Pro-Life Republicans Would Have This Child Die Due To Trumpcare


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Medical knowledge and technology have advanced considerably over the past few decades. Treatments that could only be imagined thirty or even twenty years ago are today routine. They are routine, but also expensive.
The United States, no, not the United States, but conservatives in the United States want us to be the only developed nation to NOT offer universal healthcare. Why, because it might cost the 0.1% more in taxes.

The article at the link below illustrates the contradiction of the conservatives'/Republicans’ supposedly pro-life stance. The child who is the main case in the article was born with “heterotaxy syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that can lead to the malformation or abnormal arrangement of internal organs.”

Ultra sound examinations and other examples of medical technology would have shown this malformation in the womb. But as we all know, the pro-lifers would never permit the mother an abortion, even if it had been necessary to save her life.

However, at the same time, pro-life conservatives and Republicans want to eliminate the availability of affordable medical coverage to low income individuals and families through Medicaid, or with the subsidies provided by Obamacare. What this means is, the pro-life conservatives and Republicans want the unborn to live, but once the unborn becomes a living, breathing baby, it can die for all they care.

The article at the link, describes this case, a baby, born defective and who must have hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in medical treatments, and shows several other similar cases. All of these no-longer-unborn babies would be sh!t-out-of-luck if Trumpcare becomes law.

It is another, in a long list of examples proving the conservatives'/Republicans’ pro-life hypocrisy.

Toddler’s Staggering Hospital Bill Shows Just What’s At Stake In Obamacare Battle



Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.

Oh swell. Another Republicans have poopy pants and feed granny cat food thread. We get it. You hate us.

If a medical test were discovered that could determine if the child were going to be gay, Republicans would change their stance on abortion for obvious reasons.
The left would simply say "your child was born deformed. Under our policy of post birth abortion, your baby will be put in the closet until it dies and we sell off the body parts"
Medical knowledge and technology have advanced considerably over the past few decades. Treatments that could only be imagined thirty or even twenty years ago are today routine. They are routine, but also expensive.
The United States, no, not the United States, but conservatives in the United States want us to be the only developed nation to NOT offer universal healthcare. Why, because it might cost the 0.1% more in taxes.

The article at the link below illustrates the contradiction of the conservatives'/Republicans’ supposedly pro-life stance. The child who is the main case in the article was born with “heterotaxy syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that can lead to the malformation or abnormal arrangement of internal organs.”

Ultra sound examinations and other examples of medical technology would have shown this malformation in the womb. But as we all know, the pro-lifers would never permit the mother an abortion, even if it had been necessary to save her life.

However, at the same time, pro-life conservatives and Republicans want to eliminate the availability of affordable medical coverage to low income individuals and families through Medicaid, or with the subsidies provided by Obamacare. What this means is, the pro-life conservatives and Republicans want the unborn to live, but once the unborn becomes a living, breathing baby, it can die for all they care.

The article at the link, describes this case, a baby, born defective and who must have hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in medical treatments, and shows several other similar cases. All of these no-longer-unborn babies would be sh!t-out-of-luck if Trumpcare becomes law.

It is another, in a long list of examples proving the conservatives'/Republicans’ pro-life hypocrisy.

Toddler’s Staggering Hospital Bill Shows Just What’s At Stake In Obamacare Battle


View attachment 135943

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.


Utter crap; Fakefugistanis Inc!!

The left would simply say "your child was born deformed. Under our policy of post birth abortion, your baby will be put in the closet until it dies and we sell off the body parts"

Did that women? NO. Are you willing to pay over 200 grand for her baby who has over 1 million in medical already. answer please.

If no, then you are not pro life.
Medical knowledge and technology have advanced considerably over the past few decades. Treatments that could only be imagined thirty or even twenty years ago are today routine. They are routine, but also expensive.
The United States, no, not the United States, but conservatives in the United States want us to be the only developed nation to NOT offer universal healthcare. Why, because it might cost the 0.1% more in taxes.

The article at the link below illustrates the contradiction of the conservatives'/Republicans’ supposedly pro-life stance. The child who is the main case in the article was born with “heterotaxy syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that can lead to the malformation or abnormal arrangement of internal organs.”

