Pro-Russian Protesters Declare Eastern Ukraine a Separatist Republic…

What should obama do?

It's too late for him to do anything. The time to act was long ago, like at the time of the reset button debacle.

What not to do is offer military aid to the failing Ukranian coup. Such an action will turn Ukraine into Syria. This is ultimately a civil war. We can help in the murder of another 200,000 people or let the Ukrainians vote their way out.

And as I predicted, another "what can we do" handwringing. There is plenty besides sit back and watch Putin put the Soviet Union together.
Reagan and the Bushes would have done nothing either.

And rightly so! We didn't have a military disadvantage when Ukraine etc. was part of the Soviet Union. We need to respect their sphere of influence, just like they need to respect Ours. Putin knows better than to invade NATO countries...............

This chest thumping by NATO and the West is crazy. The new head of NATO has his hands out for more financing so that explains why he's pushing this non existent threat.

I just was reading at der Speigel that something like 63% are against getting involved with any military hardware. They don't want German planes in the air.

I'm thinking all our leaders have lost their freaking collective minds.
What should obama do?

It's too late for him to do anything. The time to act was long ago, like at the time of the reset button debacle.

What not to do is offer military aid to the failing Ukranian coup. Such an action will turn Ukraine into Syria. This is ultimately a civil war. We can help in the murder of another 200,000 people or let the Ukrainians vote their way out.

And as I predicted, another "what can we do" handwringing. There is plenty besides sit back and watch Putin put the Soviet Union together.

Even if we have to kill every Ukranian in the process.
Reagan and the Bushes would have done nothing either.

And rightly so! We didn't have a military disadvantage when Ukraine etc. was part of the Soviet Union. We need to respect their sphere of influence, just like they need to respect Ours. Putin knows better than to invade NATO countries...............

Guy, the Cold War ended some time ago. There is no SPhere of Influence anymore.

LOL, tell that to the Crimeans and Ukrainians! We don't want Russia meddling in Our sphere of influence (Cuba for starters), if Russia was trying to get Mexico (Ukraine) to align with them, we would rightly be having a shit fit over it. Add Canada, Venezuela like we have been doing to the former Soviet Republics and there would be real problems.
Crimea was Russian and is now again reunited with "Mother Russia".

All you have to do is look at this map and you will see why Crimea and now other areas of Eastern Ukraine are running to Russia.

They voted in the President that Kiev turfed. And all the news reports we were getting out of Kiev? All the interviews with the "man on the street with the molotov cocktail"? Well of course they would be biased.

In 2010 almost 75% of that city voted for Yanukovych's opponent. I mean come on.

Oh and do take note of the part of the country in brown signifying an ethnic Russian majority?

It's called Crimea.

Uh dumbfuck....Russia has paid goons, Riussian special ops and spies in Ukraine stirring up these bullshit "protests" in order to force Ukraine to over-react then give Putin the "oppression lie" he needs to invade Ukraine.

The people in Crimea aren't very happy right now under the Russian boot you stupid fuck, but you're here cheering on Putin like a typical Russian piece of shit.

Well this was predictable. With the overthrow of the government they voted for in E. Ukraine the people have been betrayed by Kiev's usurpers.

People can call the former President Putin's puppet all they want, but his election and his party's election in 2010 was fair and square. And E. Ukraine voted heavily for them.
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Your bullshit map doesn't show the "people" in eastern and southern Ukraine want to join Russia.

They want to stay in Ukraine but want changes in Kyiv like more acceptance of the Russian language and more automony within Ukraine

Your endless bullshit here should get you banned for being Russian spammer.

Crimea was Russian and is now again reunited with "Mother Russia".

All you have to do is look at this map and you will see why Crimea and now other areas of Eastern Ukraine are running to Russia.

They voted in the President that Kiev turfed. And all the news reports we were getting out of Kiev? All the interviews with the "man on the street with the molotov cocktail"? Well of course they would be biased.

In 2010 almost 75% of that city voted for Yanukovych's opponent. I mean come on.

Oh and do take note of the part of the country in brown signifying an ethnic Russian majority?

It's called Crimea.

