President Trump Overrides Obama Veto, Declassifies 9/11 Saudi's Name


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
It's about time someone did this. Obama tried to hide this information from those who wanted to sue the Saudis for 9/11.

"The Trump administration decided Thursday to declassify a key name long sought by relatives of 9/11 victims who are suing Saudi Arabia over allegations of that country's involvement, but declined to release the name publicly.

The name of the individual, which the 9/11 families believe may support their allegation of Saudi involvement in the terror attacks, will be disclosed to the plaintiff's lawyers under a protective order. The order makes it illegal for those attorneys to release the name to the public, meaning the identity of the individual will remain a secret at least for now.

The decision by the FBI and the Justice Department was a partial victory for the 9/11 families, who have been fighting in court to compel the Trump administration to hand over the name. Terry Strada, who chairs the group 9/11 Families & Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorism, called it "a good result."

U.S. declassifies key name in Saudi-9/11 suit, but won't release it publicly
I wish the families all the luck in the world.

Anyone who thinks the Saudi's didn't know about the attack is an idiot. The Saud's know everything going on in their country.

I hope they get sued for billions and they lose.

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