Ultra sound examinations and other examples of medical technology would have shown this malformation in the womb. But as we all know, the pro-lifers would never permit the mother an abortion, even if it had been necessary to save her life.

However, at the same time, pro-life conservatives and Republicans want to eliminate the availability of affordable medical coverage to low income individuals and families through Medicaid, or with the subsidies provided by Obamacare. What this means is, the pro-life conservatives and Republicans want the unborn to live, but once the unborn becomes a living, breathing baby, it can die for all they care.

The article at the link, describes this case, a baby, born defective and who must have hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in medical treatments, and shows several other similar cases. All of these no-longer-unborn babies would be sh!t-out-of-luck if Trumpcare becomes law.

It is another, in a long list of examples proving the conservatives'/Republicans’ pro-life hypocrisy.

Toddler’s Staggering Hospital Bill Shows Just What’s At Stake In Obamacare Battle


View attachment 135943

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.


/---- Socialized medicine is a failure everywhere. Abortion is murder. Deal with it.

Sent from my iPhone using
Medical knowledge and technology have advanced considerably over the past few decades. Treatments that could only be imagined thirty or even twenty years ago are today routine. They are routine, but also expensive.
The United States, no, not the United States, but conservatives in the United States want us to be the only developed nation to NOT offer universal healthcare. Why, because it might cost the 0.1% more in taxes.

The article at the link below illustrates the contradiction of the conservatives'/Republicans’ supposedly pro-life stance. The child who is the main case in the article was born with “heterotaxy syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that can lead to the malformation or abnormal arrangement of internal organs.”

Ultra sound examinations and other examples of medical technology would have shown this malformation in the womb. But as we all know, the pro-lifers would never permit the mother an abortion, even if it had been necessary to save her life.

However, at the same time, pro-life conservatives and Republicans want to eliminate the availability of affordable medical coverage to low income individuals and families through Medicaid, or with the subsidies provided by Obamacare. What this means is, the pro-life conservatives and Republicans want the unborn to live, but once the unborn becomes a living, breathing baby, it can die for all they care.

The article at the link, describes this case, a baby, born defective and who must have hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in medical treatments, and shows several other similar cases. All of these no-longer-unborn babies would be sh!t-out-of-luck if Trumpcare becomes law.

It is another, in a long list of examples proving the conservatives'/Republicans’ pro-life hypocrisy.

Toddler’s Staggering Hospital Bill Shows Just What’s At Stake In Obamacare Battle


View attachment 135943

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.


/---- Socialized medicine is a failure everywhere. Abortion is murder. Deal with it.

Sent from my iPhone using
No one is proposing socialized medicine here so there is no point in even dealing with that.

Regarding abortion....

OK, for the sake of argument, let’s say that you’re right. Abortion is murder. I don’t agree, but I’ll give you that as a starting point. Then the question become, what purpose is served by shouting that over simplified, inflammatory rhetoric from the roof tops? Perhaps those of you who despise the idea of abortion can conceive of a better way to get your message out- a way that might actually gain a sympathetic ear- even among those who are prochoice.

Now, we know that those who are intent on ending abortion really mean ending legal abortion. Right? That, however will not end abortion. It will just mean that women will bleed to death with coat hangers in them, or have their insides burned out with chemicals. It will just mean that those who can afford it will be able to seek out a reasonably reputable and capable abortionist and those who can't will either get the back ally treatment, or wind up with an unwanted child that they are unable to care for financially or emotionally, who will wind up neglected or abused and eventually in foster care and later prison.

I don't like abortion either. I've experienced it and it is not good for anybody, But as a liberal, I see it as a necessary evil that can't be totally eliminated. I do think that it can and should be minimized by meaningful sex education, the availability of birth control, and supporting you people in a way that they feel good about themselves and their future. We can also minimize abortion by assuring people that if they carry that child to term we as a society and a nation will be there for them with financial aid like food stamps and other nutritional programs, with affordable pre school and day care programs, with housing assistance.