Wonder what our fearless leader will do when Putin invades Eastern Ukraine?

I'm voting for 'nothing'

Well, except make noise. A couple speeches. He'll huff and puff and make empty threats and.....

Do nothing. Like he always does

Pro-Russian Protesters Declare Eastern Ukraine a Separatist Republic…

Which is the justification Putin has been looking for to invade.


Update to this story.

(Reuters) – Pro-Moscow protesters occupying a government building in eastern Ukraine declared the creation of a separatist republic on Monday, in a move Kiev described as part of a plan to justify a Russian invasion to dismember the country.

Kiev said the seizures of state buildings in three cities in eastern Ukraine’s mainly Russian speaking industrial heartland were a replay of events in Crimea, the Black Sea peninsula Moscow annexed after its troops occupied it last month.

“An anti-Ukrainian plan is being put into operation … under which foreign troops will cross the border and seize the territory of the country,” Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk told a cabinet meeting in Kiev. “We will not allow this.”

Pro-Russian protesters seized official buildings in the eastern cities of Kharkiv, Luhansk and Donetsk on Sunday night, demanding that referendums be held on whether to join Russia like the one that preceded Moscow’s takeover of Crimea.

Police said they cleared the protesters from the building in Kharkiv, but in Luhansk the demonstrators had seized weapons.

It's just a matter of time before a Ukraine citizen beats up (or kills) a Russian, then Putin will move in. I believe that it was yesterday that a Russian Soldier shot and killed a Ukrainian Navy Officer. It won't be long now.

Then OUR fearless leader can draw yet ANOTHER red line in the sand before going on another vacation.
FACT: There was a LARGER anti-war protest in Russia 2 weeks ago compared to the smaller pro-Putin protest....yet the scumbags here keep touting Putin as some "saint" liberating so-called oppressed people across Europe.

I guess I know what it felt like in 1939 with scumbag Americans cheering on Hitler....
FACT: There was a LARGER anti-war protest in Russia 2 weeks ago compared to the smaller pro-Putin protest....yet the scumbags here keep touting Putin as some "saint" liberating so-called oppressed people across Europe.

I guess I know what it felt like in 1939 with scumbag Americans cheering on Hitler....

Where the hell are you getting this from? I know of no one That is celebrating that clown Putin. He's an egomaniacal slob (oh wait, that's Obama) that is attempting to put the former Soviet Union back together - just as he SAID he would.

"Rootin Pootin Putin" will be just as evil as Hitler because the "Leader of the Free World" is too big a pussy to do anything about it ala Neville Chamberlin.
Uh, I am "well educated on this subject."

Putin is rounding up media, social elites and academia that have spoken out against him the past year. He is "purging" the Russian establishment of anyone that will oppose him and rile up the masses against him and his insanity.

tinydancer has been cheering on Russia/Putin day 1 of this bullshit.

FACT: There was a LARGER anti-war protest in Russia 2 weeks ago compared to the smaller pro-Putin protest....yet the scumbags here keep touting Putin as some "saint" liberating so-called oppressed people across Europe.

I guess I know what it felt like in 1939 with scumbag Americans cheering on Hitler....

Where the hell are you getting this from? I know of no one That is celebrating that clown Putin. He's an egomaniacal slob (oh wait, that's Obama) that is attempting to put the former Soviet Union back together - just as he SAID he would.

"Rootin Pootin Putin" will be just as evil as Hitler because the "Leader of the Free World" is too big a pussy to do anything about it ala Neville Chamberlin.
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Uh dumbfuck....Russia has paid goons, Riussian special ops and spies in Ukraine stirring up these bullshit "protests" in order to force Ukraine to over-react then give Putin the "oppression lie" he needs to invade Ukraine.

The people in Crimea aren't very happy right now under the Russian boot you stupid fuck, but you're here cheering on Putin like a typical Russian piece of shit.

Well this was predictable. With the overthrow of the government they voted for in E. Ukraine the people have been betrayed by Kiev's usurpers.

People can call the former President Putin's puppet all they want, but his election and his party's election in 2010 was fair and square. And E. Ukraine voted heavily for them.

