Prices of Canceled Dr Seuss Books Skyrocket

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Prices of Canceled Dr Seuss Books Skyrocket
This is a great time to invest in physical manifestations of American culture, which will become increasingly scarce due to the progressive drive to erase our heritage and identity. Already the thought police have moved beyond all things Southern and have started erasing Americana as anodyne as the works of Dr Seuss. Consequently, Dr Seuss books that have been canceled for being ideologically problematic are fetching a pretty penny:
Suddenly on Tuesday, after the company that publishes Dr. Seuss books announced it would stop selling six of his titles — “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street,” “If I Ran the Zoo,” “McElligot’s Pool,” “On Beyond Zebra!,” “Scrambled Eggs Super!” and “The Cat’s Quizzer” — those books could not be found on for their normal prices, and any editions for sale had astronomical prices.
For example, when searching for “If I Ran The Zoo,” the Amazon site listed “1 new,” “1 used,” and “1 collectible,” but when clicking on the links for “new” or “used,” a message popped up reading, “Currently there are no other sellers matching your location and/or item specification.” Yet a “collectible” link showed the book available for $1,500.
Imagine how much you might get for the last DVD of Gone With the Wind.

Eventually, we will reach the part where Democrat authorities go house to house confiscating forbidden cultural relics, as was done by the Red Guard during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Ray Bradbury predicted what we will do next in Fahrenheit 451: memorize the books, so that they will not be totally lost to tyranny.

On tips from Dragon’s Lair and Blackjack

All links highlighted
Also beware of chineeeee knock offs
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Any ideas on how to stop this censorship? One thing I can think of doing is boycotting all companies that are censoring and or funding censorship. We have to hit their bottom line.
Any ideas on how to stop this censorship? One thing I can think of doing is boycotting all companies that are censoring and or funding censorship. We have to hit their bottom line.
The left will not stop until Americans push back
Any ideas on how to stop this censorship? One thing I can think of doing is boycotting all companies that are censoring and or funding censorship. We have to hit their bottom line.
The left will not stop until Americans push back

It shouldn't be to hard because I noticed most people on the left are pansies. They will just go run and cry to their mommies. All bark and no bite like little chihuahuas.
Wait till libs make it a crime to possess racist or hate literature,

as defined by libs

Imagine being sent to a lib re-education camp for having a Dr Suess book
Wait till libs make it a crime to possess racist or hate literature,

as defined by libs

Imagine being sent to a lib re-education camp for having a Dr Suess book

I think what is going to happen, is it won't be long and has already started where they will even be eating their own. They aren't the smartest bunch. They are like little mind controlled droids.
Any ideas on how to stop this censorship? One thing I can think of doing is boycotting all companies that are censoring and or funding censorship. We have to hit their bottom line.
The left will not stop until Americans push back

It shouldn't be to hard because I noticed most people on the left are pansies. They will just go run and cry to their mommies. All bark and no bite like little chihuahuas.
Its kinda zero hour ...theyre not angry or desperate enough yet....regular Americans that is
Any ideas on how to stop this censorship? One thing I can think of doing is boycotting all companies that are censoring and or funding censorship. We have to hit their bottom line.
The left will not stop until Americans push back

It shouldn't be to hard because I noticed most people on the left are pansies. They will just go run and cry to their mommies. All bark and no bite like little chihuahuas.
Its kinda zero hour ...theyre not angry or desperate enough yet....regular Americans that is

It only takes a few to change the many. In fact, that is what usually happen. Most of the people like sheep go along with any program if it comes from an "official". You really can't expect much of the population to do anything besides go along with the programs. And they will. It is really up to us concerned and enlightened few, to actually do anything about it.
I think what is going to happen, is it won't be long and has already started where they will even be eating their own. They aren't the smartest bunch. They are like little mind controlled droids.
I think Dr Suess was a liberal in the good sense of the word

but modern liberals in America are like many of the worst characters in his books
Any ideas on how to stop this censorship? One thing I can think of doing is boycotting all companies that are censoring and or funding censorship. We have to hit their bottom line.
Conservatives need to boycott these massive corporations altogether.