Too many pro life people are not really pro life but rather pro fetus. When it comes to prevention of pregnancy or programs for families with children they get stupid real fast. I can respect real pro life people if they are truly pro-life even if I don't agree with them. So how do you respond to the other issues that I raised…are you pro life or just pro fetus?
Medical knowledge and technology have advanced considerably over the past few decades. Treatments that could only be imagined thirty or even twenty years ago are today routine. They are routine, but also expensive.
The United States, no, not the United States, but conservatives in the United States want us to be the only developed nation to NOT offer universal healthcare. Why, because it might cost the 0.1% more in taxes.

The article at the link below illustrates the contradiction of the conservatives'/Republicans’ supposedly pro-life stance. The child who is the main case in the article was born with “heterotaxy syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that can lead to the malformation or abnormal arrangement of internal organs.”

Ultra sound examinations and other examples of medical technology would have shown this malformation in the womb. But as we all know, the pro-lifers would never permit the mother an abortion, even if it had been necessary to save her life.

However, at the same time, pro-life conservatives and Republicans want to eliminate the availability of affordable medical coverage to low income individuals and families through Medicaid, or with the subsidies provided by Obamacare. What this means is, the pro-life conservatives and Republicans want the unborn to live, but once the unborn becomes a living, breathing baby, it can die for all they care.

The article at the link, describes this case, a baby, born defective and who must have hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in medical treatments, and shows several other similar cases. All of these no-longer-unborn babies would be sh!t-out-of-luck if Trumpcare becomes law.

It is another, in a long list of examples proving the conservatives'/Republicans’ pro-life hypocrisy.

Toddler’s Staggering Hospital Bill Shows Just What’s At Stake In Obamacare Battle


View attachment 135943

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.


/---- Socialized medicine is a failure everywhere. Abortion is murder. Deal with it.

Sent from my iPhone using
No one is proposing socialized medicine here so there is no point in even dealing with that.

Regarding abortion....

OK, for the sake of argument, let’s say that you’re right. Abortion is murder. I don’t agree, but I’ll give you that as a starting point. Then the question become, what purpose is served by shouting that over simplified, inflammatory rhetoric from the roof tops? Perhaps those of you who despise the idea of abortion can conceive of a better way to get your message out- a way that might actually gain a sympathetic ear- even among those who are prochoice.

Now, we know that those who are intent on ending abortion really mean ending legal abortion. Right? That, however will not end abortion. It will just mean that women will bleed to death with coat hangers in them, or have their insides burned out with chemicals. It will just mean that those who can afford it will be able to seek out a reasonably reputable and capable abortionist and those who can't will either get the back ally treatment, or wind up with an unwanted child that they are unable to care for financially or emotionally, who will wind up neglected or abused and eventually in foster care and later prison.

I don't like abortion either. I've experienced it and it is not good for anybody, But as a liberal, I see it as a necessary evil that can't be totally eliminated. I do think that it can and should be minimized by meaningful sex education, the availability of birth control, and supporting you people in a way that they feel good about themselves and their future. We can also minimize abortion by assuring people that if they carry that child to term we as a society and a nation will be there for them with financial aid like food stamps and other nutritional programs, with affordable pre school and day care programs, with housing assistance.

Too many pro life people are not really pro life but rather pro fetus. When it comes to prevention of pregnancy or programs for families with children they get stupid real fast. I can respect real pro life people if they are truly pro-life even if I don't agree with them. So how do you respond to the other issues that I raised…are you pro life or just pro fetus?
/------ You posted: "No one is proposing socialized medicine here so there is no point in even dealing with that. " Well what do you think Single Payer is? What do you call the VA if not socialized medicine where the Gubmint owns the hospitals and employees the doctors and staff. regardless of Socialized or Single Payer - the Gubmint makes all the decisions. Geeeeze.
Medical knowledge and technology have advanced considerably over the past few decades. Treatments that could only be imagined thirty or even twenty years ago are today routine. They are routine, but also expensive.
The United States, no, not the United States, but conservatives in the United States want us to be the only developed nation to NOT offer universal healthcare. Why, because it might cost the 0.1% more in taxes.

The article at the link below illustrates the contradiction of the conservatives'/Republicans’ supposedly pro-life stance. The child who is the main case in the article was born with “heterotaxy syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that can lead to the malformation or abnormal arrangement of internal organs.”

Ultra sound examinations and other examples of medical technology would have shown this malformation in the womb. But as we all know, the pro-lifers would never permit the mother an abortion, even if it had been necessary to save her life.