You know the people in Crimea aren't very happy now because......? You heard it from people in Crimea or a Democrat who has never been there told you?
Uh dumbfuck....Russia has paid goons, Riussian special ops and spies in Ukraine stirring up these bullshit "protests" in order to force Ukraine to over-react then give Putin the "oppression lie" he needs to invade Ukraine.

The people in Crimea aren't very happy right now under the Russian boot you stupid fuck, but you're here cheering on Putin like a typical Russian piece of shit.

Well this was predictable. With the overthrow of the government they voted for in E. Ukraine the people have been betrayed by Kiev's usurpers.

People can call the former President Putin's puppet all they want, but his election and his party's election in 2010 was fair and square. And E. Ukraine voted heavily for them.


Let me see. Crimea was Russian until 1954. Old Nikita gave her to the Ukraine. 1992 saw Crimea join the Ukraine as an autonomous state.

Crimeans are mainly ethnic Russian. They speak Russian.

Kiev overthrows a duly elected government that the East put in power. They want to ban the Russian language.

And a freaking biggie, the goons who seized power in Kiev wanted to strip Crimea of its autonomy.

And you can't wrap your brain around the how and the why of the Crimean vote to rejoin Russia?
Uh dumbfuck....Russia has paid goons, Riussian special ops and spies in Ukraine stirring up these bullshit "protests" in order to force Ukraine to over-react then give Putin the "oppression lie" he needs to invade Ukraine.

The people in Crimea aren't very happy right now under the Russian boot you stupid fuck, but you're here cheering on Putin like a typical Russian piece of shit.

Well this was predictable. With the overthrow of the government they voted for in E. Ukraine the people have been betrayed by Kiev's usurpers.

People can call the former President Putin's puppet all they want, but his election and his party's election in 2010 was fair and square. And E. Ukraine voted heavily for them.


Let me see. Crimea was Russian until 1954. Old Nikita gave her to the Ukraine. 1992 saw Crimea join the Ukraine as an autonomous state.

Crimeans are mainly ethnic Russian. They speak Russian.

Kiev overthrows a duly elected government that the East put in power. They want to ban the Russian language.

And a freaking biggie, the goons who seized power in Kiev wanted to strip Crimea of its autonomy.

And you can't wrap your brain around the how and the why of the Crimean vote to rejoin Russia?

You cant wrap your brain around reality. You simply swallow Moscow's line like liberals swallow Obama's cock.
The referendum was a sham. Putin's excuses are a sham. It is a replay of Nazi Germany c.1938. Only idiots fall for that crap.
Idiot the vast MAJORITY of people living in Crimea were never RUSSIANS.

The election was bogus because it was run with armed Russian goons and military standing around intimidating people. I guess you support the Black Panthers standing outside polling booths in Philly with weapons, eh hypocrite?

Now imagine if an ARMY of Black Panthers invaded your trailer park and told you to vote join them now or join them later.

FYI...dipshit, many people in Crimea are now finding out they got lied to by Russian regarding passports and citizenship.....

Uh dumbfuck....Russia has paid goons, Riussian special ops and spies in Ukraine stirring up these bullshit "protests" in order to force Ukraine to over-react then give Putin the "oppression lie" he needs to invade Ukraine.

The people in Crimea aren't very happy right now under the Russian boot you stupid fuck, but you're here cheering on Putin like a typical Russian piece of shit.

Well this was predictable. With the overthrow of the government they voted for in E. Ukraine the people have been betrayed by Kiev's usurpers.

People can call the former President Putin's puppet all they want, but his election and his party's election in 2010 was fair and square. And E. Ukraine voted heavily for them.


Let me see. Crimea was Russian until 1954. Old Nikita gave her to the Ukraine. 1992 saw Crimea join the Ukraine as an autonomous state.

Crimeans are mainly ethnic Russian. They speak Russian.

Kiev overthrows a duly elected government that the East put in power. They want to ban the Russian language.

And a freaking biggie, the goons who seized power in Kiev wanted to strip Crimea of its autonomy.

