Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle

The yes indeed in the rush to Harry's money and the Royal Halls, this woman has given up her country, her religion and her career.

That's where problems starr.

it's all about the money?

It is twu wuv.

Harry, who has the money and title gives up nothing.

your opinion, 'wuv'.
I really feel dumb. I'm an avid fan of the USA Network show Suits and it never once dawned on me that she played an important role in that show. There she was also half White and half African with an African father.

They wrote her out of the show before the announcement was made and I wonder how they did it.
Such a collection of incredible assholes on this thread, with a meaningless obsession about someone's race. No wonder this country is falling down, considering the mindless ignorance it contains. Take a look back at post #332, by DOTR. Full of "you"s, as if this person knew me and had any idea of my thoughts.
Two seemingly nice people announce that they are in love and wish to make it official. Why not just wish them well? This is what normal people do. Although there has been ample use of the word "liberal" (whatever this actually means) in these postings, there is nothing political here. There is nothing that involves politics in wishing the lovebirds good luck and happiness. Why are we living in an era in which hate seems to be en vogue? I can't see why we can't just raise a glass to celebrate the happy couple.
Such a collection of incredible assholes on this thread, with a meaningless obsession about someone's race. No wonder this country is falling down, considering the mindless ignorance it contains. Take a look back at post #332, by DOTR. Full of "you"s, as if this person knew me and had any idea of my thoughts.
Two seemingly nice people announce that they are in love and wish to make it official. Why not just wish them well? This is what normal people do. Although there has been ample use of the word "liberal" (whatever this actually means) in these postings, there is nothing political here. There is nothing that involves politics in wishing the lovebirds good luck and happiness. Why are we living in an era in which hate seems to be en vogue? I can't see why we can't just raise a glass to celebrate the happy couple.

Mindful...lysystrata would like a word with you.

How times have changed.

American, divorced, and bi-racial.
Why can't we all just wish this couple every happiness together? There is nothing political here. Just two people who found each other. They will be together in the early hours of the night in the same bed. Hugging, kissing, and hopefully having some right, good you-know-what. In this era of hate, call we not just celebrate love?

They've been in the same bed for quite sometime. I don't think that will be an appreciable change.
So? You can't support heterosexual love? Your "victim" garbage doesn't matter. If people are subjected to bad behavior by others, yes, they are "victims." The people with the philosophy of blaming people who are subjected to bad behavior by others, instead of blaming those who perpetrated this aggressive behavior, are accountable and must be held to it.
If Markle wants to hold others eternally accountable because she was subjected to bad behavior, she can certainly do that. She just won't be very happy in a family who lives in service to white Brits. If she wants to live as an American black victim she is buying a life of misery. Or at least as long as it lasts. Harry has plenty to pay her off.
Why bother? Although I have a deep affection for the United Kingdom, love the City of London, love the British Museum and the pub across the way, have fond memories of Somerset, particularly of Wells and Glastonbury, and once walked around the Cathedral at Canterbury at midnight, hoping to see Becket's ghost, I have no need for this test. I already have U.S. citizenship by birthright, and both of my parents were born in the U.S.A. as well.
The royal family's blood is being contaminated by commoners!
Get rid of that hemophiliac gene.

No member of the Royal Family carries this gene. You may be thinking of the murdered Tsarina of Russia. But not the British monarchy.
The late wife of the last Russian emperor was a German, Princess Alexandra of Hess, who was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England and her royal Consort, Albert. But why is this an issue?
What happened to this couple and their five children one hundred years ago was awful. Disgusting. I also question why there ever should be autocratic rule anywhere on the planet.
But what comes down to us in history is that the last Tsar, Nicolas, and the last Tsarina, Alexandra of Hess, loved each other and their children.
The royal family's blood is being contaminated by commoners!
Get rid of that hemophiliac gene.

No member of the Royal Family carries this gene. You may be thinking of the murdered Tsarina of Russia. But not the British monarchy.
The late wife of the last Russian emperor was a German, Princess Alexandra of Hess, who was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England and her royal Consort, Albert. But why is this an issue?
What happened to this couple and their five children one hundred years ago was awful. Disgusting. I also question why there ever should be autocratic rule anywhere on the planet.
But what comes down to us in history is that the last Tsar, Nicolas, and the last Tsarina, Alexandra of Hess, loved each other and their children.
You have an almost childish preoccupation with love. It's quite Disneyish. Romance novels are your favorite, right?
The royal family's blood is being contaminated by commoners!
Get rid of that hemophiliac gene.
No member of the Royal Family carries this gene. You may be thinking of the murdered Tsarina of Russia. But not the British monarchy.
The late wife of the last Russian emperor was a German, Princess Alexandra of Hess, who was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England and her royal Consort, Albert. But why is this an issue?
What happened to this couple and their five children one hundred years ago was awful. Disgusting. I also question why there ever should be autocratic rule anywhere on the planet.
But what comes down to us in history is that the last Tsar, Nicolas, and the last Tsarina, Alexandra of Hess, loved each other and their children.
You have an almost childish preoccupation with love. It's quite Disneyish. Romance novels are your favorite, right?
Absolutely not. Never read one, actually. Liked Criminal Minds, Crossing Jordan, Hill Street Blues. I am a fan of Lt. Joe Kenda on ID. Never watched soaps. Never saw an episode of Dallas I do not understand this dismissal of human emotions, though. Why you reject human emotion remains unexplained. Must be a weakness of yours. People are not robots. I remain a fan of human happiness. Must be because I'm a human.
Such a collection of incredible assholes on this thread, with a meaningless obsession about someone's race. No wonder this country is falling down, considering the mindless ignorance it contains. Take a look back at post #332, by DOTR. Full of "you"s, as if this person knew me and had any idea of my thoughts.
Two seemingly nice people announce that they are in love and wish to make it official. Why not just wish them well? This is what normal people do. Although there has been ample use of the word "liberal" (whatever this actually means) in these postings, there is nothing political here. There is nothing that involves politics in wishing the lovebirds good luck and happiness. Why are we living in an era in which hate seems to be en vogue? I can't see why we can't just raise a glass to celebrate the happy couple.