Once they reach a certain size, they become the Deep State.
Any ideas on how to stop this censorship? One thing I can think of doing is boycotting all companies that are censoring and or funding censorship. We have to hit their bottom line.
Conservatives need to boycott these massive corporations altogether.

Once they reach a certain size, they become the Deep State.

Not just conservatives but libertarians also.

Yes, it is interesting how, once they become big they become tyrannical. I do know though that DARPA and outfits like that were part in the development of Facebook and Google. I think their are some connections in Amazon also. Either that or Jeff Bezos sold his soul to the Cult(Cabal) to get money and power. Kind of odd how he became so big, just by selling books.
I love it. This is what the right wing in America has come to. Their ideals, their belief systems, their political views are all being slowly rejected. They've never been able to govern..or make policy...or even look like they give a shit about anyone or anything that doesn't look like them or believe what they believe. So instead of actually addressing the nation's issues what do they run to?...Mr Potato Head and Dr. Suess!! Back To The Culture Wars Part 2. LOL. :auiqs.jpg:You righties really have nothing left in the tank do you?

If you pay $1500 for a Dr. Suess book, you're a moron...or you're just looking to make cash in a resell.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but does being cancelled mean that new copies of the products in question will no longer be made?

God bless you always!!!

I love it. This is what the right wing in America has come to. Their ideals, their belief systems, their political views are all being slowly rejected. They've never been able to govern..or make policy...or even look like they give a shit about anyone or anything that doesn't look like them or believe what they believe. So instead of actually addressing the nation's issues what do they run to?...Mr Potato Head and Dr. Suess!! Back To The Culture Wars Part 2. LOL. :auiqs.jpg:You righties really have nothing left in the tank do you?

If you pay $1500 for a Dr. Suess book, you're a moron...or you're just looking to make cash in a resell.
You think the nations major issues are climate change, ,systemic waycism , white supremacy, and Qanon ...but only becuase youre a moron
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but does being cancelled mean that new copies of the products in question will no longer be made?

God bless you always!!!

I dont think so unless someone buys the rights and starts printing again ....

Welcome to hall monitor nation ....
I love it. This is what the right wing in America has come to. Their ideals, their belief systems, their political views are all being slowly rejected. They've never been able to govern..or make policy...or even look like they give a shit about anyone or anything that doesn't look like them or believe what they believe. So instead of actually addressing the nation's issues what do they run to?...Mr Potato Head and Dr. Suess!! Back To The Culture Wars Part 2. LOL. :auiqs.jpg:You righties really have nothing left in the tank do you?

If you pay $1500 for a Dr. Suess book, you're a moron...or you're just looking to make cash in a resell.
You think the nations major issues are climate change, ,systemic waycism , white supremacy, and Qanon ...but only becuase youre a moron

Well, you can lump climate change (the environment) in there if you wish but my selections are taxes, healthcare, infrastructure, wage inequality, energy development, and yes..race relations. With all these major issues facing the country what are Republicans, conservatives, the entire right wing focusing on?....Dr. Suess and Mr Potato Head. Fitting. They have no policy ideas and their belief system has been shown to be an abject failure so let's go for the ole culture war division. :)
I mean, they had 10 years to come up with a suitable healthcare plan replacement and couldn't do that, so may as well go for the stuff ya know!

The insurrectionists are being rounded up, the white supremacists are going into hiding, QAnon has been shown to be a joke, and the carnival barker has been banished to Florida.
And you're still a maroon if you pay $1500 for one of the six Dr Suess book that no one really heard of.
^^^ Wow, I thought the goal was to sell what works. What makes them people think that the books no longer have the right kind of "magic"?

God bless you always!!!


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