And you can't wrap your brain around the how and the why of the Crimean vote to rejoin Russia?
Uh dumbfuck....Russia has paid goons, Riussian special ops and spies in Ukraine stirring up these bullshit "protests" in order to force Ukraine to over-react then give Putin the "oppression lie" he needs to invade Ukraine.

The people in Crimea aren't very happy right now under the Russian boot you stupid fuck, but you're here cheering on Putin like a typical Russian piece of shit.


Let me see. Crimea was Russian until 1954. Old Nikita gave her to the Ukraine. 1992 saw Crimea join the Ukraine as an autonomous state.

Crimeans are mainly ethnic Russian. They speak Russian.

Kiev overthrows a duly elected government that the East put in power. They want to ban the Russian language.

And a freaking biggie, the goons who seized power in Kiev wanted to strip Crimea of its autonomy.

And you can't wrap your brain around the how and the why of the Crimean vote to rejoin Russia?

You cant wrap your brain around reality. You simply swallow Moscow's line like liberals swallow Obama's cock.
The referendum was a sham. Putin's excuses are a sham. It is a replay of Nazi Germany c.1938. Only idiots fall for that crap.

Oh give it freaking up! Here's the electoral map from 2010. I found this at the Washington Post.

Are they shilling for Putin now? And I've put up the map showing that Eastern Ukraine is pro Russia for a reason. Because they speak Russian as their first language.

Is that something Putin just pulled out of the thin air and had that information running at the Washington Post last year?


ukraine-2010-election.jpg rely on the "news" to know what is going on, I watch the news to see what you know....

Uh dumbfuck....Russia has paid goons, Riussian special ops and spies in Ukraine stirring up these bullshit "protests" in order to force Ukraine to over-react then give Putin the "oppression lie" he needs to invade Ukraine.

The people in Crimea aren't very happy right now under the Russian boot you stupid fuck, but you're here cheering on Putin like a typical Russian piece of shit.

Well this was predictable. With the overthrow of the government they voted for in E. Ukraine the people have been betrayed by Kiev's usurpers.

People can call the former President Putin's puppet all they want, but his election and his party's election in 2010 was fair and square. And E. Ukraine voted heavily for them.

You know the people in Crimea aren't very happy now because......? You heard it from people in Crimea or a Democrat who has never been there told you?
To sum up the stupidity of tinydancer, she sides with Russians that claim it was "US trained snipers" killing people in Kyiv during the protests, not the FSB and Ukraine secret police....

Let me see. Crimea was Russian until 1954. Old Nikita gave her to the Ukraine. 1992 saw Crimea join the Ukraine as an autonomous state.

Crimeans are mainly ethnic Russian. They speak Russian.

Kiev overthrows a duly elected government that the East put in power. They want to ban the Russian language.

And a freaking biggie, the goons who seized power in Kiev wanted to strip Crimea of its autonomy.

And you can't wrap your brain around the how and the why of the Crimean vote to rejoin Russia?

You cant wrap your brain around reality. You simply swallow Moscow's line like liberals swallow Obama's cock.
The referendum was a sham. Putin's excuses are a sham. It is a replay of Nazi Germany c.1938. Only idiots fall for that crap.

Oh give it freaking up! Here's the electoral map from 2010. I found this at the Washington Post.

Are they shilling for Putin now? And I've put up the map showing that Eastern Ukraine is pro Russia for a reason. Because they speak Russian as their first language.

Is that something Putin just pulled out of the thin air and had that information running at the Washington Post last year?



Recall the Yanukovich threw Timoshenko in jail for some trumped up charge. Yeah, he was a real elected leader.
What's your point? That people who speak Russian should be part of Russia? Maybe we should give Brighton Beach back to the Russians. That's the stupidest thing I've seen you post yet.
Yanukovich is now regretting letting Russia invade Ukraine.

Of course, who wouldn't regret siding with insane shitbags like Putin that claim "Russian troops" weren't in Crimea, it was local militas. Also, claiming US connected snipers were the ones shooting anti-Yanukovich protestors in Kyiv.

When their whopper lies are too much to cover up, it exposes everything they claim as bullshit.

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