Multiculturalism always causes tensions.

You Brits are some of the most mindless people I've ever seen.
Such a collection of incredible assholes on this thread, with a meaningless obsession about someone's race. No wonder this country is falling down, considering the mindless ignorance it contains. Take a look back at post #332, by DOTR. Full of "you"s, as if this person knew me and had any idea of my thoughts.
Two seemingly nice people announce that they are in love and wish to make it official. Why not just wish them well? This is what normal people do. Although there has been ample use of the word "liberal" (whatever this actually means) in these postings, there is nothing political here. There is nothing that involves politics in wishing the lovebirds good luck and happiness. Why are we living in an era in which hate seems to be en vogue? I can't see why we can't just raise a glass to celebrate the happy couple.

Multiculturalism always causes tensions.

You Brits are some of the most mindless people I've ever seen.

Thanks a lot. I luv you too :boohoo:
Such a collection of incredible assholes on this thread, with a meaningless obsession about someone's race. No wonder this country is falling down, considering the mindless ignorance it contains. Take a look back at post #332, by DOTR. Full of "you"s, as if this person knew me and had any idea of my thoughts.
Two seemingly nice people announce that they are in love and wish to make it official. Why not just wish them well? This is what normal people do. Although there has been ample use of the word "liberal" (whatever this actually means) in these postings, there is nothing political here. There is nothing that involves politics in wishing the lovebirds good luck and happiness. Why are we living in an era in which hate seems to be en vogue? I can't see why we can't just raise a glass to celebrate the happy couple.

Multiculturalism always causes tensions.

You Brits are some of the most mindless people I've ever seen.
I am not British. I am an American, born in one of the original colonies and my late parents where both American and born in the original 13 colonies. I am entitled to carry an American passport where ever I roam.
While Kate was carrying out the engagement in London, her husband William, also 35, was on a two-day visit to Finland. During the tour, William expressed how happy he is for his younger brother Prince Harry, 33, who has just announced his engagement to Suits actress Meghan Markle.

"For me personally, I hope it means he stays out of my fridge and will stop him from scrounging my food, which he's done for the last few years," William quipped while visiting one of Helsinki's ice rinks to see the work of Icehearts — a child welfare charity.

However in all seriousness, the future King admitted that he's "very excited" for Harry and his future sister-in-law. William said: "Delighted for the both [of them] and wishing them all the happiness in this very exciting time."
From Mark Steyn today.

~What is the correct attitude when a freeborn citizen of Britain's rebel colonies chooses to betray the revolution and marry into the reviled and rejected Royal house? The Washington Post knows how to parade on the reign:

Meghan Markle's U.S. Citizenship Could Cause Tax Headaches For British Royal Family

As the Post sees it, this isn't a story about an American marrying into the Royal Family, but about the Royal Family marrying into the IRS. Their wedding message to the Queen is: Don't look on it as losing a grandson, but as gaining an audit. And, unlike most recent Royal marriages, Lois Lerner is forever:

"U.S. citizens are subject to U.S. tax obligations regardless of their country of residence," Peter Spiro, a Temple University law professor and the author of "At Home in Two Countries: The Past and Future of Dual Citizenship," wrote in an email to The Washington Post. "A member of the royal family would be treated just like anyone else."

By contrast, if Prince Harry were to move to the United States to live with Markle, he would not be expected to file taxes in Britain. The United States' citizenship-based taxation system is unusual: Only Eritrea has a similar system. It's a relic of the Civil War and the Revenue Act of 1862, which called for the taxing of U.S. citizens abroad — in part to punish men who fled the country to avoid joining the military.

How much more satisfying to punish women who flee the country to join George III's garden parties. It would be too much to expect the Republican Congress to remove this anomalous affront. God forbid the US tax code should cease to be competitive with Eritrea.

PS Miss Markle, an American divorcée, is posterity's jest on Wallis Simpson: During the abdication crisis, Stanley Baldwin took soundings from his fellow prime ministers and reported back to the palace that, while in Britain Mrs Simpson was unacceptable because she was divorced, in Canada she was unacceptable because she was American.

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