However, at the same time, pro-life conservatives and Republicans want to eliminate the availability of affordable medical coverage to low income individuals and families through Medicaid, or with the subsidies provided by Obamacare. What this means is, the pro-life conservatives and Republicans want the unborn to live, but once the unborn becomes a living, breathing baby, it can die for all they care.

The article at the link, describes this case, a baby, born defective and who must have hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in medical treatments, and shows several other similar cases. All of these no-longer-unborn babies would be sh!t-out-of-luck if Trumpcare becomes law.

It is another, in a long list of examples proving the conservatives'/Republicans’ pro-life hypocrisy.

Toddler’s Staggering Hospital Bill Shows Just What’s At Stake In Obamacare Battle


View attachment 135943

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.


/---- Socialized medicine is a failure everywhere. Abortion is murder. Deal with it.

Sent from my iPhone using
No one is proposing socialized medicine here so there is no point in even dealing with that.

Regarding abortion....

OK, for the sake of argument, let’s say that you’re right. Abortion is murder. I don’t agree, but I’ll give you that as a starting point. Then the question become, what purpose is served by shouting that over simplified, inflammatory rhetoric from the roof tops? Perhaps those of you who despise the idea of abortion can conceive of a better way to get your message out- a way that might actually gain a sympathetic ear- even among those who are prochoice.

Now, we know that those who are intent on ending abortion really mean ending legal abortion. Right? That, however will not end abortion. It will just mean that women will bleed to death with coat hangers in them, or have their insides burned out with chemicals. It will just mean that those who can afford it will be able to seek out a reasonably reputable and capable abortionist and those who can't will either get the back ally treatment, or wind up with an unwanted child that they are unable to care for financially or emotionally, who will wind up neglected or abused and eventually in foster care and later prison.

I don't like abortion either. I've experienced it and it is not good for anybody, But as a liberal, I see it as a necessary evil that can't be totally eliminated. I do think that it can and should be minimized by meaningful sex education, the availability of birth control, and supporting you people in a way that they feel good about themselves and their future. We can also minimize abortion by assuring people that if they carry that child to term we as a society and a nation will be there for them with financial aid like food stamps and other nutritional programs, with affordable pre school and day care programs, with housing assistance.

Too many pro life people are not really pro life but rather pro fetus. When it comes to prevention of pregnancy or programs for families with children they get stupid real fast. I can respect real pro life people if they are truly pro-life even if I don't agree with them. So how do you respond to the other issues that I raised…are you pro life or just pro fetus?
/------ You posted: "No one is proposing socialized medicine here so there is no point in even dealing with that. " Well what do you think Single Payer is? What do you call the VA if not socialized medicine where the Gubmint owns the hospitals and employees the doctors and staff. regardless of Socialized or Single Payer - the Gubmint makes all the decisions. Geeeeze.

Single payer is socialized insurance like Medicaid and Medicare The VA is not what most people use and has nothing to do with the debate on healthcare

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Medical knowledge and technology have advanced considerably over the past few decades. Treatments that could only be imagined thirty or even twenty years ago are today routine. They are routine, but also expensive.
The United States, no, not the United States, but conservatives in the United States want us to be the only developed nation to NOT offer universal healthcare. Why, because it might cost the 0.1% more in taxes.

The article at the link below illustrates the contradiction of the conservatives'/Republicans’ supposedly pro-life stance. The child who is the main case in the article was born with “heterotaxy syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that can lead to the malformation or abnormal arrangement of internal organs.”

Ultra sound examinations and other examples of medical technology would have shown this malformation in the womb. But as we all know, the pro-lifers would never permit the mother an abortion, even if it had been necessary to save her life.

However, at the same time, pro-life conservatives and Republicans want to eliminate the availability of affordable medical coverage to low income individuals and families through Medicaid, or with the subsidies provided by Obamacare. What this means is, the pro-life conservatives and Republicans want the unborn to live, but once the unborn becomes a living, breathing baby, it can die for all they care.

The article at the link, describes this case, a baby, born defective and who must have hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in medical treatments, and shows several other similar cases. All of these no-longer-unborn babies would be sh!t-out-of-luck if Trumpcare becomes law.

