Well well look what we have here

USSC in a 9-0 decision (take note left wing loons) remember bridgegate in New Jersey????
Nice find. I agree. They were corrupt (and possibly ran afoul of state laws prohibiting corruption to benefit a sitting governor) but they didn't do wire fraud. Wire fraud is more about making money through fraud.

USSC in a 9-0 decision (take note left wing loons) remember bridgegate in New Jersey????
Nice find. I agree. They were corrupt (and possibly ran afoul of state laws prohibiting corruption to benefit a sitting governor) but they didn't do wire fraud. Wire fraud is more about making money through fraud.
There was some political hardball going on, no question, they may have pushed the envelope over the edge in that regard, but the feds went way overboard as shown by the USSC.
Jailing innocent people has become more and more of a habit for Leftists....much like how DESTROYING someone's entire life if they do not agree with you politically is a staple for Democrats. (Just ask Kavanaugh, Flynn....)
The left has become so dishonest and creepy that I don't know how anyone can call themselves a leftists....
Two things missing in your remarks.

1. All the liberal judges voted to dismiss the charges.

2. This decision had nothing to do whether those two nitwits did what they did. It had to do with whether what they did rose to the level of a federal defense.

Rock on morons.
Imagine that!
Yeah, remember all the left wing noise about this. Now we hear crickets.

As we have seen, and are seeing today, the left makes a huge thing out of nothing. They've criticized Melania's shoes, that one time she didn't hold Donald's hand, that she was walking behind him instead of next to him, the way she decorated the White House for Christmas, just anything. Then they will talk about it for several days if not weeks.

While Bridgegate was not 24/7 coverage, they did talk about it for well over a month. Outside of NJ, who really cared?
i love Fit Christie. he has the same fighting style as Trump!

Trump congratulated Chris on twitter moments ago:

"Congratulations to Chris Christie and all others involved on a complete and total exoneration (with a 9-0 vote by the SC) on the Obama DOJ Scam referred to as Bridgegate. The Democrats are getting caught doing very evil things, and Republicans should take note. This was grave misconduct by the Obama Justice Department! "
The left has become so dishonest and creepy that I don't know how anyone can call themselves a leftists....
Two things missing in your remarks.

1. All the liberal judges voted to dismiss the charges.

2. This decision had nothing to do whether those two nitwits did what they did. It had to do with whether what they did rose to the level of a federal defense.

Rock on morons.
What cannot be undone is the damage that was visited upon all of the people dragged through the mud who had nothing to do with this incident by the prosecutorial misconduct and personal vindictiveness of Paul Fishman.

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