state of emergency further kicking in NDAA.
Anchor Babies: Birthright Citizenship Exploited
Anti-American Attitudes
Anti-Semitic Attitudes
Attacks on Border Patrol and Law Enforcement agents
Attacks on Free Speech in America
Animal Abuse Increases
Census Numbers: Negative Impact on Congressional Representation
Civil rights: Devalued by comparison to illegal actions
Child Endangerment
Child Molestation
Closed and Overcrowded Hospitals and Emergency Rooms
Cost of Translators
Consulates issuing Matricular Cards (ID Mexico won't even accept)
Day Laborers loitering and creating public hazards
Depreciated Wages for Americans and Legal Immigrants
Deterioration of Common American Culture
Desecration of the American Flag: Foreign Flags used aggressively
Disrespect for American Laws
Document Fraud
Drunk driving injuries and deaths: Hit and Runs
Ethnic Cleansing and Race Riots
Farm animals with in city limits
Food Poisoning
Foreign Influence on US Politics
Gangs, Graffiti, Drugs, Cartels, Smugglers, and Violence
Gang Rape and unreported rapes
High Birth Rates and Overpopulation
Human Sex Slavery
Identity Theft
Increased Crime
Increased Taxes for Americans
Increased pressures on infrastructure (roads, traffic, water, sewer)
Infectious Diseases
Lost American Jobs
Lost American Sovereignty
Lost Self Governance of American citizens Vs. Globalism and Elitism
Male Chauvinism: Gender inequality
Not Speaking English, loss of common language, Press 1 for English
Overcrowded Schools and Negative Impact on American Education
Overcrowded single family homes
Overcrowded Jails and Prisons
Public Sanitation Loss: Trash and human waste in towns
Racist Groups and Race Based Politics
Remittances: Billions of dollars sent out of the US Economy
Rule of Law: Fundamental principles of America sacrificed.
Separatist Movements: Demands for autonomy
Smear Campaigns and Lies: Dirty Politics
Stolen American Taxpayer Resources: Tuition, Welfare, Licenses
Taking limited seats in colleges at taxpayer expense
Tax payer funds going to special interest groups (example) "LaRaza"
Terrorism Threats and Loss of national security
Trash and Negative Impact on Environment at border
Unfair to Legal Immigrants
Unfair Business Competition for law abiding companies
Unlicensed and Uninsured Motorists
Untaxed Wages
Voter Fraud
Problems With Illegal Immigration

I am sure illegal immigrants are responsible for all of this. Give me a break. Drop the racist attitude.
Its okay to be opposed to illegal immigrants, but don't try and blame them for everything that goes wrong in the country. There are so many things wrong about your OP I don't know where to start.

LilOlLady isn't blaming them for everything. And what the hell is racist about making a list about how illegal immigrants effect this country?

Where is the evidence that illegals contribute to the things mentioned in the list? Where is the evidence that illegal immigration leads to more animal abuse, and human trafficking?
Until recently we never had an open door policy. Immigration was strictly controlled with no immigration courts or appeals to help them. There was no such thing as welfare. Imagine if today we had something simlar to Ellis Island where immigrants were held indefinitly until processed, when they were given medical examinations, when they could be deported for whatever reason given with no recourse. Becoming a naturalized citizen meant taking a loyalty oath and renouncing any other citizenship.

The left wouldn't stand for it.
I won't try to act as if illegals haven't broken an established law. But I will argue that the law is corrupt and unjust. For a poor Mexican citizen with no resources, legal immigration is far too difficult to figure out. The US favors educated immigrants from Europe, Canada, and Asia when allowing immigration. What happened to the American Dream? What about the idea that American Rights are given by God and not by any government?

When it all boils down to it, unless you served in the military (or have a loved one who is doing so) or personally went through the legal immigration process, you have done nothing to be more deserving of citizenship than any Mexican.

This is a dangerous door you are opening, if we should just let anyone come to this country because they have no resources and come from poor countries we will be flooded with immigrants from every third world nation on the planet.

You mean the same "dangerous door" that worked for a century? That our Forefathers believed in? The only dangerous door we've opened is the door where we take care of everyone. If we let anyone in, and tried to take care of their every need without taxing them, we would fail. If we put our foot down and stopped giving out welfare checks, people would either start working or leave. There are only two reasons people come here. I don't support people coming here to receive welfare and not be taxed. I 100% support letting in a person who has a desire to work.

So you basically want open borders? anyone can come to the US? we are broke now how are we supposed to take care of all these people?
How the Hell do you tax someone when you have no idea they are here?

They are undocumented. :cuckoo:

Plus, millions and millions have come here with zero to their name... from countries overseas, and they managed to do it legally.
Why should we give folks who want to sneak in "special rights"?

You are whats wrong with this wonderful nation.... idiots like you! :mad:

You're a moron who missed out on the first half of the conversation. I was only pointing out why our existing immigration laws are bogus. Millions and Millions? We only let in 1 million per year TOTAL (most of them are Asian and Indian). We already give "special rights" to the wealthy, educated immigrants. I would favor closing borders, opening immigration, and stop having a government program for every sob story and lazy person.

I love how you act like you're the perfect American when you're an ungrateful elitist that doesn't want to share the blessings you're damn lucky to have.

Do you realize that our Declaration of Independence says that Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are Unalienable Rights? Yet, you don't want impoverished Mexicans to be able to come here and work for minimum wage. Unbelievable.

If you don't want to pay for their healthcare and education, that's fine. But don't act like we had to work really hard to be born Americans. It was just blind luck on our part and we shouldn't act entitled because of it.

The Declaration of Independence doesn't apply to the whole world you fucking physco.:cuckoo:

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