It is another, in a long list of examples proving the conservatives'/Republicans’ pro-life hypocrisy.

Toddler’s Staggering Hospital Bill Shows Just What’s At Stake In Obamacare Battle


View attachment 135943

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.


/---- Socialized medicine is a failure everywhere. Abortion is murder. Deal with it.

Sent from my iPhone using
No one is proposing socialized medicine here so there is no point in even dealing with that.

Regarding abortion....

OK, for the sake of argument, let’s say that you’re right. Abortion is murder. I don’t agree, but I’ll give you that as a starting point. Then the question become, what purpose is served by shouting that over simplified, inflammatory rhetoric from the roof tops? Perhaps those of you who despise the idea of abortion can conceive of a better way to get your message out- a way that might actually gain a sympathetic ear- even among those who are prochoice.

Now, we know that those who are intent on ending abortion really mean ending legal abortion. Right? That, however will not end abortion. It will just mean that women will bleed to death with coat hangers in them, or have their insides burned out with chemicals. It will just mean that those who can afford it will be able to seek out a reasonably reputable and capable abortionist and those who can't will either get the back ally treatment, or wind up with an unwanted child that they are unable to care for financially or emotionally, who will wind up neglected or abused and eventually in foster care and later prison.

I don't like abortion either. I've experienced it and it is not good for anybody, But as a liberal, I see it as a necessary evil that can't be totally eliminated. I do think that it can and should be minimized by meaningful sex education, the availability of birth control, and supporting you people in a way that they feel good about themselves and their future. We can also minimize abortion by assuring people that if they carry that child to term we as a society and a nation will be there for them with financial aid like food stamps and other nutritional programs, with affordable pre school and day care programs, with housing assistance.

Too many pro life people are not really pro life but rather pro fetus. When it comes to prevention of pregnancy or programs for families with children they get stupid real fast. I can respect real pro life people if they are truly pro-life even if I don't agree with them. So how do you respond to the other issues that I raised…are you pro life or just pro fetus?
/------ You posted: "No one is proposing socialized medicine here so there is no point in even dealing with that. " Well what do you think Single Payer is? What do you call the VA if not socialized medicine where the Gubmint owns the hospitals and employees the doctors and staff. regardless of Socialized or Single Payer - the Gubmint makes all the decisions. Geeeeze.

Single payer is socialized insurance like Medicaid and Medicare The VA is not what most people use and has nothing to do with the debate on healthcare

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
/---- The VA failure is a shining example of what happens when the Gubmint runs an enterprise. St Jude's Children's' Hospital is the prime example of private healthcare. Now >>>>GOD FORBID<<<< if you or a loved one needed life saving care - where you you send them?
Medical knowledge and technology have advanced considerably over the past few decades. Treatments that could only be imagined thirty or even twenty years ago are today routine. They are routine, but also expensive.
The United States, no, not the United States, but conservatives in the United States want us to be the only developed nation to NOT offer universal healthcare. Why, because it might cost the 0.1% more in taxes.

The article at the link below illustrates the contradiction of the conservatives'/Republicans’ supposedly pro-life stance. The child who is the main case in the article was born with “heterotaxy syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that can lead to the malformation or abnormal arrangement of internal organs.”

Ultra sound examinations and other examples of medical technology would have shown this malformation in the womb. But as we all know, the pro-lifers would never permit the mother an abortion, even if it had been necessary to save her life.

However, at the same time, pro-life conservatives and Republicans want to eliminate the availability of affordable medical coverage to low income individuals and families through Medicaid, or with the subsidies provided by Obamacare. What this means is, the pro-life conservatives and Republicans want the unborn to live, but once the unborn becomes a living, breathing baby, it can die for all they care.

The article at the link, describes this case, a baby, born defective and who must have hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in medical treatments, and shows several other similar cases. All of these no-longer-unborn babies would be sh!t-out-of-luck if Trumpcare becomes law.

It is another, in a long list of examples proving the conservatives'/Republicans’ pro-life hypocrisy.

Toddler’s Staggering Hospital Bill Shows Just What’s At Stake In Obamacare Battle


View attachment 135943

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.


/---- Socialized medicine is a failure everywhere. Abortion is murder. Deal with it.

