Pretty damning poll for Hindin' Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Majorities disapprove of Trump's "performance" on Corvid19 and think his econ policies favor large corps and the rich … and he's still beating Biden.

Biden might want to try this new fangled thing called the internet and social media. I'm sure his basement is very comfy, but still he might actually give an effort
how many millions of people havent seen Joe Biden speak lately? how many of us will it take to convince us that Biden's brain is like a duracell battery reaching 88.9% useage? 200 million?
I've been slow to jump on the 'he's got dementia train' but he has to get out there and be seen.

He does not look good during his limited air time, that's for sure. Limiting it further only feeds the appearance that he can't complete a thought without someone shocking his chair to snap him back into focus.
i wonder if Joe will refer to both moderators as "Chuck" or Barbara in all three debates
Plugs is listening to the record player and reminiscing about the good ol' days when you could finger a staffer and she'd keep her mouth shut..... <sigh>

Poor Jill is his Visiting Angel and probably about ready to strangle him if he shits the bed one more time....
Well, to be fair to the dims, if the non-dim/socialist angry old fart hadn't been running, then the dims may have chosen a candidate who wouldn't most likely be in Depends and needing nursing services before 2024
Give an effort? All he will do is further embarrass himself. Poor guy is losing it.
Majorities disapprove of Trump's "performance" on Corvid19 and think his econ policies favor large corps and the rich … and he's still beating Biden.

Biden might want to try this new fangled thing called the internet and social media. I'm sure his basement is very comfy, but still he might actually give an effort

That sounds like a fake poll to me. Michigan and Pennsylvania are firmly in Biden's camp. Wisconsin suggests it could move to Democrats after the Republican backed Supreme Court justice was beaten by a solid margin.
seems to be the only way for trump to run a campaign is with smear tactics so his candyass drones are showing up now -

in the past that worked along with other POSITIVE points like unemployment, the economy, slapping 3rd world countries around etc etc - guess what ?

special interest groups are going to ream trumps fat ass with Covid19 FACTS and fuck Capt. Combover 6 ways from sunday -

bad joe vs 20 million unemployed, 60 thousand dead, no mask wearing big shots ????

Goldilocks better take a double dose of skeeter meds , shove a uv wand up his ass all the way to his eyebrows, and get Prayin' Pence in high gear -
seems to be the only way for trump to run a campaign is with smear tactics so his candyass drones are showing up now -

in the past that worked along with other POSITIVE points like unemployment, the economy, slapping 3rd world countries around etc etc - guess what ?

special interest groups are going to ream trumps fat ass with Covid19 FACTS and fuck Capt. Combover 6 ways from sunday -

bad joe vs 20 million unemployed, 60 thousand dead, no mask wearing big shots ????

Goldilocks better take a double dose of skeeter meds , shove a uv wand up his ass all the way to his eyebrows, and get Prayin' Pence in high gear -

Libs have been running smear campaigns for a couple of decades now. They hate it since orange man is rubbing their face in their own vomit.
seems to be the only way for trump to run a campaign is with smear tactics so his candyass drones are showing up now -

in the past that worked along with other POSITIVE points like unemployment, the economy, slapping 3rd world countries around etc etc - guess what ?

special interest groups are going to ream trumps fat ass with Covid19 FACTS and fuck Capt. Combover 6 ways from sunday -

bad joe vs 20 million unemployed, 60 thousand dead, no mask wearing big shots ????

Goldilocks better take a double dose of skeeter meds , shove a uv wand up his ass all the way to his eyebrows, and get Prayin' Pence in high gear -

Libs have been running smear campaigns for a couple of decades now. They hate it since orange man is rubbing their face in their own vomit.

its noon - time for your glass of Clorox -
Majorities disapprove of Trump's "performance" on Corvid19 and think his econ policies favor large corps and the rich … and he's still beating Biden.

Biden might want to try this new fangled thing called the internet and social media. I'm sure his basement is very comfy, but still he might actually give an effort

That sounds like a fake poll to me. Michigan and Pennsylvania are firmly in Biden's camp. Wisconsin suggests it could move to Democrats after the Republican backed Supreme Court justice was beaten by a solid margin.
I can but hope and pray. But for the love of Christ, any of the governors who ran in the dem primary could state a better reason than Biden why Trump is screwing this up beyond something Terry Pratchett could have dreamed
seems to be the only way for trump to run a campaign is with smear tactics so his candyass drones are showing up now -

in the past that worked along with other POSITIVE points like unemployment, the economy, slapping 3rd world countries around etc etc - guess what ?

special interest groups are going to ream trumps fat ass with Covid19 FACTS and fuck Capt. Combover 6 ways from sunday -

bad joe vs 20 million unemployed, 60 thousand dead, no mask wearing big shots ????

Goldilocks better take a double dose of skeeter meds , shove a uv wand up his ass all the way to his eyebrows, and get Prayin' Pence in high gear -

Libs have been running smear campaigns for a couple of decades now. They hate it since orange man is rubbing their face in their own vomit.

its noon - time for your glass of Clorox -

You ate all the trump clorox tablets. There's none left. Im going out to get some UV vitamin d then.
Oh stop. LOL

Really, I've no doubt Trump is tanking with all but the Trumpanzees. But whether Joe's gonna get any turnout ….. I dunno.

Trump's running a negative campaign to accuse Biden of what Trump's actually done, and it's a classic strategy to foreclose turnout …. worked for HW and Obama. So far, the only reason Biden's given for someone to vote for him is that he's not Trump. I just don't see how that can be enough, esp when Trump's running divisive issues towards the suburban women and Bernie voters.
Oh stop. LOL

Really, I've no doubt Trump is tanking with all but the Trumpanzees. But whether Joe's gonna get any turnout ….. I dunno.

Trump's running a negative campaign to accuse Biden of what Trump's actually done, and it's a classic strategy to foreclose turnout …. worked for HW and Obama. So far, the only reason Biden's given for someone to vote for him is that he's not Trump. I just don't see how that can be enough, esp when Trump's running divisive issues towards the suburban women and Bernie voters.

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