Sent from my iPhone using
No one is proposing socialized medicine here so there is no point in even dealing with that.

Regarding abortion....

OK, for the sake of argument, let’s say that you’re right. Abortion is murder. I don’t agree, but I’ll give you that as a starting point. Then the question become, what purpose is served by shouting that over simplified, inflammatory rhetoric from the roof tops? Perhaps those of you who despise the idea of abortion can conceive of a better way to get your message out- a way that might actually gain a sympathetic ear- even among those who are prochoice.

Now, we know that those who are intent on ending abortion really mean ending legal abortion. Right? That, however will not end abortion. It will just mean that women will bleed to death with coat hangers in them, or have their insides burned out with chemicals. It will just mean that those who can afford it will be able to seek out a reasonably reputable and capable abortionist and those who can't will either get the back ally treatment, or wind up with an unwanted child that they are unable to care for financially or emotionally, who will wind up neglected or abused and eventually in foster care and later prison.

I don't like abortion either. I've experienced it and it is not good for anybody, But as a liberal, I see it as a necessary evil that can't be totally eliminated. I do think that it can and should be minimized by meaningful sex education, the availability of birth control, and supporting you people in a way that they feel good about themselves and their future. We can also minimize abortion by assuring people that if they carry that child to term we as a society and a nation will be there for them with financial aid like food stamps and other nutritional programs, with affordable pre school and day care programs, with housing assistance.

Too many pro life people are not really pro life but rather pro fetus. When it comes to prevention of pregnancy or programs for families with children they get stupid real fast. I can respect real pro life people if they are truly pro-life even if I don't agree with them. So how do you respond to the other issues that I raised…are you pro life or just pro fetus?
/------ You posted: "No one is proposing socialized medicine here so there is no point in even dealing with that. " Well what do you think Single Payer is? What do you call the VA if not socialized medicine where the Gubmint owns the hospitals and employees the doctors and staff. regardless of Socialized or Single Payer - the Gubmint makes all the decisions. Geeeeze.

Single payer is socialized insurance like Medicaid and Medicare The VA is not what most people use and has nothing to do with the debate on healthcare

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
/---- The VA failure is a shining example of what happens when the Gubmint runs an enterprise. St Jude's Children's' Hospital is the prime example of private healthcare. Now >>>>GOD FORBID<<<< if you or a loved one needed life saving care - where you you send them?
Do you have anything besides logical fallacies. ? By jabbering about the VA, you are committing at least two.

1. False Analogy
Analogies are very useful as they allow us to draw lessons from the familiar and apply them to the unfamiliar. Life is like a box of chocolate – you never know what you’re going to get.

A false analogy is an argument based upon an assumed similarity between two things, people, or situations when in fact the two things being compared are not similar in the manner invoked.

2. A Red Herring intended to divert attention away from the actual topic

Sure the VA has problems, but you can't point to it and conclude that everything that the gubbbimint touches turns to shit. And again, whether we are talking about Obamacare or a single payer system, it is not comparable to the VA or any system of socialized medicine.

Now maybe you would like to get back to the OP and tell us what you would like seen done for that child. Tell us more about just how pro life you are.

Saying that the probability of a complex organism evolving by chance is the same as a tornado ripping through a junkyard and created a 747 by chance is a false analogy. Evolution, in fact, does not work by chance but is the non-random accumulation of favorable changes.
Last edited:
More stupidity by someone who is probably "pro life"

GOP Congressman Laughs Off Prenatal Coverage: ‘Why Do We Have To Pay For That Coverage That We Can’t Use?’ | Right Wing Watch

I have some concerns because, one thing, they still guarantee coverage for ten essential conditions,” Olson said, “and one of those conditions—this is care for all, includes you and me—it’s prenatal care. …I think we all have what we call an X chromosome. You, me, JP, Tom and Chuck have those, which means we can’t have a baby. Why do we have to pay for that coverage that we can’t use?”

Because you dumb fuck, you or another male person participated in the creation of that child. For another thing, that is just how insurance works. You pay for coverage that you may never need and others pay for coverage that they may never need.......but YOU MIGHT NEED IT.

Lastly, moron, if children are born with illnesses or defects that could have been prevented by pre natal care, WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK WILL PAY FOR THAT?

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